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Starlight Stage:
>Event: 06/19 ~ 06/26 Token "Yes! Party Time!!" (Momoka, Chie)
>Gacha: 06/22 ~ 06/29 (Aki, Sora)
Theater Days:
- Arcade iM@S fan remake: - CG 5thLIVE @Shizuoka photos: - SS Gachamobile @Shizuoka: - Kaoru fancomic TS: onwards
- ML max affection TL (June 24th): - SideM ST@RTING SIGNAL!!! 2017: - CG 5thLIVE @Shizuoka login bonus: - KR stuff (June 24th): - Karen/Clarice fancomic TS: - CG 5thLIVE @Shizuoka Day 1 setlist: - Kotoha max affection TL: - Archive of :
- CG Theater 876/907/908/921 TS: - U149 volume 1 drama CD (July 28th), MASTER SEASONS SUMMER (Aug 9th), CG 4thLIVE BDs (Aug 31st): - Ritsuko's birthday guests: - CG 4thLIVE BD digest/penlight/preorder:
June 28th: CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater anime BD volume 2, ED3 Sunflower
July 4th: CG Pacific League Baseball event
/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General
4th Live BDs finally coming out. Only (approximately) a year more to go!
Yes Chie, grow into a lascive girl.
You know, LMBG's Yes Party Time isn't too bad once you get used to it.
Haha, of course I'm joking, it's awful no matter how many times you listen to it. It's actually impressive how they took l@lis and a high enegy song and made it dull and lifeless.
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Holy shit it's Pinga!
I bet Momoka will have a huge chest when in high school.
I want to look exactly like Bakane!
I wish I was an idol.
I wish I was a producer of idols.
Nigga that's one fucking tall producer.
I wish I was a producer* of idols.
Roco the straight man foil
I love this guy's work. His Hibiki's are too cute.
She'll be gorgeous regardless
Ricchan is a good pal.
I'm kissing her
Is he like 9 feet tall here?
*ugly pal
I had a dream I was feeling Kanade's chest and she had huge areolas.
I bet you like inverted nipples too.
>Syuko, twice
>Limited Yuki
>Now Aki
I always seem to get idols I don't even give a crap about in my dailies.
At least you got them.
Never the ones I ACTUALLY want though.
Nigger I've rolled 0 in around 100 dailies, stfu.
And I've spent over 1000 dollars total rolling for Limiteds that I eventually never got, you shut the fuck up.
Complaining about measly 6000 paid jewels, holy shit.
That's within expected results.
I'm talking about dailies you Aiko nigger, it's a completely different entity.
From the sizable amount of dream experience I have with my idol I've found out that she has small, cute, perky nips. I'm glad she doesn't have gross pancake ones like your Kanade.
Idols don't have canon nipple sizee you weirdos
Just gotta wait now.
Idols don't have nipples. At all.
Curse you, 3+ rating.
Ryo has big puffy ones for a male.
Mayu's pinku nipples.
i'm gonna caress em
I wish I could roll Aki in my dailies. I keep trying. I don't want to blow all my ten rolls before CinFes but damn is she making it hard, especially when I already have idols I want to use the next ticket on.
Theater ED songs on ss fucking WHEN?
In 9 hours and 45 minutes
And pinku anus.
Wow, I almost didn't believe that the single roll tickets from playing DJ Pinya were real, but I just got one, nice.
That's hard to believe.
Miyu has large brown pepperoni looking ones.
This is both rude as all fuck and completely wrong.
How do you know?
Because that's my wife you're talking about there, bucko.
Your wife is just about to go into menopause.
>at 26
Spot the filthy lolicon.
Why does Shin keep her weight and three sizes secret, but not her age?
She's worried about her figure.
Because then her fans would think she's actually 40.
How many of Nana's fans actually think she's 17?
Why does Kurumi hide her 3 sizes?
Because she's embarrassed about her figure.
I bet Miku does
but she's 17, also she is an alien from Usamin
You're awesome, did the first disc come home already?
She's (17).
How long has she been 17?
Only idiots like Chie.
Oh shit.
How rude
Still at the proxy. Was waiting for this to send out at the same time. Best case scenario I'll have it up next week. Completely depends on how fast this one gets to the proxy.
Alright, looking forward to both.
So glad Yuzu and Tomoe are getting voiced.
Some 800 affection lines:
I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men! Producer-san, I can do it for you!
I started a kitchen garden recently and just went with spreading around Japanese persimmon seeds for now! Once they bear fruit, let's eat them together!
I shouldn't look for peace of mind in others. But, just for now, please let me hold onto your arm. ...It's warm. Is my hand warm as well?
And that...was not the image.
Reika is a good girl.
Even Sayoko is a good girl.
>I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men!
Who the fuck taught you this
Where does he live
>I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men!
What the fuck
>I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men! Producer-san, I can do it for you!
good girl
Who is teaching Serika these weird things? Hope it's not her family.
Reika's is suprisingly normal.
>I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men!
>Once they bear fruit, let's eat them together!
>please let me hold onto your arm. ...It's warm. Is my hand warm as well?
This is so lewd holy shit
Namco really knows how to make em
Sayoko was always a good girl. Though P was trying to make her an exhibitionist back then.
Serika learned well.
Sucking on Serika-chan's toes.
And Hina and Hajime and Hiromi. We got a good batch this year.
>Though P was trying to make her an exhibitionist back then.
I hope it rubbed on her just a bit.
Certainly we did.
Be careful, Reika.
epic fred
>I was taught that lap pillows are effective for tired men! Producer-san, I can do it for you!
So pump and dump meme is actually canon...
Can't stand it, huh?
I actually laughed out loud. These niggas.
How the fuck does Serika learn these things