Why are car related instagrams so cancerous?

why are car related instagrams so cancerous?

It's social media, what else do you expect other than cancer?

>mad cuz no instacarslut?


Is there a single male outside of South Africa who finds Yolandi attractive?


'murkan here
that thin upper lip is gross, gives that goofy scowl
haircut is bowl-tier

those wheels get me every time


>South Africa
>not cancer

>skipping leg day


t. Fatty

manlet methhead wearing girl shoes with no socks.

Holy fuck that's gay.

He doesn't have the frame for giant legs, not even HGH would help. The only thing he could really do is shoot synthol straight into them, but no one other than autistic miscers or people from Veeky Forums would care about his legs.

Because instagram is cancerous in general

Spoken like a true shut in neet



>why are car related instagrams so cancerous?

They usually appeal to your typical normie taste, so it's just supercars, stanced shit, and trucks most of the time.


thats a girl? boy? confused I am


>why are car related instagrams so cancerous?
there's your answer

Brb, buying a Mazda Miata so dumb THOTs will dance on my seats.

Apparently they’re the same to THOTs as cardboard boxes are for cats.

Because being "into cars" is a blue-collar low-class avocation. People with educations and better things to do are elsewhere.

>look up aw11 on instagram
>find this on the top
What a fucking shithole lol

Ontarindia is. Dat 15 year law tho.

you think an instagram account called "123jasmined" is going to be focused on cars? or on jasmine?

take a guess, you pleb.

without even checking it out, every picture is going to have her in it, making stupid faces or sexy clothing. all posed, all lame as fuck.

because most of them just buy a fucking supra or GT-R of any generation and appeal to the lowest common denominator for cars.

Getting sauced with colleagues at the bar and trying to score? Or in their lounge room watching netflix?

I don't want to sound like a neckbearded /pol/ red piller but holy shit Instagram "car gurls" are all the fucking same, just them taking the same monkey face/duck lipped selfies in front of their daddy's money local garage tuned shitheap amid a plethora of other pics of them pole dancing or doing stupid faces.


Because it's all about advertising and attention whoring, all social media is.

Cancer youtube "car" channels. It seems like they all have a GTR or new Mustang


>why are instagrams so cancerous?

Becuase Instagram is cancer itself and perpetuates, "gotta be famous or nothing" culture we live in.

she is strangely attractive

t. maarten van der buren

>they're the same to thots as cardboard boxes are for cats
tru that desu

>these are the most interesting things brainlets can imagine doing besides tinkering with cars

I think you're proving my point.

jesus christ how short is this bitch? its not like that's a really tall car


But I have bad taste

but it do

Woah you like girls in unflattering clothes and glasses too?

I've reached a new level of disgust once thought unreachable.

she is TINY

saw her live. couldn't understand one word she said when talking either. her voice is super high pitch

Its genuinely hilarious seeing kids show off their uninteresting rental car shitboxes on instagram.

What are interesting cars for you? Just asking

>mfw I think those wheels are great.
I fucking love wheels that cover the entirety of the rim.

>he hasnt heard of jerman domestic market

Not a fucking Lancer on pepboys wheels. A puke brown 80's Ford LTD is cooler than this kid's car. The only thing that separates an instagram stancefag's car from one you'd find on an Enterprise lot are the #illest stickers and plastidipped wheels. They're not project cars, so why fucking bother posting them?

>follow this guy who fabricated his own trunk mounted intercooler for their mr2 on IG
>he only has like sub 500 followers
>where some 17 year old philipino has 5k followers on his stanced EG6 because he takes vape selfies
The IG car scene is in fucking shambles.

naw she parity much goes out of her way to appear less attractive
>also nigs

It's only for shallow whores, why do you care?

>in shambles

it has always been about following narcissistic assholes from the very beginning

Yeah its fucking gross, there are some gems like you mentioned but again its cancer throughout, no point getting stressed over it.

jdm90s is a great insta account, but it's the only good one I've found.

>jerman domestic market

I hate that every car page is just trying to sell me shit. It's fucking stupid that they sell Paul Walker mystery boxes, capitalizing on his death, and advertise them through UNBOXING VIDEOS done by low-tier models. They're not mystery boxes if you show what's in them

Ig name?

holy fuck, all these dudes that are only a head to a head and a half taller than their cars. what the fuck?


Whats wrong with pepboys?

RIP in piece lil toyota

>tfw numale Miata owners sperged out and wanted to take these thots to a track day so they could """""""learn respect for the Miata"""""""

k e k

I'm so glad I drive a truck, holy shit.

>sell Paul Walker mystery boxes
that just sounds stupid

Is it just me or does everyone just call him paul walker and not what ever his names was in the movies when talking about them


Is that that Mitsubishi AMG?

spics are surprisingly very short

At least they're not cliche TE37's.

They're compensating not unlike a brotruck driver. Squids are always manlets too.

No spics in Canada. Too cold.

She was before she got a terrible haircut and tried to look gross.

It's not a Galant AMG, if that's what you're asking.

literally clown attire

>japanese cars
so they fit in them

Me. I wish I knew why

if she stayed here she'd be perfect, but shes a retarted attention whoring methhead

because instagram is a platform for advertisement and nothing else.

They're both actor, the Die Antwoord shtick is a show.

AMG is a tuning company, and some of those moonrunes say "AMG japan".