Muh cars

>muh cars
>muh women
>muh yacht

Why was he such a nigger?

he was engaged to a kike

Belfort was born in 1962 in the Bronx[3] borough of New York City to a Jewish family.[6][7][8] His parents Leah and Max Belfort are both accountants. He was raised in Bayside, Queens.[1][9][10][11][12] Between completing high school and starting college, Belfort and his close childhood friend Elliot Loewenstern earned $20,000 selling Italian ice from styrofoam coolers to people at a local beach.[13] Belfort went on to graduate from American University with a degree in biology.[11][14] Belfort planned on using the money earned with Loewenstern to pay for dental school,[15] and he enrolled at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, the oldest dental school in the United States; however, he left after the dean of the school said to him on his first day at the college: "The golden age of dentistry is over. If you’re here simply because you’re looking to make a lot of money, you’re in the wrong place."[16][17]

it was worse than i thought.

Why do jews have such a lust for power?


According to Nietzche, most people don't genuinely want power and it's pretty easy to get it, you just have to have the will to power.

lolololl way to misquote nietzsche.

He actually says everybody lives for the will to power. I don't think you really understood him desu

It's funny how Di Caprio has more wealth than Belfort had in his prime.


Jews take care of one another and help each other out for the most part. That's why they are successful. It's why lots of Asian immigrants tend to own businesses and such, they help the family/ each other out.

Dont worry shlomo, your team is working there in full force

He was insane bro. He tried to kill himself after he got rich.

Read the book.

I think it was a combination of growing up average in NY and being short, and being very smart and a natural salesman, with no ethics whatsoever.

Even now he has his residence and holding company in Australia so he can avoid paying back the restitution from Stratton Oakmont.

This is a question I have pondered many many times. They are the only race that has this attribute. They will respond with "oh yeah but all people want power". Nah man Jews are the only race that are legit obsessed with it.

It's also funny how when they were making the movie, the two became "friends" and Leo told Belfort he would help him get into acting.

As soon as the movie was over Leo never talked to Belfort again.


What he did isn't that complicated or complex. When simple plans work stupid people get rich. Whe stupid people get rich they ped it on d mb shit

Because of drugs.
He was also making 50 million + a year and with money overseas (he probably still has a shit ton of $$$ somewhere).

Because they're brainwashed from birth. Family, schools, social circles are all jew and pump their own children full of fear that the world is out to get them.
I'm Thai but my natural uncle married a Jew and they moved to Israel then the USA and my cousins are legit brainwashed. They come back to Thailand once a year and call everyone monkeys to which we always without fail have to remind them they're half Thai.
My Aunty keeps trying to find ways she can be cheap land here as a foreigner without involving her husband a native Thai.

They are the greediest people I've ever met, and very unhappy inside too.

>ignores jews obvious lust for power

Why? Do you actually give a shit about anti-semitism?

It's in their DNA

persecution complex

Dey rite
You a monkey bananaboy

Tbqh sounds like normal diaspora. I moved half a globe away and I consider my own kind monkeys and rubes. They are probably right, too.

wanting hot girls, fast cars and nice yatchs is a side effect of high testosterone

im sorry that you are a low t cuck

I think my testosterone is just fine and having sex with girls you don't know quickly becomes unfulfilling

>I cuc

Go back to /pol you faggot