16/17 miata is like that ugly freshman who grew up to become a model

16/17 miata is like that ugly freshman who grew up to become a model.

whats stopping me from buying this car.

im young and stupid.

>payments arent the issue.

like that freshman who got bullied for being feminine so it started trying really hard to compensate and now looks retarded

but hey if you want it go for it Fiata is better tho

>Fiata is better tho

>fiata is better.
Go for it op they're so much fun.

You don't drive a car for the looks, you drive it for the drive.

Lightweight sports cars get old on the street. If you have a track near you, and will actually track it, it would be great to have. If not, a bigger heavier more powerful car would 100% be more enjoyable on a day to day, year after year basis.

Just cause youre bringing home ~$2000 a month doesnt mean you can afford new car payments. Save/ invest your money, kid.

>You don't drive a car for the looks


only "arguments" are memes

turbos are better than Skyshit since its easier to upgrade

Who took a shit in your cheerios?

op here.

im gonna be front here, I dont know much about cars to what a car junkie would know. I used to work at a shop in south cali, I know the reputation the miatas have and how everyone calls it a bitch car but yet everyone drives it.

the older models didnt appeal to me as much but the 16' blew me away. I find these so much more appealing than the FRS/BRZs everyones nabbing today.

Fiata: for when you want a miata but you don't want to be called gay but get called gay anyway

I dont plan on doing any crazy after market jdm shit with it either, just not my forte.


for when you want a better looking car and better engine for sporty driving and modification

>has a turbo but only 5 more horsepower than the miata's naturally aspirated engine

the fiat is also ~100lbs heavier

>makes 200whp for $650 in mods when the MIata takes $6000 to get there


here comes the retards that only look at spec sheets and dont know anything about modifications

It's also somehow more reliable. I don't know what that says more about, Fiat or Mazda.

When the prices start to drop, I might part ex for a new RF model

5 (five) horsepower

and the miata is $85 cheaper

>molding a miata
L o L 19 year old detected
Anyway, if your implying it costs 6 grand to turbo a miata your fucking out of your mind.


wew Miata fags are shitposting kiddies it seems

36 lb ft

Miata is shit homeboy

but hey youre just going to keep shitposting

>complains about meme responses
>only option is to shitpost back
Typical trip fags shitting up a good thread.

>36 lb ft
>muh torq
engine torque doesn't mean fuck all lmao. There is a magical box that most cars have which gives you any torque you want out the back of it, I forget what it is called though.

cool beans I know you guys are cheap cunts who think ebay parts are the best but Im talking actually doing a good job and not half assing it

a simple tune makes 200whp on the 124
even if you use ebay shit its going to cost more than the 124 to make the same power

have fun tuning a 13:1 compression turbo engine on your shitty stuff too

user shitposts
damage controls and no us when btfod


I guess not living with my parents and losing a really good job years ago has made me bitter. Cars have a limit of fun and joy they provide. Trucks and 4x4s provide another type of fun I wish it was more common around here

dang this level of shitposting makes you look more stupid than anything

torque literally makes hp

>torque literally makes hp
not if you don't have ripums

>155 horsepower "sports cars"

>230 horsepower, lightweight minivans

>36lb-ft more peak torque
>only 5 (five!) more horsepower

>have fun tuning a 13:1 compression turbo engine on your shitty stuff too

That's the one with sintered chocolate conrods and a plastic gearbox?

>he actually thinks it costs 6 fucking grand to turbo a miata to "200whp"
Really nigga it takes like 3 possibly 4.
Also you in a pervious post mentioned something about spec sheet bench racing.
Anyway nigger, slow car fast is the point, your sperging as usual, thanks for making it easy to filter you in the future.

Just drive other cars too before you buy an MX-5. Honestly a tC or Civic coupe is pretty damn fun, cheap, and practical. How hard do you drive now/ what do you drive?

>3 possibly 4.
$2k if you have a welder. Honestly, there is no excuse for not having a welder

dang time to add Miatafags to the thinskin whiny kids list

you dont need rpms when you have enough torque

Miata makes shit for torque through out the entire rpm range

124 is kicking ass at 3000

>slow car fast is the poin


this is how you defend your cars
>its supposed to be slow!

ofc you filter me because Im right and you cant handle your safe space being violated and your wittle feewings hurt

still spending more money to be slower

>you dont need rpms when you have enough torque

I'm not defending it by saying slow carfast, I'm defending it because your "easy tune" makes the fiata an unreliable mess and if your bought a fucking miata you shouldn't care about this "200whp" you keep sperging out about, and I'll filter you beacuse your a fucking idiot Shitposting a good thread trying to defend your wildly inaccurate Statements by just moving on and replying about something else completely.

read a book nigger

whats the point of revving to 6000 to make 150 hp when you can do it at 4000

>Miata makes shit for torque through out the entire rpm range

Even in the deepest part of the torque dip the 86 makes more torque than the ND.

>shitposting user filters someone because his feelings get hurt after he ruins a thread

anons everyone

the true cancer of Veeky Forums

>if you get a Miata you want a slow car!


>I know more than engineers who have tuned cars for years


what does Veeky Forums think about this?
I can get a good condition one with the 170hp diesel engine for like 3000-3500 dollars
>inb4 "scotty merc reliability"
I currently own a C-class and I know what the reliability is like (good but you retards dont believe it so w/e) so pls dont shittalk if you dont own or know someone who has owned a 2003-2004 clk

>reddit spacing
Oh u mad

>whats the point of revving to 6000 to make 150 hp when you can do it at 4000
you don't need a turbo for one...

also 6000000lb-ft * 0rpm / 5252 = 0 horsepower

reddit spacing is a meme

people have typed like that for years then a bunch of edgy kids who hate reddit because they want to be cool started complaining about it

keep shitting up the thread and proving me right tho

>also 6000000lb-ft * 0rpm / 5252 = 0 horsepower

dang this is a retarded example

Tesla has 864 lb-ft of torque at 0 rpm


>Cars have a limit of fun and joy they provide.
You don't belong here.

>dang this is a retarded example
>Tesla has 864 lb-ft of torque at 0 rpm
yeah, at 0 horsepower. The graph of the tesla's horsepower starts at 0. It is a difficult concept to grasp (no really, it is) but it's true


except its electric so it has all its power at 0 rpm too

>fiata is better
>same performance with significantly less gas mileage when driving spirited

I wasn't aware the fiat roadster was an electric also. And no, you can't have power when something is not moving. Force alone is not power, force * movement/displacement/rpm/whatever is power

>read a book

>imm go buy a fun sports car
>but dang I sure do worry about gas mileage


never said it was electric Im not the one who made some retarded example

>And no, you can't have power when something is not moving

except electric engines dont move like piston engines and make power just fine

lol btfo

>do do with your money whatever you want
>do with your money whatever i want

fucking tripfags I swear.

>never said it was electric Im not the one who made some retarded example
you brought up electric vehicles when everyone is comparing the fiata with the miata because you got btfo

>except electric engines dont move like piston engines and make power just fine
but they don't make power unless they're moving

>but hey if you want it go for it Fiata is slower tho

sorry someone brought up the retarded 0 rpm argument that doesnt work

stop damage controlling pls

except they dont move because theyre electric


once again

holy shit I care so much about mileage when I buy a sports car

its such a major issue wowee

dang we reached lowest tier fastestlap shit posting now

>except they dont move because theyre electric

not an argument

>even the Abarth is slower

steering wheel gets in the way of my leg when I operate the clutch
makes it really unpleasant and difficult to drive properly
basically the only reason I don't own one

good thing you can spend $650 and make 200whp on a Fiata

which is one of the reasons its better

>has to resort to mawds

too bad I never said it was faster

I said it was better

which it is

>too bad I never said it was faster

>have to void warranty to beat a (cheaper) stock miata


spending thousands of dollars to make the same power as a Fiata will do for $650

lol tard learn context dipshit

lol you can do warranty mods and kill a Miata while still costing less

its quieter
has better suspension
more potential

Miata is the boyracer variant of the more refined Fiata

and no the 124 is cheaper

>and no the 124 is cheaper

damn user at least look at the shit you guys are posting

aren't you that guy who actually bought a fiata?

>dont respond to it: the thread

thats Longpostguy

I wouldnt ever buy one even if I was financially capable

>not filtering all tripfags

>price is pretty much the same
>specs are pretty much the same
>interiors are pretty much the same
>engines are different but produce the same results
>handling differences arnt noticeable unless you are on the track
>built in the same factory

the most defining difference between these two cars is the exterior, and between the two id stick with the Spider Abarth.

the ND's angry eyes and rather vague body lines dont interest me all that much compared to the Spider's more muscular curves and the 124 just looks more interesting from front to back.