Why don't Asians ever drive European or American cars?

Why don't Asians ever drive European or American cars?

They always stick to Japanese or Korean brands

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You kidding right? I see Asian kids with Mercedes and BMWs all the fucking time. Rich Asian guys always drive Mercedes. You always see 2nd/3rd gen Asian housewives driving huge GM SUVs and Dodge Pacificas.

Yeah, in my country it's always white bmws for some reason

Come to my uni and you’ll see all the international chinks driving BMW, Porsche, Aston Martin, Mercedes, and even a fucking Lambo.

It doesn't matter what brand they have. Daddy's money will pay for whatever they want. There's some Asian dude at my school with a Camaro zl1 lmao. I've seen Asian dudes under 20 driving GTRs, Porsches, anything they like.

I'm friends with a chinese exchange student. He was offered to get an SLS or GTS as his first car from his parents, but he decided to get a C300 instead and put more money towards modifying it.
But yeah, plenty of exotics you'll see with rich asians driving them in SoCal unis and whatnot.

Why not the C63 AMG? Seems like a better choice if you want a tuned sedan.

I thought the same thing too. I don't know, I guess he wanted something more practical as a daily driver and low-key. Either way, I love the car, and the modifications are tastefully done.

kek which UBC faculty are you in?

Go to Vancouver
Also I'm pretty sure Mercedes sells extremely well in Japan and Lincoln/Buick sells huge in China

I’m asian and drive a white bmw

wat? here in Canada lots of Asians drive Mercedes and BMW, i worked in a shop and lots of them would import JDM spec Mercedes and BMW even. Hongcouver is the same, old asians also love Buick

Buick in China is the status symbol as a Mercedes to an American

I'm an Asian male and after 10 years of driving a civic, prelude, and an accord in that order I will be getting a e46 soon.

Rrra, get out firrthy lice nigger!

the opposite is true, they literally only drive European cars

Asian doctors love BMW what the fuck are you talking about

90% of the Audis I see are driven by asians

We (chinese) love their reliability so much we're making them more reliable by selling them all their plastic made parts.

Im asian I have a pontiac and a bmw.

Shit thread. OP confirmed for not at all living in the real world.

Asian people have a stigma just like other normies that German luxury brands (Audi, BMW, Merc) are the top cars to drive. They recognize the cheaper, copycat nature of Hyundai Genesis, etc. At least the ones who can afford entry level luxury for their kids. Otherwise it's just a new Civic or some shit

We (asians) like consistency and reliability and, don't ask me to explain exactly why but I would assume because Germans also make precision instruments like lenses, think Germans and the Japanese make the most reliable cars.

am asian, drive an audi and ride a ducati.

my dad is an asian doctor and he loves BMW. i'm asian too (obvs) and my car is japanese but my next one might be euro

In Sydney all the Asians drive (or aspire to drive) Mercedes, BMW, etc

The ones without money, sure plenty of Accords and Camwows, but these people are obsessed with brands, which is why China has so many Manchester united fans

Lel I'm Korean and pic related is my car
But yeah seems like I'm the anomaly

they drive euro cars all the time.
what they won't drive is American or Australian cars.

Why are your high beams pointed down?

The plastic brackets that hold the headlight adjustment screws were stripped and couldn't be adjusted. It's fixed now

In D.C., fobs drive old euro cars, and successful Asians drive Japanese cars.

Fobs like status symbols and will go broke trying to look rich. Regular successful Asians understand priorities better.

Every asian in vancouver drives a mercedes/bmw. Usually a fuckhuge white suv.

i know a couple asians who drive lifted duramax lbz's

i always thought that was p normal though, all kinds of douchebags are attracted to trucks.

Most Asians are waaayyyy too cheap to drive a big truck. I do see it sometimes but it's rare.

I live in Northern Jersey(which is literally little Seoul for the amount of Koreans who live around the Fort Lee area). I've seen more Koreans drive BMW/Lexus/Mercedes than any other brand.

>He's never seen a Mercedes driver before.
>He's never seen a BMW driver

Mercedes isn't a status symbol at least in the Bay Area now it's the Tesla. Every rich tech fag owns one.

I'm Asian and I drive a Porsche 911. Come at me poorfags.

Teslas are a dime a dozen here, not a status symbol at all.



I saw a few fiats when I was in Japan earlier this year.