What champion pisses you off the most?
Last thread: eyosongive.us
What champion pisses you off the most?
Last thread: eyosongive.us
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fucking end yourself
ur mom
Please lolg convince me to not get this skin
>most fluid animations on the game
>thiccer than frostblade irelia
>i am silver and will probably just feed my ass off
How do i into Adc Kennen?
Are you rekles? Then you dont
she has a stupid little baby dick sword and lame voice lines
Who do YOU love!
>dont give a shit keep playing
>play 4 games
>win 3
>try hard while game functioning well
>lose most games
what did riot mean by this?
Riven looks like a cute girl(male) in the splash art.
>those tits
not even
today's early morning soloq highlights
>those sona tier knockers
>tfw ever since I bought this skin I've fed relentlessly on Riven
>tfw my teams keep flaming me about being shit and owning a legendary for her
that makes it even better
xth for Syndra
I love my wife, Riven! I wish I could carry harder as her!
I have literally never flashed my mastery.
2nd xth for Syndra's toes
The Star Guardian skins are so good, it makes every game comfier when they're used
I only do it if an opponent does it first, and I save it for when I kill them.
>mfw I bind my mastery to ability keys so it flashes everytime I use shaco knife, fizz E, Riven dash, etc.
>people getting buttflustered every game
Janna what are you doing on /lolg/?
Cute pairs!
best way to kite with adc?
looking for anons who need. . .supporting!
Just A click you absolute ape
The Thresh prince of Bel Air
Right click - Ctrl+Right click, repeat
>he doesn't play Tryndamere support
bind a-click to your spacebar, makes it a million times easier.
Master Yi needs to be perma banned in low elo. It's such a stong champ against braindead players.
Might as well play nasus support at that point. Better slow.
The balance is that his players are also braindead
Tell your adc to buy GA and its all okay.
Why is this board so cult-ish? I can safely say that a version of me that used this board regularly (4months ago) would seem cringey to present me. Anyway what's new about league? Is star guardian ezreal a skin yet?
99% of low elo Yis are absolutely awful. The 1% that are any good then also have to hope nobody brought a snare.
Pro-tip, don't act like you're on Veeky Forums when you're not on Veeky Forums.
Aka don't be that fag that greentexts on youtube comments and twitter
because if you're playing riven, you can't play irelia into riven and curbstomp the silver riven players using their flashy new riben skin.
here's a quick step by step guide to crushing shitters playing riven:
1. pick irelia
2. cede lane pressure so rivenbabs get lulled into a false sense of security
3. hit 6
4. ?????
5. profit
>I accidentally do this IRL all the time
Get this. A potion mixing support champion.
Q, W and E determine the ingredients, R throws the potion.
Every potion requires 3 ingredients.
Every combination has a different effect.
Q can be damage/power oriented, W health/HP, E utility.
so for example QQQ is just a flat explosion, while QQE/QEQ/EQQ is a movement speed boost.
EEE a flat heal based on missing health, EEW a shield based on targets max HP
So basically high skillcap because you have to do the right combos at the right time, and hit the right targets
I think it would be very fun to play.
Riven wins late game
the 35% armor penetration item doesnt work on the dummies?
That's invoker.
sounds like a certain dota hero
are you serious?
Ive literally never played dota. I thought I had a cool idea, meh
I guys the sentence may be framed in this way, so I apologise. I meant in the context of this board alone. With things like autistically posting about my main and being a general sperg. People who greentext outside of Veeky Forums are actual cunts though.
>Queue up jungle
>In champ select and top laner is already telling me to camp his lane
>get into game and mute all
>start doing my first camp and top lane is already at half health pinging for help
>ignore his pings and keep farming
>check him out on lolwiz to see he's first timing irelia top on his promos
>spend the rest of the game ignoring his lane like the black plague and get us a win by snowballing our competent mid laner and focusing on counterjungling/objectives instead of ganks
Why do top laners/laners in general do this?
Do you just go in a lane expecting yourself to lose unless you get ganks? do you even try to win lane?
Be a normal person outside of Veeky Forums, be a 4channer on Veeky Forums.
People who take their Veeky Forums mannerisms into any other sector of life generally just get laughed at by those who learned how to lurk.
Same as those who don't adhere to Veeky Forums mannerisms, in Veeky Forums.
So how come Ahri hasn't been nerfed?
What is it with trash ideas always being so needlessly complicated?
Seriously its a shit idea because you got too much going on
Sooo it's basically an autistic version of Invoker from DotA 2?
>greentexting in real life
>too complicated
sorry to hurt you brainlet
she got nerfed like 10 damage lmao, shes still a god
j..just CC him BRO!
M..master Yi only stomps NOOBS! I've never seen him LCS nor have I seen Faker or Bjergsen play him so he must be shit!
Mortal/LDR do nothing against base armor, only bonus armor.
Not the user who made the post, but I figured LoL players had a hard on for champs that have about 50 weird gimmicks that make them more """"skill based"""""
depends on the builds and if irelia flashes windslash
regardless, the irelia transitions from stomping riven into her peak at mid-game, which is why versing 95% of riven means a cruisy game unless your team feeds her or she gets a camp
they did
they nerfed the ratios on w and r and buffed e ratio
Should i OTP riven or irelia? which one is more fun or rewarding?
t. Irelia main.
I love my cute metal bf
But pic related is my dear incorporeal husbando who will always be there for me
not only that but invokers skill order determines his stats as well, maxing Q empowers his cc abilities and health, E for his damage and damage abilities and wex for his attack speed and utility abilities.
And he can tap Q/E/W 3 times in any combination to have a variety of bonus stats applied to him Q for health regen, E for bonus damage and W for movespeed.
This is on top of having 10~ spells based on which q/w/e combination is active
God invoker is so fucking radical why isnt he in league.
>mains irelia
>supportbabs cant even manage to play the braindead shit we already have
>what if we made a super complex hero for the lowest average skill players
what item on his 2?
This is how sona should have been
what are some champions like olaf who are hard as fuck to peel off your adc?
>KZ will never not be cancer
Now I was thinking I had a chance to shine top with kench and then there is jayce. This lane is fucking stupid, nowhere else you can get counterpicked so hard, but I guess jayce is a counter to everything
if u get knocked up can u use cleanse or QSS to keep attacking?
probably botrk.
one shotting a champ 4 levels behind you is not a hard task to accomplish.
Irelia is garbage at the moment and completely out of meta.
Riven players are retarded because they spend way too much time working on mechanics and neglect macro and get hardstuck in plat.
on an assassin sure but keep in mind Master Yi is a sustained damage dealer.
Just move his damage from his "alone" mechanic to his brush/FoW ambush passive
xth for Karthus x Kayle.
Purest ship.
No. Knock up is ultimate form of cc. You can qss yasuo's ult however
But do i really need to autistically practive riven cancels to do passable with her?
>sustained damage dealer
does riot call him this?
I've never heard or seen him referred to as anything other than an assassin.
>10 dodges before a games begins
what did the community mean by this?
depends which one you find more fun? we can't tell you that.
i main irelia but there's a few key differences in playing them overall.
riven wants to build more damage.
riven has a higher skill ceiling, more demanding micro.
riven is banned a lot more in every elo.
irelia isn't as popular, so you can abuse powerspike knowledge that others won't have to auto win matchups.
if you're looking to climb and you're lower elo, better off learning irelia (out of the two) just because riven takes forever to master (depending on your ability of course) and is banned way more.
I play Riven and if my jungler hasn't ganked my lane by the 5 minute mark I just feed. :)
>slut who literally sold herself to an entire country
>freak with death fetish
Lmaoing @ you
so tell me about yourself user
whats your hobby
i figured since we're on the same team we should get to know each other a little bit
favorite food
your main
your biggest league sin
>Not lee sin
This fucker is only left alone because of sick youtube plays people love
Did you even read Highlander or his passive?
Yi is meant to wipe an entire team not just kill one person and get out
Any adc which also are sustained damage dealers would instakill that vayne in a skill+auto specially with 8 stacks of fervor.
depends on your rank