This general is for discussing old or upcoming RPG Multiplayer/MMO that can't sustain in their own general/forum/reddit. If you are on one of these niche/forgotten games, looking for a friend, guild, or just want to know the state of the game, discuss here. These games include Everquest/P1999/2, Project Gorgon, Darkfall, any crowdfunding mmo, emulated mmo, etc.
/mmorpg/ MMORPG general
Couldn't get myself to finish the first one. And the combat is garbage, if I'm being honest. The only things I thought the game had going for it were the art style and characters.
drank too much today and feel like throwing up :/
reminder to stay hydrated if you want to race
Cleared it with 15% enervation with this team and a random Aiolos.
pcGAYmer as always by looking at those feet
Oh you were talking about those. Yeah, now I remember. Also, I meant to say that the portraits in dialouge added a lot of charm to the game.
I wish the rest of the games had gotten a Perfect version like the first game.
I already used up all my image editing creativity years ago for planetmans
because mommy didn't taught you properly about human sexuality and you became a repressed prude
That beta is from 2010
I was excited about this game 20 years ago. I also stopped being excited about it 17 years ago.
That's totally fake. It doesn't look like that at all.
Also l
You do realize what you are looking for is technically trap porn.
is that brad pit as a lion on that ladys shirt?
Not 3? In the trash it goes.
this is gorgeous
Honest question, can I shill another server I'm currently playing?
You'd be too if your creations were doing what they have been doing. Worrying the hair straight out of you.
>red crosses
user pls
>taking a screenshot or a video or streaming is now considered "Post this to Facebook"
>Civ V.
Why people who hate stellaris always have such shitty taste?
Even civ6 vanilla is better game than civ5 with all expacks
>killing him seems unnecessary.
Confirmed for never having played Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
He's a lich. Every copy of Skyrim is a fragment of his soul and he's hoping to gain immortality be spreading his soul to every corner of the Earth.
It took you over an hour, but goddamn well done, I never would've guessed.
man I really need to get that GBA and NES one eventually.
I wish PSIO gone down the price tho and for other CD based systems things like that would happen. Burning CDs is so much pain
which has already been mentioned, but OP is weird i guess.
I'll be keeping you in my contacts for sure!
No, not all of them, there are quite a few that are for MSX 2+ & later only.
post the hitman one
does anyone remember "you cant make everything look like the order"
that was a nice thread
"for no reason"
yeah ok
I applaud you for accurately describing it as the second half, if even that.
any tips for starting with meteorb? why is normal difficulty so insane?
opinions and shit
>you don't think like that if you are 20+
that's a rather closeminded statement
The music of Final Fantasy IX is not only among the finest made for a videogame, it's some of the finest music in general.
We're never going to get games of that caliber ever again. A shame.
Get some screen capture recording and count the frames and measure the pixels frame by frame.
Hey guys I just came here to tell you that brogue is not a roguelike and neither is Nethack.
Extremely uneven difficulty and if you want to get all stars the blue coins beat the fun right out of you.
Still my favorite by far.
I'll try this one, wish me luck anons
Good games.
Calm your nipples. Unless they specifically come out and say it's no longer coming to PC it will be on PC.
I have to add two catagories
1. *Customization/Control (ex. Job system)
2. Combat
3. Exploration
4. *Soundtrack
5. Dungeons
6. Item collecting
7. Characters
8. World Immersion
9. Plot
>Sandman is too fun, makes unskilled players mad
>Make it less fun
>Being like pic related.
You are whats wrong with todays society. Nobody cares about your achievements in life and never will.
nice. smokemonster is based as heck.
can we stop this meme? 30 fps, bad controls and fucked physics that make items freeze in midair whenever they move outside the screen does not make for a better game than the remake
later jets need guided missiles, they are literally designed for them
you don't finish within a minute
wtf i love nintendo now
Watch it die by the time I get home.
ah, thanks
658-787-493 if anyone wants to add me
Garou is better than all that trash.