"Alright young man that will be $30 plus tip. Would you like a complimentary air freshner?"

"Alright young man that will be $30 plus tip. Would you like a complimentary air freshner?"

"how did I wake up in a shit state?"
>give him 30 and drive off

I don't live in such a cucked state like Oregon or New Jersey that gas attendants are a thing. Literally never even seen one.

Saw my 1st one when i was in NJ for basic... got in trouble for trying to pump my own gas

if i ever had a downie come try to pump my gas id honestly pull out my pistol and tell him to fuck off

I don't know why we do this in NJ. Major stations have like a dozen pumps but only 2 people servicing the entire lot. It would be infinitely quicker to just pump my own gas, but nope, I gotta let some dumbfuck haji stand around and do it for me. At least our prices are low compared to NY and PA.


I don't get a tip for doing my job, why would you expect one? If you aren't getting a decent pay rate speak to your union rep, it's your employers responsibility to pay you and mine to pay him, lrn2economics.

Would you trust the average Jersey dweller with a petrol pump?

Fuck no

>At least our prices are low compared to NY and PA.
Not for long with the elections coming up lol

Hell no
They come down here and start pump fires
t. Virginian

>Be from New Jersey
>the only thing you have over other states is cheap gas
>have to pay half hte price of a tank to cross a century told bridge to get there OR have to go through mountain nigger country

>I don't get a tip for doing my job, why would you expect one?
There's various places that charge a mandatory minimum tip as part of the register receipt. Yes, some restaurants I go to have that. And no, I don't go to them voluntarily because some of my friends go to those and I simply go with them and end up having to pay part of the mandatory minimum tip. There is also a line where you can write in a bigger tip if you are paying with card.

The mandatory minimum tip policy at some restaurants is a party of 3 or more people will be charged a minimum gratuity rate of 15%. Some have 20%.

>I don't know why we do this in NJ.
Lobbyists paying off your state senators and governor. After they leave office, they can count on an offer to give a speech and receive an honorarium fee for the speech. That doesn't violate the anti-bribery laws.

>Land of the free

>Would you trust the average Jersey dweller with a petrol pump?
We have self-service pumps, but stations got rid of cash payment kiosks at the pumps because of vengeful people. Credit cards can still be used at the kiosk, but cash is accepted by the clerk inside the building. The problem was people put in some cash and then lay the pump on the ground as it pumps out gas all over the place. At first, the stations got rid of the latch that holds the pump handle, but all the legit customers complained loudly and repeatedly so the latches had to come back.

my family is in the oil business.
70% distribution 30% fuel station

We own 5 gas stations in total. My grandpa/uncle/dad mostly focus on the distribution business.
My grandpa's original gas station which he bought and ran starting in the 50's. is my main responsibility. Basically starting me out with running just one before I get fully 'inducted' into helping run the rest of the family company.

It's still a full service gas station but obviously most people are used to pumping their own gas now.

You'd be surprised though how many older people still come for the full service. Not just because they're old but because it's how they were used to it so many years ago and then there are some especially old ladies who dont know how to pump it because their husbands died or w/e and their husbands were always the ones to pump the gas for them.

Then along with that we/I'm supposed to check all 4 tires and windshield washer fluid while it's pumping.

When my grandpa is around you'll catch hell even if someone comes and self serves and you dont go check their tire pressure for them.

What exactly does pumping money into the ground accomplish.

>people put in some cash and then lay the pump on the ground as it pumps out gas all over the place.
Only in fukkin jersey do idiots do things like this

After living in Oregon, gas station attendants are comfy af. Also you don't tip them.

this, union/labor lobying

so how's the lambo?

im not that rich.

I hope to be at like 100k/yr by the time im 30. I'm 26 now a couple years into the whole deal and I'm at 50k.

Obviously there's good money in the oil business but in our family we have a lot of hands in the pot so no one person is filthy rich really. My grandpa probably at peak takes home 300k a year which really isn't much considering what you'd expect of some guy who started and still operates a 50+ year succesful company.

Though i think as my grandpa retires in the next couple years and my older uncle pulls out probably soon there will be more income opportunity for me.


Im from europe and live since 2 years in nothern california.

Wtf is that. This has to be a bad joke. Petrol Station Nigger?

Please go back to where you came from.

“Go fuck yourself”
>I drive off and never go back to that shit state

LoL you call this a job? Are you urban democrat voters realy that retarded? To stupid to even pump gas by yourself?

I don't care about this thread, I just want Eurofaggots out of my country.

LoL your country was built by "eurofaggots"

Wè wäß Pilğrïm änd shìiiiiiet

>euroshit moves to cali
>remains an insufferable eurofaggot
Those fires aren’t burning hard enough

We expressly severed ties with that shit continent, twice, bitchboy.

Euro here

What happens if you refuse and pump your own gas in New Jersey? Do police come and shoot you?

You guys are such /pol/acks

Nothing, I do it all the time when I go back.

*tips fedora*