Comfy gfs edition!
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Reminder that the Star Guardians are the best skins Riot have ever made and will never be topped
Lulu is for abuse!
doesn't get much more comfy than this
>BestCamilleNA is a bronze yasuo main
Why is the one name i actually wanted taken
Thank god capital i is l
What champion pisses you off the most?
I abuse her in bronze if you know what I mean.
>No link to old thread
>No link to
Is it too much to ask if you make a new thread you put the minimal amount of effort it takes to add the fucking 2 links you should to it?
Best guy!
this desu
Xth for remembering a friend by still playing this game and trying to achieve the dream of Platinum like he never got.
Season 6! I meant sorry.
Although I was too much of a fucking chikenshit to play ranked back then.
Now I'm trying my hardest to reach gold and maybe plat this year. It's tough so far with the mental games and everything.
Anyone got the ship chart
I need it to add missing ones
There you go.
>Engaging Darius at half HP
Bronze Renekton
comfy bfs~
>dodged a ranked game
>didn't lose any lp
Wait what
dying game for underage normies with a low iq
heeeey whos this/
Um, excuse you
>play 1 ranked game and win today
>play 1 ranked game and lose today
Should I play another? I mean it's one and I've kind of gotten over losing it. Although I still need help on decision making and positioning as ADC.
truueeee. Guess I gotta play SJWatch instead
>In Gold but plays like a Bronze
How much did you pay for your boost?
Reminder Kayle x Karthus is the purest ship!
please consider signing my petition
>tfw people pay to get boosted
I cannot fathom why people do this
no that game is a piece of shit too, develop some taste you brainless sheep retard
>402 games
>Gold 5
lol sounds like ur a mad contrarian virgin
I mean I like it, I just don't understand how it works. Kayle is a harbinger of justice and righteousness and Karthus is literally a Lich who would love nothing more than to watch the whole world die.
>tf2 still exsists and is dying slowly
it's even worse when people in gold say someone is boosted.. like gold is anything good
What games do you recommend, user of superior taste?
I know its bait but
u r welcome.
Because they want the skin? Is it really that hard to understand?
master x master
(not the person you replied to, but yea)
Why is there influx of warwick players? All well freelo for me.
>Gold for the skin
I can sort of understand this.
>anything higher
No idea.
Because Warwick is freelo right now. Strong early, especially against other early junglers, decent mid, decent late.
anyone that gets autofilled to jg picks either lee or ww.
> strong early
> decent lategame
Literally how
>Strong early
Warwick can easily fuck up any jungler who comes to counterjungle him, except for Nunu and maybe Graves.
>Decent late
Can use ult to get picks, disruptive in teamfights, can survive with sustain, and can use W passive to chase down low hp enemies that survive the fight.
Warwick can be incredibly impactful lategame assuming his team isn't super far behind.
go morning blinds/drafts in euw
People worked out he's a killing machine
>There are people who are actually playing LoL right now instead of Thief 2: The metal age
Really makes you think
Renekton, he is just one big statcheck and because you post the same webm every thread.
SG anime when??
Preferably a yuri hentai
does anyone in this general even play this dying game that everyone forgot about 2 years ago? besides the gooks in China playing it
is magic penetration working on dragon or baron?
>there are people playing Thief 2: The Metal Age instead of playing Doom.
Really makes you think.
I just loathe anything that I lose really hard too even though they're outplayable to some extent.
The biggest thing for me right now in ranked is that I'm impatient when it comes to tense situations and I suck at decision making and positioning.
How do I remedy this?
I want to buy Lulu her favorite milkshakes and drink it in front of her face!
>there are people playing Doom instead of playing System Shock 2
>There are people that are playing relatively new games instead of games that are almost 20 years old
Really gets the noggin joggin'.
>there are people playing Doom instead of Donkey Kong Country
Really makes you think.
>Finally get the courage up to play ranked
>Go top
>Team has huge lead
>Surrenders for BM
>Game 2
>Autofilled AD vs Blitz
>Get flamed
>Flame back
>14 day ban
I didn't want to improve anyways...
Something so weird about Jinx there. I think it's because she looks like a magical girl in her mid 20s
Defend this!
I was the fiora
I tuned in today and saw only 14k people watching EULCS
What happened?
What is /lolg/'s opinion on muscle girls?
>Illaoi didn't ult
>There are people playing these games instead of Jet Set Radio Future
Really makes the eggs boil
I want my shotgun knees...
The other team went full potato. Kha jumped out of the fight and spent most of it walking back to you, Illaoi missed all her shit and fuck knows what Ashe was doing
which would it feel best to cum inside, lux or jinx?
Both of these games are fantastic and I wish more people played/knew about them.
You have my respect anons.
>ashe not having Executioners Calling against a team with no tanks.
>actually outplaying other people
I'd defend this hard, you made a good play.
Ryth is best girl!
>"She's a tank buster. She's not strong against squishies."
>"All she can do is splitpush."
But yeah the enemy team played that incredibly badly. Fiora is still bullshit though.
Never played Jet Set but I've heard it's also awesome. SEGA pre-early 2000s era so good taste user.
Not gonna lie, do have a thing for strong women.
I just never learned how to fucking play Illaoi right how the fuck do you do well on her?
To be fair none of them did, illaoi could have soloed if she ulted with my bad positioning
>Playing Nunu jungle
>Internet starts shitting on me right at the beginning
>Reconnect after Buffs spawn
>Ruined my plan to steal Rengar's buff
>Disconnect three more times that game, dying during one of them
>It's alright tho because the enemy Lissandra RQ'd after feeding to our AP Ezreal mid.
Today was a good day.
> I lost my promos for going to the bathroom because I forgot about new bans
I want to impregnate this bird, preferably while her bf is present.
>gank someone and get them a double kill
>spam ping im ganking again, they dont respond in time
>enemy gets away with 5 hp
>they spend the rest of the game flaming how bad you are, farming your camps, then complain you are down in cs
>they still lose lane
How do I prevent myself from having the urge to int their lane after this?
Ignore them and literally realize that you're the better person for keeping your cool and just trying to get other lanes ahead.
/ignore them literally, who the fuck cares if they hate you, you don't have to hear it.
Just focus on you and improve user.
>no Nightwing champion
Explain this.
>shoot a little girl in the face
>she doesn't die
ummmmmm lolbabs????
There's no way Zac isn't gonna be the victorious skin this year, which is dumb because bans don't even let him see play. Also he's boring.
>gank lane
>get their flash and allied laner picks up first blood
>waltz to nearby push
>they TP back
>get another kill for allied laner
>they still lose lane without interference from the enemy jungler
>calls gg whenever we lose an objective or somebody dies
pls no
>bans don't even let him see play
That didn't stop Riot from giving Zed one.
>Be shitter
>Pay someone to boost you to G5 just so you can get the free skin
>It's for Sivir or Mao
can't imagine the regret. I'm sure this years victorious champ will be disappointing as well.
Zed doesnt have a victorious skin though.
Zed's Championship, not Victorious :^)
>be on OCE
>report people often for inting, abuse and etc.
>every game or 2 I get a "your report has resulted in punishment" alert
>I flame every single game for the most minor mistakes (which aren't really minor since they cause a Yi or a Yas or whoever to snowball, but I digress, 1 early death is enough to trigger me)
>had 2 chat restrictions in 2 years despite this
>both times were for "retard" or something similarly unacceptable by PC society
So basically, unless you call someone a retard or such, you don't get punished. You can tell them they're bad/shouldn't play ranked/etc. till the cows come home and you will never be touched. I've literally spewed novels of abuse at people for being trash for about 12 months since my last chat restriction, and nothing
You flamed because you were tilted user. When you run into people like that in soloq and when you have such a frustrating game it's bound to degrade your mental state.
Wait two weeks and try again but this time, the second someone flames you just /ignore their name.
Focus on what you can do and improve yourself. Everyone else around you either is stupid and self-absorbed or on the same path as you are. Literally just don't give a shit about anyone but you when you play.
Make the good plays, do not let in hate and ignore haters, do not repeat mistakes, always strive for improvement.
I thought he did. Nevermind.
>no giantess champ
uhhhhh ??????
>braum inting, tells ori to buy mejais so she can stack up
>syndra not inting, but giving kills since, in her own words, "i am not worth more gold lol :D"
I genuinely feel bad for silver players. What a fucking elo weeeew
How come I never do any damage as zed
Everything I vs him, his Q hits like a motherfucker at lvl 4
>playing as a nigger
I don't understand this fetish. Which mommy issue causes this one?
Why is the side of that building completely covered in glass?
I'm Silver and I've never had this happen to me but thank god it doensn't. Sorry about that Braum user, I hope you have a great game next game.
Just realize that those two assholes are 1 in a million and that you'll probably never see them again. Report them and go next.
I thought it came from vore
idk i just want to fuck a giant women
I want to be that boyfriend
I feel the same way with vlad, i feel like I do no damage at all with him but still feel somewhat useful because of his ult.
>tfw no-one will ever carry me out of this hellhole
>toxic retards and feeders
>1 in a million
You're actually disconnected from reality if you think this, or you just don't play much ranked. Would explain your elo.
>Play against Zed
>His Q chunks 20% of my HP every time it hits, can ult me and kill me from 70%
>Play as Zed
>My Q barely does 5% of their HP, ult them at 20% and they escape alive
I don't understand
Thank you for the kind words, but I would never give them the satisfaction of making me lose.
*gets IE*
*does driveby on enemy team*