Veeky Forums cannonball dream car

I did some reading about the cannonball run and thought this would be an awesome thread. What car would you drive for an attempt at the record. Personally i would love a flat black 1970 dodge daytona with a modern chellenger hellcat engine swapped in for the run.

Other urls found in this thread: chevy engine.html

i'd do like the movie did and run an ambulance with a suped up engine.

And then when you get pulled over you go straight to prison rather then just getting a ticket

Truck with a slip tank.

They wised up after someone did that IRL

>F10 M5/Hellcat Charger
>Backseats removed with trunk pass-through
>Fucking massive fuel cell
>Radar/laser jammers
>Every single radar detector you can possibly fit
>HAM Radio/Police Scanner


I wanna do it with a rotary just to piss the HURR DURR APEX SEALS idiots off
>inb4 i need a backup oil tank

lan evo iii with a massive fuel cell and antilag.

An rx7 with a 26 gallon gas tank, 16 gallon oil tank, and 4 engine rebuild kits

the 6.2L V8
might as well ride in comfort

this, way too conspicuous plus there's a ton of roads that you have to call the highway dept or some shit before flying down lights and sirens else they pull you over

t. emt



The current record holder basically already nailed it with a CL-Class. German premium cars are the only ones engineered to sustain high speeds for hours. You can drive that thing on the 155 mph limiter all day.

with hectic mpgs ofc
older coast to coast records show that average speed is the most important factor

So for laser detecting and jamming and radar detecting you could use a Stinger, doesn't show up on anti radar detector systems either.

So for laser detecting and jamming and radar detecting you could use a Stinger, doesn't show up on anti radar detector systems either.

>Attempt the record

Too serious. Just enjoy yourself, bring a good passenger, and laugh off thousands in tickets because you're rich and doing fun rich people stuff.

So, any convertible Supercar/ Super-GT

rich people can't laugh off points on their license

or can they

You wont get any points if you can run fast enough

Op here, i love the idea

but if you can't you go to jail

and we all know that rich people can't drive

Honestly, that looks rad as fuck.

you would waste so much time refueling, like every 100 fucking miles

cool but expensive and rare with only about 100 built

it will do 155 mph
with its normal fuel capacity of 13.2 gallons (50 litre) and MPG of roughly 60 it might just make 792 miles between fill ups
it has a 120 litre luggage compartment that could be used to store 31.7 gallons of fuel giving a total of 44.9 gal and 2694 mile range ? less irl no doubt
but then that leaves no room for a second drivers food

basic calculation
2,811 mile divided by 28 hours = 200.393 mph average

their stats
100 mph avg
158 mph vmax
67 gallons (253.623 litre) 13 MPG
937 miles between fill ups

wew lads

oops typo 100.393 mph average

Cop engine
Cop transmisson
Cop tires
Built before Cadillac converters so it runs good on pump gas.

3rd gen Trans Am GTA hardtop
with this engine on propane with one of those alternator water pumps a T56 and Pontiac AERO wheels chevy engine.html

Probe V for teh win

>hellcat charger police killer edition
This except with a ute conversion, tank in the trunk and an srt10 swap

So long as a vehicle can reach 130+ you have a shot at this with the right conditions and luck if you don't stop.

I'd try it in a Cadillac hearse on a pickup frame. True speed cannonballs are for the rich anyway, so money no object:
>Swap the body onto a 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton pickup frame
>Swap the engine for a built Cummins, or similar diesel, with plenty of cooling.
>Strip as much unnecessary weight as possible, strip out entire rear interior.
>Stuff as much fuel as possible in the car, 8x 50 gallon tanks come out about 2500lbs in fuel and would give 1000 miles range at only 2.5MPG or the entire trip at 7.25MPG. Hitting 3-4 MPGs shouldn't be too difficult from this setup, even hauling car and fuel weight.
>Extra large aircraft in-air-refueling style fuel filler built into the side of the hearse
>Cruise control, and bench seats in the front for driver changes without stopping
>Hook up second battery and beefy (or second) alternator to run the extra fuel pumps, radar detectors, radios, etc
>Have a shit-ton of gauges and switches for the co-driver to monitor too, manage fuel, etc
>Have a couple of people meet you about a third and two thirds of the miles along the way in a pickup truck with transfer tank to do on-road refuelling, slowing to any speed to refuel is better than stopping, and after practice could probably still make ~40-50mph while refuelling on highway in the dead of night.
>Piss in bottles and bucket plus cat litter and dogshit bags in second row for any necessary shitting
>Use rest of second row for food/water storage, tools, spare tires and parts that are fast to change.
>Do it on Christmas Day when the roads are dead and most cops who can be are probably on holiday. Hope for clear weather.
>Have contacts or an escort in nearby areas along the route on a panic button so if you're pulled over they're ready to do hektik skidz past the cop and distract them.

Never stop. If you're pulled over too long or the vehicle fails, you'd simply have to try again.