/dg/ - Destiny General
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Where is alpha team?
1st for a few autists argue and bicker at eachother over opinions and nothing destiny related gets discussed as they throw poop at eachother and REEE
The Alpha Meme's dead; bury it.
>First Ghost Awakening is the date when your guardian was created
>D2 doesn't allow you to change your transferring characters face before starting
>to change Guardians face, you have to delete character and lose First Awakening date in D2
>deleted my day 1 main character a year ago
>nothing but regret, stats instantly tanked to joff- tier,and had to redo moments of triumph 2
>mfw first ghost awakening is one of the fucking alts I barely put effort into
>>First Ghost Awakening is the date when your guardian was created
Are you talking about eyes up guardian? The first mission of D1 that you do when you just make a character? That's cannonically set at a same point in time regardless of when the character was made.
>>D2 doesn't allow you to change your transferring characters face before starting
Just make a new one, regardless of how old the character data is, cannonically the character is always the same age on the same timeline.
>>to change Guardians face, you have to delete character and lose First Awakening date in D2
What the fuck do you keep saying "First Awakening"? There's no such thing as "First awakening date"
Your character will either be D1 or D2. there's no "First awakening guardian' And regardless of when it was made, its the same guardian according to canon.
lol who?
You're literally not losing anything. You're stressing out over a number that exist only in your head.
D1 story was shit
ghost awakening is character creation date
those numbers are shown in-game
What's the point of platform war bullshit?
Its literally everywhere and its not like PC is responsible for it because there's just as much PS4 vs. Xbox going on this time.
There was some before but never this bad. What the fuck do these people get being angry over other platform and trying to dick measure imaginary numbers?
Why can't people just play the fucking game, what's with the constant need to one-up one another? Just join a fucking hiking club or a boxing gym if you need to lash out testosterone, holy shit.
>D1 story was shit
I fail to see how it has anything to do with what I said? Also I'm not sure why you quoted the same word four times. It was used correctly.
Has Bungie commented on what "first ghost revival" references? And just to be clear I'm not asking what people think it "clearly represents". Yes or No, did Bungie comment on it? I just want to know, its all the same to me, all my characters look like garbage and I'm deleting all my Destiny 2 the second I boot up Destiny 2.
Because PC desperately wants to act like this will be the superior way to play D2, even though your experience won't be nearly as good since your achievements in D1 won't transfer, and mods and cheats are as good as impossible. Xbone and PlayStation always hated each other, but PC is that obnoxious 3rd party that both sides hate even more
kys peasant
Enjoy your 30 fps powerpoint presentation
>Because PC
But I specifically opened with how its not just PC and even explained why. You. You are literally the kind of person I was talking about. Starting shit with PC users out of nowhere.
And then this is what you get And I bet neither of you has either. I'm sure you're aware nobody finds you funny or clever, and there's only so hard you could try just to get a giggle yourself.
So still, what's the point of starting this shit up?
t. salty beecee fuccboi
ecks dee
Enjoy not having veteran rewards, shitter
Lore on the most beautiful planetoid in Destiny 2, Nessus
>PCuck using legoldenface
>PCcucks and xcucks will wait another year for exotic weapons
don't worry they can come back to d1 and play the worst pvp maps
Hey Xcuck are you enjoying the jade rabbit?
Not to mention the strike specific legendary drops from the strike they have to wait a year for, that will probably be just as cool or cooler than the ones from D1. ex Theosyion Vibrissae
certain strike specific drops and the sublime sets have always been the most aesthetically badass.
Funny how they give PS players the best looking shit ;)
I hate Destiny. I don't want to play Destiny 2 but I must because I'm dgelite.
>we've gone from Joe Staten and his handpicked writing team
>to Joe and co. leaving/being forced out of Bungo and being replaced by two-bit fem shit writers
I want off this ride
I'd rather my silky 60fps, desu
Preparing for the Bungie Day announcement of their newest member
with the expansion pass being £25, do you think we're in for D1-esque two mini content packs before a full price TTK/RoI type-of-deal?
I can't fathom there only being the two DLC over the next three years, so it seems beyond likely to be the case
>outrageous fortune returns
it just seems a shame given how shit those two packs were, namely The Dark Below
they've promised it's going to be two big ones like TTK and ROI this time. people hated those mini dlcs.
>Destiny 2 - Sept(/Oct) '17
>expansion #1 - Sept '18
>expansion #2 - Sept '19
>Destiny 3 - Sept '20
we'd be in for insane content droughts unless they really step up the volume and content of their holiday events
You're not going to be getting x2 The Taken King sized expansions for $30.
size comparison =/= release date
>they've promised it's going to be two big ones -
and going by that, there's no way they'd release multiple full-sized expansions within the same year and even if they did, that just means the tail end of D2's life cycle would be void of new content
Bungie has shown maturity and progress with this series, if you still think after three years they will release an expansion as abysmal small as Dark Below, you are going to be in for a surprise.
Not to mention there were serious console limitations along with countless other issues before launch and beginning growth of year 1 Destiny.
With Destiny 2 now being on current gen, they have already proven they can do more than before.
>not simply expecting...
>x2 strikes
>x3 crucible maps
>x5 story missions
>x1 end game activity
look into your soul and you know it to be true
Nothing is true, it keeps changing in many positive ways, with all the new development assets everything is permitted.
I feel you're setting yourself up for disappointment, at least I can (hopefully) be proven wrong and turn out happily surprised
Everyone expected every Destiny dlc to be like TDB, they were proven wrong for two and a half years.
what? No, they didn't. People were anticipating "Comet" (The Taken King) the whole fucking time as the leaked timeline alluded to it being a full sized expansion unlike TDB
>high as fuck hopes
I'll believe it when I see it
they're off to a bad start already with this account migration shit
You're just an entitled spoiled hater honestly.
I'm hardly a hater when I've already paid for the digital deluxe edition, I'm just being realistic and not falling for the hype like I made the mistake of doing for round #1 of Destiny
whatever dude. How about you leave your toxic attitude behind?
This isn't the YouTube comments section, you queer.
How about you stop chocking on PC dick and stay with your console account,
>not thinking Bungie are an infallible entity is being toxic
take that shaft out of your throat, user
>stay with your console account
the game could come sans raid on PC and I'd still rather play it there and not on console platforms. Sorry pal.
>not falling for the hype like I made the mistake of doing for round #1 of Destiny
>I've already paid for the digital deluxe edition
I don't see how paying an extra $10 does anything to show my hype level, if anything it shows my inability to not spend money frivolously; I'm going to play D2, so why not? Doesn't mean I'm not going into it without a realistic set of expectations
>realistic set of expectations
>parroted /v/ knowledge
This isn't 2014 launch newfriend, you know Bungie will do better.
*$30 which means you wanted the expansion pass despite spouting dark below content memes.
>you know Bungie will do better
no, I don't, I don't have an all-seeing eye; I feel they dropped the ball time-and-time again with D1 and will be going into D2 with my eyes wide open
I /hope/ they do better and I'm not screaming "Bungie are shit! Boycott them!", I'm just doubtful much will change between D2 and D1's content cycle
why would I buy the game and not the expansion pass, too, though? I'm not a casual and furthermore, I hate myself
TDB may have been a pile of shit, but that doesn't mean I wasn't running Crota x3+ a week
What were you wanting from them that the never gave? There has been nothing but improvement for Destiny 1. Or are you speaking from the 'played the beta then quit' standpoint.
This whole thing is stupid.
If you want the emotes that fucking much, rebuy the god damn game. If you're such a fucking autistic faggot that spending real world money on cosmetic content isn't a fucking CUT OFF point, you deserve all the pain you get.
Just like all the faggots that are mad that Eververse shit doesn't carry over.
"M-muh money!"
Maybe don't spend money on useless, cosmetic shit. Idiots.
I never bought Silver or any of the content covered by Silver, but it would have been a nice gesture if they gave you a token % of the Silver you'd spent in D1 back in D2, assuming not just having total carry-over of content bought
>There has been nothing but improvement for Destiny 1.
Not much of a challenge when your base game is a 4/10 subpar letdown.
That's what happens when you combine two deep pocketed companies and ideals clash.
>Destiny was originally going to be an Xbox exclusive purely out of Bungie's loyalty to the console
>Sony had to pay Activision to get the upper hand
I don't know what's worse: Bungie whoring themselves out, Sony having to bribe developers just to make them like their console, or you thinking that's a good thing.
>Destiny was originally going to be an Xbox exclusive purely out of Bungie's loyalty to the console
[citation needed]
I can't remember exactly where it is, but there's early design dockets that list the 360/xbone as the sole platforms, and all the alpha ui shots are Xbox.
Then they got desperate for needing money to make the game and went with Activision.
Which then ended up shafting them so hard most of the bungie team left to work for 343 on halo.
Thus why the vanilla story was shit, because Staten took his story with him when he left like a year before the game came out.
Activision decided that the game needed to be broken up in different dlc segments as well.
So throw having to cut parts of the story out to turn into dlc on top of a shorter development window and it becomes understandable why everyone would leave.
Joe did write one of the blandest Halo novel. I was actually surprised by how good his work on Destiny was.
Joe's the writer for Crackdown 3
it kinda makes me want to play it whereas I doubt I'd give a shit otherwise
I don't think there is a single person alive who can save the literal chasm halo has written itself in
Not like we are that much better off, but at least we don't do shit as retarded as killing a playable character in a fucking comic
Have a pity bump
And another
I saw 3 people on my friends list who always play Destiny playing Fallout 4 a bit ago.
Did I miss something? I havnt heard any new news for that game and its not on sale on the store. I guess it was just a coincidence.
daily reminder that boys make the best girls
Lmao pc cucks btfo
>I can't remember exactly where it is,
Because its not real.
Followed Destiny for about four and a half years, since the first rumor sprung up. This was never even a rumor so I don't know where the fuck you got the idea, but it sure as fuck wasn't from this reality.
They also repeated ad nauseum that they learned how important content is from D1, and that D2 is set up from ground up to have rapid and frequent live events and content updates.
>Bungie anounces TTK
>As always, CE has exclusive content
>People get pissy and demand the exclusive content
>But this is exclusive content for CE, Bungie says, we can't just hand it out to everyone.
>Its okay if its not for free, we just want a chance to get it too without having to buy the game a second time people said.
>Okay, Bungie said, that's fair.
>Make separate DLC pack with all the exclusive items.
>Literally nobody buys it.
>To this day people still bitch and moan they should have gotten it for free.
I've seen this before in other communities, people demanding they get all the future content for free just because they bought the base game. Hell i'd be willing to bet that people who cried the most about the CE exclusives ended up never buying TTK anyway. Its cool wanting more, but this was the first time I saw people act like they were owed the CE content even if they bought the base game.
I don't know if you guys remember, when Trials first hit how many people in the official forums demanded they be given a free ticket to the lighthouse or rules to accessing it loosened. There were so many that actually said they were entitled to the lighthouse access because they paid for it (As in buying the content entitles you to all the items from it even if you don't clear the content) its fucking ridiculous.
Luke smith was a fucking retard and his attitude was the problem, but there was nothing wrong with CE items or microtransaction emotes. Destiny Community is just unjustifiably entitled.
New level 4 Guardian here, the combat in this game is really fun so far. What weapon types are the best? Right now I'm sticking with auto rifles
Also this Shaxx guy seems like a badass
For PVE use whatever is most comfortable to you, sniper rifles and shotguns and rockets will naturally do the most damage. PVP you will want to wait for when your subclass is close to being maxed out and have better gear. Until then, enjoy your journey to become Legend.
there's that word again
Am I wrong? Is it not entitlement?
If you need to get a flawless ticket to get to the lighthouse. And you feel and say you deserve to be in the lighthouse because you paid for the DLC is that not entitlement?
If you feel you deserve the collector's edition bonuses because you paid for the base game. Is that not entitlement?
its cute that you can point out the word but the problem isn't it, the problem is faggots like you who think its somehow taboo to say it. So if you know where Reddit is, maybe you should take your own advice and fuck right off to it.
As far as weapons go, use what you're comfortable with - there are good weapons in every category, so get a feel for what you like. Keep in mind each type of weapon is further divided into archetypes (like high Rate of Fire versus high Impact - basically the gun's stats) and some perks are utter garbage that can ruin a gun (exhumed or guerrilla fighter) while others will make otherwise mediocre guns worthwhile.
As said, snipers, shotguns and rocket launchers are considered best in their categories (special and heavy) because of the utility they offer.
I too would recommend holding off on PvP till you have more subclass nodes unlocked and better weapons. While the Crucible does scale your armor and damage to be on par with everyone else, their equipment will have so many more perks that they'll generally blow you out of the water.
>xcucks finallly getting the jade rabbit after destiny 2 is released
reminder that GG is OP
reminder you're a shitter if you can't avoid a golden gun until it runs out
fallen walkers will work with 3oC right?
No, same for ultras with shields
Are the named? No? Then no.
Where did they confirm you cant change your guardians appearance ?
it was on the news this mroing