Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
asuka is not a slut! dont post lewd asuka!
Would it be fair to cal UNIEL the street fighter of anime?
Also play UNIEL.
Care to um
You know
5 star post nigga
Give Sol Sidewinder back
does BO keepaway count
Hearthstone = Smash
Shadowverse = Street Fighter
TES Legends = Injustice
Gwent = Guilty Gear
What fighting game on the market has the best single player content?
>Saturday night
>Ranked match settings Any/Any
>1 player ranks ahead of me
Boy am I glad I bought Tekken 7 on PC!
>tfw too old to pull off these moves
Why didnt I learn sooner ;_;
Alright Justin, you deserve it. You will get to pot split with Fchamp
probably injustice 2
no dude
gwent = sf
shadowverse = gg
Dont you wanna import her?
has Wong even won any recent majors?
Waldstein is the only UNIEL sniff for me
he won a ranking event earlier this year, toryuken i think. wong doesn't do too well when the tournaments are stacked with all the top players aka premier events.
> Import for a bunch of money and have a few people that play
> Wait a few months till English release
> In the mean time look up JP guides and changes
> Can watch match videos to see if any new combos appear
> English release will mean players in my region that I can test out netcode with instead of trying to connect to Japan.
Literally why would I import?
How do you import games anyway? Do you just but from a certain site or do you go to ebay.
does asuka stink for beginners??
It's nice to have that Lili costume back.
Which joystick brand is the most sensitive, light and easiest to move around?
I'm moving from Saturn pad to fightstick just now.
I used Happ parts for my joysticks and they are really tight. It's hard to back dash on it
Does this still hold up?
>a few months
You're very optimistic.
Aaaaannnd there goes the hype.
>what? wanna pick Krillin, Yamcha and Tien and still kick ass, sorry but those three will get demolished by the Sayans so better pick one yourself.
>by the way you better add Krillin for his support on any team because of his OP solar flare
>what? you're a longtime fan and wanted to make your dream team and still be competitive? HAHAHAHA, we can't have literal whos beating SON GOKU silly.
Don't they see that nobody liked this kinda shit in MVC2 and 3?
The game isn't even out yet. Shut your face.
they better put this woman in her place before she ruins what could become the fgotyay
As a new player, should I start with sf4 or sf5?
>Don't they see that nobody liked this kinda shit in MVC2 and 3?
I thought building teams was half the fun of MvC2 and 3.
Please answer... please
I just wanna play video games.
Everytime I try to escape Potemkin hell I remember that he has ruined by execution in gg forever and I can only do 4 hit combos.
fuck off casual shitter.
tactics > your masturbatory fantasies
goku got shot by a frieza mook with a laser gun and almost died. if balance is anything like super, then it'll be just like any relatively balanced fg where anything can happen.
Neither, IV is dead and V encourages you to be a shit player.
Seimitsu. Not generally recommended for fighting games, but there are some people who use them
most people use sanwa
She has no power over the development of the game itself.
If she meant what I think she did then it looks like they will add 10-0 or 9-1 match-ups in the game ON PURPOSE.
This shit cannot happen it is pants-on-head retarded game design.
>If she meant what I think she did then it looks like they will add 10-0 or 9-1 match-ups in the game ON PURPOSE.
is mtg melty blood, gg or super turbo
So are Oct gates better than Square gates?
Is it easy to buy those 8 dollar octagon gates on Amazon and replace them yourself?
probs 5 but there are better games desu
Had My heart stop for a whole second and then jolt back hard. Doctor said it was an ectopic heartbeat. It felt like I was going to die. I'm sorry for being a douchebag lately fgg I don't mean it
Square gate is best for me, I like charge characters the most.
PSN game(s) anyone?
>a few months
>for English release
loooooooool someone break this dude the bad news.
>capcom will try to make Darkstalkers 4
>it's going to be and look like shit
why even bother
yea let's t7 :^)
When is Karin getting more costumes?
I dont like any of her current costumes.
Not even just that. I really want Nintendo vs. Capcom to happen one day but not with modern Capcom. You just know they'd fuck it up unless they had Nintendo breathing over their shoulder to make sure the final product is a quality one.
it's honestly too high iq for me
They will never make a Darkstalkers 4, what bothers me is that they keep showing Morrigan in MvC.
lmao i can't even call you a nina masher anymore. oh well, i'll see you in st
You do understand it comes down to funding right.
If Nintendo gives the money because they want it to be a big project with their name on it, and collaborates where they feel they excel in, I'm sure the product will be a quality one.
If both sides just wanna shit out a cash grab, then it's not going to be great no matter who's involved.
I think the main culprit before SF5's hasty launch despite Sony's backing just came down to E-SPORTS timing. Capcom clearly wanted to cram SF5 into the pro tour asap.
The problem is the ugly model not the costumes.
Does anyone want to play anything on the vita or on fightcade?
Should I get a Qanba stick? And what EVO did Xiaohao win??
king of mexicans
>That image
Holy shit it makes them look like old men.
If NvC ever happened I would have faith that Nintendo wouldn't let Capcom go full retard
jojos is the street fighter of anime
GGs Luvcheez. I need to hit the lab against Katarina. And just more in general really, I didn't play very well.
Is GG worth a random buy on in the Steam sale?
I honestly can't find anything else worth buying and at this point I don't even mind that I have to spend years to git gud against players that have been playing for years.
I just want to try due to how much effort they placed in the fluid animations.
UNIEL isn't anime.
>I just want to try due to how much effort they placed in the fluid animations.
>fluid animations
dis is bait
Why is Tekken 7 considered good?
If that's the case you can just get -sign- or vanilla revelator for now
Sure why not
I hear she's good for beginners, thats why I started with her. Haven't had much time to play but her combos are relatively easy from what I see. I don't think she has really good offense though, so be prepared to move around a lot and wait for whiff punishes.
As a newbie it gets frustrating dealing with anyone thats up in your face and pummeling you with strings because its pretty difficult to get out of that situation (for me anyway) as Asuka. I think the trick is being good enough at movement to not get there.
Its especially bad against certain chars like Bob, Hwoarang and Lee because they have some nasty fast up close shit thats really tough to block since it mixes in lows and mids
K-kappas???? This doesnt add up anymore! I thought Evo was duying!
It had slightly more single player content than SFV had at launch. Didnt try to change too much from its previous iteration and PC online was good during launch.
That's about it.
It's still a meme game bleeding players though.
I'm a fighting game noob user but I like SFV more than Tekken so far
I know movement gets better but Tekken feels so sluggish, is it considered a slow fighting game?
yeah rev 2 is good even though it's not on sale. can't really expect sales on their games after the first week and the price is decent for the rev1+2 character dlc.
>We have reached the point where death is seen as the better option for games
GGs. Lili is my main so I knew just about everything you could do and how to punish it. When you switched to kazumi I had to learn how to block and punish her as the matches went on. Took a while but I started seeing what worked and noticing some patterns. I think our connection was ok, but there was definitely a fair amount of delay here and there. Katarina is a pressure and frame trap character. She'll run you over if you don't know when you can hit a button. Her jab is basically a guess between high or mid. You can try to fuzzy it but it's pretty hard especially online. You played decent. You just need to get your optimal punishes more often and maybe block low a bit more.
At this rate smash really is going to kill EVO
Mcrib only gives a fuck about money and not having Melee on sunday is hurting his bottom line.
Does anyone want to play T7 or Rev 2 ps4?
I-it's my birthday...
You could get KoFXIV if you're not feeling GGRev2, but it is pretty fun.
hb user
i dont want to play with a filthy pos4 player though
He deliberately placed Melee on Saturday so it wouldn't upset SFV. If Melee was on Sunday, it would have more crowds and attention, yet still not get the ESPN coverage so it would look bad for all parties involved because we all know E-sports is a big scam.
I think SF5 Top5 character
5.Cammy or Necalli
Laura and Urien 10-15
MvC2 is the best marvel because you have characters who are in there only for assists, which makes the comeback actually hype when you have yamcha as the last man standing beating ass
Thanks guys, i'll give it a good try like I would any other franchise.
>getting sign
One poster told me to get sign and move on to revelator, at least that's what I assumed he meant
Why did you buy both Rev and Sign?
dude you fucked up. refund that and get the rev1(dlc)+rev2. no one plays sign
sign really isn't relevant anymore, not sure why that other user suggested it. it has way less characters than rev1 and nobody plays it.
Refund that, you need to get Revelator with Rev2 DLC, Sign is obsolete
You were supposed to get Revelator so you can get the Revelator 2 upgrade dlc. Not sign.
Refund Sign.
It's okay. I understand. I would've got them both for pc, but I don't trust my laptop to run games well except for kofXIV