Rising Storm 2 General /rs2g/

Rice Krispies Edition

Our last thread This is a general for Red Orchestra 1/2, Rising Storm, and recently released Rising Storm 2.

Red Orchestra and Rising Storm are semi-realistic mostly multiplayer first person shooters with vehicular combat.

The latest iteration, Rising Storm 2, focuses on the Vietnam conflict.

>Official Steam Group Edition VVVVVV

>Red Orchestra Ostfront store-page: store.steampowered.com/app/1200
>Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm store page: store.steampowered.com/app/35450
>Rising Storm 2 store page: store.steampowered.com/app/418460

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Friendly reminder to those complaining about grease gun sights, things could be a whole lot worse.

FLASH when?

Swedish K when?

i did a terrible mistake of buying kf2 and should have bought vietnam instead

problem is ive played it on many free weekends and managed to rack up 10+ hours

wat do

>wat do

buy vietnam

>Vietnam game
>it ain't me starts playing

i want to refund kf2 first though

M72 LAW when?

but you said you have ten hours on it? can't refund anything with more then two hours.

Can someone explain how to fly the loach? How low do you have to fly to auto spot? Do you have to be looking directly at what you want to spot?

like any other helo
not 100m but not hugging the ground I don't think anyone tested for specifics but nothing crazy
no, just fly over them

fucking hell I've been missing out not playing sapper. This class is seriously overpowered on maps like hue city, considering the GI are forced to walk into them constantly if you set them at the right caps

>it ain't me starts playing
>it ain't me

not too mention having the most OP weapon the ppsh.

dedder than a gi in the ricefields

everyone is sleeping

>shhhhh wake up on my mak

Is darkest hour ever alive? I got into the series at ro2 and heard good things about ro1

What is the best custom map and why is it Jungle Rot?

I have honestly not played it yet but am looking forward to it
I like songmu conceptually at least, it plays REALLY finicky but i like the atmosphere, the rough layout, and the idea of minimal visibility with two loaches helping the americans push with spotting instead of direct fire, hopefully as it's developed it'll turn out good

>it's a shitty commander gets kicked and replaced with a shitty commander episode

Were you just playing hue city right now?

>be gook commander on shit hill
>always stay in cap point, ask for radioman
>radiomen always run away or are too stupid to watch a single door
>ask for radiomen
>none coming
>"wow shitty commander kick him"
>need radioman
>shitty commander just leave
>switch class
>no one takes commander spot

just hit N

I've actually found that map to be good practice with actually getting kills with the loach. I think its because the VC are mainly protected by concealment rather than dense cover.

I usually get about 5 to 10 kills with the loach on that map, as opposed to no kills on any other map.

>it's a shitty commander gets kicked and replaced by an uncharismatic commander noone listens to episode
that commander was me

Hello newfriend


how to level up quick i just want a baseball cap again?


made a small clipshow out of shadowplay footage from the first couple weeks, nowhere else to put it really youtube.com/watch?v=Avobvg-BKGc

not bad

Focus on capping points

Capture and defend points

You get 50 points every time you're sitting on a point that gets captured, at least in TE mode


>It lets people actually TRY roles other than grunt, experiment and learn properly.

No, it doesn't. When someone picks RPG man on an lao and ruins the fucking game because they don't know what their role is they never learn from it. 99% of these retards just run around shooting the RPG into random places then leave the server as we're about to lose.

Just like this first game this shit will be unplayable for 8 months until all of the shit players stop funneling in and the only people left have 3 digit IQ's.

>they think commander is supposed to lead the team and not just do his boring cuck role of asking for arty marks

Much easier to lead if you're on the front lines and have an exact idea of what is going on.

Play on better servers, tell them how to play better (or bully them into it), do something about it yourself if need be, and stop being so fucking salty.

Wow user, I never thought about it that way! You mean I should use my mic and call them fucking retards and explain what their job is?!

You've really opened my eyes my dude. I've never done that before! I'm going to start trying that now. Thanks!

Please refer to all the other points. You sound like an annoying retard.

someone on my last match pointed out to the FNG with the rpg that he needed to try and shoot down helis, the FNG literally replied that it was too hard.

Ah fuck man. You know I've only being playing on one server for the last three weeks. Fuck me I thought the first server you picked you had to stick with and you couldn't play all the others. I'm such a retard, thanks for clearing that up.

>tfw the game is dead already

No it's not. When it's dead it will finally be playable. It's not dead.

Do you really want retarded level fours using a Napalm launcher?

I cannot stand Songmu. It's just grenade spam and too many people in such a small, open area. I dunno why the fuck the 40-1 servers insist on running it.


I feel like the Americans are always at a disadvantage against the VC. Helicopters aren't really that useful and the napalm/AC47 never makes a big different. Squad tunnels in comparison are a million times better.

It's one of the few Euro servers that is regularly populated.

>Point C on Hue
>Commander calls in a spooky, followed by recon despite the fact we know where the enemy are.
>Naturally both get shot down by SAM
>He then calls in Napalm for some reason

Friendly reminder that you're retarded and have no idea how peep sight works

What's wrong with 40-1?

I've had a lot of good experiences there, but something's happened to their server, sending everyone's pings spiking into the low-mid 100's while the browser reports 60-70.

>Being an angry, gatekeeping cunt instead of letting people have their fun trying to get into the game or trying to give them pointers

I'd rather deal with five newbies who don't know what they're doing but are trying than deal with your salty ass.

Just play on American servers. The community is so much better it outweighs the higher ping.

It's run by circlejerking clanfags.

Woooow, it's almost like people make mistakes and don't know what they're doing when they're trying out & learning new things!
How HORRIBLE that they aren't turbo-autists like me that knows EVERYTHING before even launching the game!

>Just play on 300 ping! Hearing overweight LARPer Commadners spouting tacticool gibberish as they hit their own troops with artillery is so much better than playing on 30 ping with some autistic Germans.

user there are about a dozen tutorial videos, a practice range where you can try out all the weapons and items and a flying course. There is no excuse for not knowing your role.

People who don't at least take five minutes to familiarize themselves with the game mechanics and read the tooltips and pop-ups should be strung up.

He hasn't put a lot of thought into his "solution" either.
Keeping roles behind level requirements wouldn't solve anything. If you needed to be level 10 to use the RPG, when level 10 people pick it up they'd still have to spend time learning it.
And morons like him would still complain about them ruining the game by picking roles they don't know how to play.

People are familiar with the mechanics of the game from the first hour or so of exposure. It's the tactics and applicable methods that people can only learn via trial by fire.
Not to mention, who the fuck is going to spend multiple hours watching tutorial videos and dicking around on the practice range, when they can instead spend those hours playing that class and gain almost infinitely more knowledge and experience.

Stop getting angry at other people learning.

had a .8 kdr now im slowly getting better

its basically your average RO2/RS1 player count right now

Why type 56 over AKM?

so now that the /k/ bar server is dead and has been for a few days whats a nice server ive been using the Tet Offensive and Agent Orange ones but they keep changing the rotation to only the community created maps and over half of them are bullshit tier grain elevator meat grinders when all i want is fun helo Anal valley like action.

>Oh boy sure is a nice day to pick RPG and blow up GI when he thinks he's safe in cover
>mfw get 7 RPG tks through the match

Something's wrong with me today. Or I there were loads of extreme-flankers on my team who kept being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I can't join the vg server because I dont have the host's DLC?

What's the secret to getting a perfect mark behind point F on Hue City?

aim at the lip on the roof, you can see a very tiny sliver of building behind the front temple so you can mark the courtyard behind it but its really finicky so just keep moving the mark till it sticks

>be gook commander
>Sneak all the way to Delta on An Lao with faithful RO
>Ambush deploy when 12 dudes are waiting
>They all appear back in spawn
>wtf commander why'd you ambush deploy?
>Guys I dunno I was in delta when I called it
>Ah hes right thats a weird glitch
>end up winning later

To shoot down astronauts with that recoil

>ayy lmao valley
>enemy keeps trying to capture your home point

Just go around the outer wall on the right.


Should I buy the game on steam for 5 buck? Are there still a lot of players around?

>commander is dead
>he's also afk
>server doesn't allow kick
>rolekick doesn't work when the player is dead
We ended up winning but still


>>server doesn't allow kick
Why even play on it? You're just asking for griefers.

But you have both eyes open so the thickness of the sight doesn't matter as much in real life

RO2/RS is 5 bucks, RS2 is 25.

>Da Nang
>Der Iwan Berg
>Jungle Rot
>Mat Troi
>Night of the Living Dog
>Suong Mu

How do I play these maps, do I need to download them? I don't see them in the workshop.

You can't know that until you actually need to kick someone.

a custom map should download automatically when you join a server that is using one.

>VC about to mow down the whole squad from behind
>squad-mate in the way
>headshot them both
>he doesn't forgive even with explanation

Oh fuck, thanks for clearing that up for me. Is it worth to buy RO2/RS then?

Any of the custom maps any good? I play one that was just some big trench that seemed like it was meant for 16/32 players but it was a 64 player server and a cluster fuck.

Thanks, sorry for being retarded.

I've only played one and it was the Cousteau Plantation. It was alright, the embassy from Hue City "D" is used on it and it has a huge river with one bridge that can be like shooting fish in barrel

>people that are level 15 or a little bit below who still wear the standard uniforms

Haven't they found the character customization?
There's no reason to not get a rolled up uniform.

Who's your squad leader scumbag?

no its a glitch, i have a about a thousand more kills with akm than 56.

custom maps are either amazing or complete and utter shit and theres no in between

So, just like the official ones?

Have seen level 40-45 people that still wear standard uniforms(not vests, I double checked).

Post 'em boys!
Also, haters are welcome. :^)

maybe they think every bit of clothing helps conceal them and it does, idk, I thought like this for a while. Now I just run around shirtless and screaming like a madman.

>1.47 cap per game
>77% top team implying switching back to a side
Ebin/10, not even worth a reply

Too bad the grind is horrible, all I want to do is run around shirtless with a mullet and shades firing my m60 from the hip.

my obj capped is falling from helicopter and tunnel hunting

Right to rebel 24/7 supremacy