/mbgg/ - Mobage General #722

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>Current English Games
Potion Maker, Terra Battle, Panzer Waltz, Valkyrie Connect, Astral Stairways

>Current Foreign games
Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Warship girls, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny Child, #Compass, Tagatame, Houkai Impact, Tenka Hyakken, Azur Lane.

>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:

If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.

>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store:
Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.

>Upcoming mobage doc

>Previous thread
Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters. Replying to them only helps them shit up the thread and makes you as bad as them.

Other urls found in this thread:

shoumetsu.gamerch.com/失われし世界 第9話 True Love Waits

>pull meredy 5* like 10 minutes ago
>next single
>MC girl 5*
rate ups still a lie. I just want Lloyd since symphonia was the first one I played

Bane event equips and skills:
>UR bane gauntlet
>no passive

>SR bow
>no passive

>UR skill
>knockback that hits enemies behind your target
Some SR characters have a version of this as their signature skill, it's more or less the same thing.

>SR skill
>100% crit rate, lasts for 6s at max level with a 40s CD


That's a big knockback


Alright boys it's not a pick ticket, dunno where you heard it but it's just random. Got a dupe ssr from it too.

Sakura is CUTE!

a dupe ssr is good

Might be good for fast characters like Sayo I guess. I could see this being useful when autoing bosses (but activating the skill means you're playing semiauto).

Since there is no place for this and it is a mobage can someone translate this? I'm assuming it's a matenence period, am I right?

It says it hasn't opened yet, maybe you can talk about it in /m/.

Have you ever heard about google translate app?
You can feed it images too.
It should be your friend #1 if you're planing to play non-translated game.

i didnt know about feeding images to it, thanks this helps alot

translate.yandex.com/ocr is another option too.

Can any user in Shoumetsu put up the dark Kindergarten unit?

Not rather Kunito?

Nope. Hopefully, this'll do.

Now I just have to do it out of practice mode.

...Or do I? Do you get anything for clearing EX Tsuki besides the Geek scene?

Bluestacks might be an featureless, ad-riddled mess but I kinda wish Nox ran as well as 3 does. It's a hell of a lot lighter on my computer and still gives nice performance.

>tfw PTD is causing me to get Bluestacks stockholm syndrome

I wonder if she is related to Miu.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think you get an item to activate a chain shield awakening on either Tsuki or Taiyou

There's always memu

Feel Injection

Team A

(Main)Magenta Feel = Yearning
Cyan Feel = Determination
Purple Feel = Fear
Yellow Feel = Friendliness

Magenta Feel = Commitment
(Main)Cyan Feel = Rational
Purple Feel = Insolence
Yellow Feel = Serious

Magenta Feel = Boldness
Cyan Feel = Pure
Purple Feel = Envy
(Main) Yellow Feel = Calm

Team B

Magenta Feel = Passion
(Main) Cyan Feel = Beauty
Purple Feel = Anxiety
Yellow Feel = Charisma

(Main) Magenta Feel = Humanity
Cyan Feel = Self-indulgence
Purple Feel = Emptiness
Yellow Feel = Courage

Magenta Feel = Strength
Cyan Feel = Cynical
Purple Feel = Masochistic
(Main) Yellow Feel = Delicate

Team C

Magenta Feel = Effort
Cyan Feel = Bravery
Purple Feel = Dependence
(Main) Yellow Feel = Trust

Magenta Feel = Curiosity
(Main) Cyan Feel = Adaptability
Purple Feel = Desire to reveal
Yellow Feel = Element of Surprise

Magenta Feel = Selfish
(Main) Cyan Feel = Bird's Eye View
Purple Feel = Impulsive
Yellow Feel = Arbitrary

>you have 300 coins expiring this month


Well, didn't make it no matter the team, thanks for putting her up though, anons. Have a Miu.

I want a miu on my bed

That scene was practically for giggles.
The final set of order requires you to beat EX BATTLE, and the set clear reward is the material needed to enhance Trance Akira's leader skill.

His leader skill will become 3x attack for fire souls, maximum chain becomes 90,
and you can survive fatal attacks with more than 50% HP twice.

shoumetsu.gamerch.com/失われし世界 第9話 True Love Waits

Did you tried looking at some teams here? Some spoilers though.

What does this mean, what do the purple feels actually do though. Like is there a point to putting in feels stones when they don't do unlocks on a girl?

Yamada's a magenta main, not cyan.
But that's neat, didn't realize they meant something different for everyone.

Unlocking eyepatches and halos?

Thanks for the link. There's only enough leads up to keep trying though, and I may as well work on a gravity before tackling it again.

Lore-wise, you can't go back to be 'human' if all you put are good traits, so that purple feel is necessary evil.
At this point I don't really see the point, though.

I'd like to see the original Japanese for Yuki's purple and have someone else give it a 2nd translation, Desire to reveal sounds so weird.

I think i'm starting to feel the burn on Tokyo dolls

I wonder if i'll even last til swimsuits

And does it count if you clear it before getting to that order? As it's in the story, it probably should, unlike the descend ones.

I thought Tokyo Dolls was great when I first played it, but it got old for me quick and the horrible auto mode doesn't help at all for grindy events. I wasn't even playing hardcore like the anons who are at floor 30 in the EX tower.

It's closer to 'show-off', 'wants to be noticed', etc.

I think its fun and I like the girls but the time i'll last on this completely depends on the gacha and the girls I pull. The gameplay is pretty nice too.

If I manage to get girls I like and SSRs I like then i'll probably stick to it. If I manage to get 2 URs like some luckgods here then i'll probably stick to it. But if all I pull is shit and girls I dont like then i'll be burying it fast.

dead like my hopes and dreams

Dead like this guy. I wish more games would last me this long.

Is it dead time?

is there an easy way to give away ptd accounts? going to uninstall so i can fit f/go on my phone.

link to a throwaway squeenix account, i think that's the only way to do account backups.

Square-enix bridge

Press settings then the two phones. Register for a bridge account and then give away the info.
If you skipped the tutorial then make sure the account has more than 300 gems before doing this or it'll get locked forever. If you didn't then dont worry about it.

Also, because the info can be used many, its best if you send the info via email so it doesnt end with different people trying to log in into the same account and fucking the account up.

too much effort fuck it. not like anyones going to want an account with only 1 ur.

Who is the UR?

Probably not, especially when getting 1 UR on a reroll is pretty easy with the tutorial skipping exploit.

>playing a game with less interactive combat with rates that are just as awful
truly a masochist.

fucking finally, time to play

Luckers need to burn forever

Neverending hype reminder that "Terra Battle 2" is coming out this Summer.


>he keeps posting it when everyone who cares has already seen it
Just stop.

You can unlock different classes that grant different passive skills for the girls in ptd by getting their main stat to 15 or their off stats to 20. Each one is a different class and the passives change for every girl.

Your UR girl has good class skills, right /mbgg/?

people actually masochist out for 2...?

i've farmed almost every gem available in the game and didn't get a single ur off it besides the one i rerolled for at the start. when rerolling takes 2 minutes it's not a bad idea if you want to not get fucked by the gacha.

Just enjoy the game with 1 UR as it is. Powercreep is gonna murder you anyway when all of the good characters (and potentially weapons) get locked behind shit rates.

that's a 0.144089% for 2 URs in 6 rolls

jesus christ

We don't allow discussion of sinoalice here. Stick to your dead thread

>This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own

fuck off

>responding to le thread policeman

that's a higher chance than rolling a ur off of one of their gacha tickets.

I am worried /mbgg/ might be next. I think hiro fucked up and there have been bot spammers invading Veeky Forums generals in the last couple of days. Shit is fucking weird but its spreading slowly. Check this out.

Gacha tickets have reduced rates?

>Neverending hype
I wouldn't describe it as such. TB is the Turkish Embassy of /mbgg/. You've got some anons that have been playing it since release, and a few people that picked it up at some point. Every so often we get a few people picking it up or putting it down. Nobody really gets hyped about it, though. TB has always been a slow burn. It doesn't have the constant churn of new events and limited gacha to generate excitement.

I'm sure there are people looking forward to it as I am. There are new elements that could prove interesting. A new story chapter, or whatever they refer to it as, every week and the narrative potential could perhaps lend it to a more ongoing relevance here.

I think the dedicated autists that do everything to shit the place up are worse than any kind of bots

At least bots can be ignored/filtered/reported.

Wait what

Yes, there's a 0.1% to get an UR of off the normal and silver gacha tickets with a 0% chance to get one off of an SSR ticket. This is why they're being "generous" by giving out so many tickets.

How's the symphogear game?

>reading that thread
Holy shit, it is incomprehensible.

XD Unlimited? As far as I know is not out yet. This was the last preview I watched.


This is what happens to generals far past their expiration dates

>At least bots can be ignored/filtered
How do you think that would work?

All feels, not just main, give passives when leveled, an example of purple feels at level 20 would be Yamada's: When Enemy HP is 50% and lower, ATK and Break DMG increase by 10% / On turn start, 30% chance to remove Accuracy Down

apparently the game and servers are up for ios but its not even on the store for android

It's been out on iOS for like half an hour and not out yet on Android. Gonna have to wait a while for impressions.

Can someone put the Kindergarten unit back up? Hoping a shit poison, gravity, and then a reasonable poison will do the trick before 100.

Looks like Cosmic Break Adventures updated their APK.

Will we get events now?


Welp. Back to killing Volcanics.

Have I been added to your friend list? 3,214,405,376

You haven't, sent a request. Thanks, user. rank 163

Wew, box 7. I refreshed on bane gauntlet drops so I could MLB it early though

Got it.

Made it, thanks user.

No probs.

>IOS finally getting a game first

Savor it while it lasts, iCuck.

What bane level you running I'm still in box 3 city.

30 stamina.

Literally just happened for Azur Lane

Is there a list of passives?

Aww yiss, finally saved enough coins to buy the bunnysuit.

>eruca now
I looked at the old art and am eternally thankful they changed it.

Is the new Bluestacks good?


It's good compared to Bluestacks 2, and a viable choice for compatibility purposes, but it's still got ads and is starved of features compared to Nox/Memu

Grab the rooted mod one.

What is the purpose of these exp things having different colors? Do we get more experience using it in girls from the same color or something?

What do you think nigger