Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/

>Anonymity Is A Sin-ityEdition

Brevious Bread: >44 tonnes of weeb hauled frac sand
>34 tyres in desperate need of air
>Sign that lease and I'll upload the fap photos I took of you with your webcam using Sub7
>CDL How Do? Private Driving School or community college, or what the hell, sign on with Prime
>Swift: Best Underestimating The Amount Of Room Needed To Pull A U-Turn Onto A Frontage Road
>Feel free to filter the word Oilfag if you don't want to see my posts

>Truckerfag hauling the finest hand forged Korean steel hwandudaeos money can buy
>EF to buy Richie's old Peterbilt, says he wants even less sleeper space
>Bepis blew the tollgate doing 95, not because he didn't want to pay no toll, but because the brakes didn't work
>Whiney is kill, buried in pile of sand underneath the blender tub
>Truckdog squares off against Polish anonymous busrider
>Oilfag accidentally the oil well
>Doublesfag was randomly selected for additional screening
>Primefag earning more detention pay than per mile
>Primely's going for that "forcefully removed components of the truck body" look
>Balam is waiting on a trailer that will never be loaded
>Gundam rolled the coal, did not pay the toll
>Bandit got a gold star and had to give a small speech in front of the class






First for apparently I have to have a fucking tripcode

and just like that, a low effort pokemon was born

>Feel free to filter the word Oilfag if you don't want to see my posts
That then filters the OP, maybe you could just not trip for OP posts?

>i'm not butthurt
>uses tripcode

Use your own voice to spew hate user, you don't need mine. You're a big boy!

>comes second again


I'm off to play some vidya.

You and
Drive safe 'n' shit. I'll check in whenever.

That's what she said

>Replies to everyone and vanishes in a puff of smoke

>not coming on the faces of your enemies like a Viking warrior

But then how will everyone know it was him? If he takes off the trip, he won't be credited with the attention he desperately craves. It's the only reason he even insists on being the OP every single time.

What vidya, I just straya'd a copy of the fractured but whole. Gonna install and check it out.

The Evil Within 2. I wanna get that next. Great it's 100% uncensored here. No crying Koalas this time.

>C'iao for now

EF, pls stop poking the wildlife with sticks.

>this much asspain
you are to be not fooling us, comrade

>wants a tripcode but doest want to appear vain and attention whorey
>creates fake low effort drama
>sudden tripcode

Whatever you need to believe user. I went a long time without a trip because I never had a need for it

did you guys know you need doubles/triples endorsement to drive a 2 3 2? I found that out today while driving a 2 3 2.

Whatever you want to tell yourself, just be honest duder.

Is that like a mazda 121

Just a bunch of insecure faggots who scream that their shit is better than your shit because that is their wageslaving. Not trucks, they couldnt give a shit less about trucks. All they care about is that you acknowledge their presence.

Four doors for more whores

r8 my spicy new meme

>TFW up at 0300 for an early job

Keel. Me.

jesus, the quality of posts has gone down so far in the last couple weeks. is it ausfailian summer or something?

Some loser forklift driver is stuck at home and seems to entertain himself here. Notice just how much extra shit it went when he rocked up.

>doublesfag in last thread

Fucking KLLM.

I don't know if it was necessarily him, so much as what he represents. I don't think a lot of people had realized just how shitty these threads had become because it was a gradual decline in quality. All he did was push it to its logical conclusion. We make fun of speed posters for not being "real truckers", but then here comes the guy who is literally not a trucker, was never a trucker, doesn't know anything about trucking, and doesn't even post about trucks, or trucking. I don't go to a lot of generals, but I can't imagine that any other place would tolerate anything like this.

Well that doesn't look right


Did you take that? Sweet picture.

Wtf is that thing?

Uh is this you? Explain.

Oh dang. Bost a damage photo once that moderfuger's trailer is off your fender.

Don't take this as a defence of shitposting, but some of the other generals I have are seen are just as bad as this one.

>TFW the rig site is horror movie levels of darkness

And yet he's not as much of a narcissistic shithead as EF. I'm fucking tired of seeing that god damn bumper, I'm fucking tired of seeing that god damn Harley, I'm fucking tired of seeing that god damn bitch of his, and I'm fucking tired of seeing his fucking face.


>being this jealous of others

Pepso plz go.

Absolutely not. I work 40 hour weeks for the same wage as most of you and I go to sleep in a house every night. I don't have to poop in truckstops and I don't have to sleep in a glorified toolbox. I do not envy truckers. I just like the machines.

Pepsi pls.
I admit tho I do like shitting in my own home.
>tfw did a 55hr week ending last friday
Feels good to go home and relax after a longer than usual day. Fucking wattle orders are killing us. Bulky mofos.

>come off home time, dispatch has something at the drop yard ready
>dispatch is all like "it's gotta get there on time super important can't be late gotta go fast go go go"
>not a big deal, get there on time at 3am
>receiver is like "what's this"
>"yeah, no one scheduled an appointment for this"
>call dispatch like, bruh
>"oh, whoops. we'll reschedule it"
>park on the side of the road in front of the receiver
>12 hours later
>"okay it's rescheduled for 3am... the day after tomorrow"
>"here, drop it off at this place, there's loaded stuff there, night dispatch will find something to keep you moving"
>drop trailer at place that afternoon
>night dispatch does, in fact, not find something to keep me moving
>receive message this morning, "what's your eta to (this place)?"
>look that place up, about an hour and a half I guess?
>"okay, I need you to be there in an hour"
>...sure. with what, exactly? i don't have, like, a trailer
>"this is the trailer. it was supposed to be there at 4am"
>look at the clock, it's 9am
>whatever, hook up and head out
>get there on the dot an hour and a half later
>"this was supposed to be here at 4am"
>yeah I know
>"we'll have to reschedule it for 4am tomorrow"
>contact dispatch again like (elongated bruh)
And now I'm sitting on the side of the road again.

>>driven by the best
>>managed by actual retards

Wow the doublefaggot is back

It's even in his name.

In honor of doublefaggots return I have commissioned a 3D render of me roundhousing him.

>I travel to other countries and have sex with 12 year olds for 100 rupies.
Wew there doubles lad.
Did u get a margarita and el mariachias? You are like an autistic Ari shafeir
Had Henry Rollins on his podcast once and he goes "rogue" but it's just him being an autism

It’s a message
>time to throw down some dosh and get a T680 glider

But for real how fucking terrible was that driver? Was he still-wet-behind-the-ears new?
We tolerate it because we’re not asshats and he makes on-topic conversation 99% of the time.
Keks. I almost considered Prime while I was getting my CDL at Peak. With each greentext about other companies, I appreciate working at Skyline a little more.
This looks shooped

If I remember correct Alphonse was ostracized and considered a pariah once he admitted himself he didn't own a car. The logic being how would he bring substance to the auto-related community without even owning himself. I think the same principle applies here. How can the opinion of a busrider forklift driver be taken into consideration on a trucker-related thread? At least that's what I think is the anons' mentality against truckdog.

If you consider simple filters as photoshopped than yes

>he makes on-topic conversation 99% of the time.
Demonstrably false.

Oh nice. Yeah had to be the filter fuckin’ with me eyes.

Nah. They've made it clear that their real problem is that he's gay and I wish they'd just stfu about it. TD doesn't bother me but THEY do with their incessant fucking whining.

Oh, and Alphonse wasn't ostracized because he didn't have a car. He was ostracized because he was a massive shithead who just happened to not have a car. If he'd been a decent bloke no one would have cared he was on Veeky Forums without a car.

Him being a faggot doesn't help but it's obvious the main problem is he's just annoying. If it was (((homophobia))) then none of the hetero tripfags would catch shit but they do.

Forgot yer trip dogtruck.

Ugh, I wish I worked 40hrs last week. We had 18 drivers available yesterday. That's about half of what we should have if we were fully staffed and everybody was healthy.

If I didn't leave early for a doc appt on Monday, I probably would've been close to 60 on Friday afternoon.

not really

Lets get back into the groove of things

Story time. My brother was in Las Vegas at the time of the the shooting. He took this picture of these fine ladies being arrested. Only minutes later they were set free and the cop flew off. He didn't know at the time why.

FBI illuminati please don't suicide me

I hit 40 hours at 8am on Wednesday. Did 3 100+ hour weeks in a row without a single day off and finally told them yesterday I needed a break. now I’m sitting in bed at 11am wishing I had gone to work because I’m bored


Rused again. Everyone knows Dexter defends my truck from greenhorn fuckery. He's got more miles at the wheel than most of them.

>Being this buttblasted
It's hilarious his mere experience triggers you so

Pretty much this. Yes, he's gay, he's not a trucker, we get it.

I'm not a trucker either, but I'm in the transport industry. I'm just here for the banter.

How rude. I thought it was odd that you had a chrome grille but I didn’t think twice about it.

It's a fruitliner, m8, it's plastic

After all the time I put into the others, I'm disgusted by this.

My real problem with him isn't that he's gay and no trucker, those things just make him a target. Tbqh the real reason he bothers me so much is that he just up and showed up out of nowhere and completely went overboard with his presence here. Yea we've got tripfags and namefags, some more vocal and prominent than others, and that's fine. But this dog guy literally responds to every post, has to butt in on every conversation and give his two cents, all the while not actually contributing any real content to these threads because he doesn't share our profession. I'm just amazed how some of you guys can tolerate him.

We ‘tolerate’ him because we’re not holier-than-thou super-secret-club members only pricks like you. Do you even interact with people IRL? You’ve implied you’re a truck driver, do you just buy your rollerdogs and 64oz big gulps in complete silence and sneer when people attempt to make idle conversation, purely because they’re not truckers? Get over yourself, punk, and stop shitting up our threads.

>bump limit -1

>TFW Peter Pickup decides to wash his """""heavy load""""" in the truck wash section

>TFW I was such a fool as to expect Truckerfag to actually do something aesthetically nice to his truck
10/10 rustled my jimmies.

This tbqhfam.

Every single day you talk to a non-trucker and have meaningful conversations with them irl? There's only so much limited information about the industry you can discuss if you're not a driver yourself. truckdog comes off as annoying at this point. I can definitely see why other anons have a problem with him for this.

>other anons
Stop samefagging, stop posting here if you’re gonna whine like the little weeb bitch that you are. Courtesy sage, and enjoy this (You).

>ad hominem
>implying you're not truckdog using gundam's name

>We ‘tolerate’ him because we are desperate for attention and he responds to literally every single post.

>I use weeb as an insult on Veeky Forums
we're reaching facebook levels that shouldn'tbe possible!

He's just copying oilfag. It gives him validation from another trip user.

This. Fuck off and stop trying to police communities you're not part of.

We were fine until you showed up and shat everywhere. GTFO, shitter.

How dare you. Never have I ever used weeb as a perjoratove. [Anime Enthusiasts] are God's children too.


Autism: The Post.

How do you "this" both sides of an argument?

This general should just get purged like what almost happened to /osg/. Too much drama/shitposting with nothing of substance being discussed.

What do u want to talk about? Trucks?
Durr 18 speed master race
Durr set back axles are better for turning

The truckers that are actually here don't actually even want to talk about trucks. And that's our choice

>this much ignorance in one post
Holy shit son, just admit you can't find Gibraltar on a map.
Are Indian currency, which is in southern Asia. Not southern Spain.
Spain uses the euro, Gibraltar uses the British Pound.
>going on vacation to visit family is similar to an autistic Jew freaking out and going to Asia to find himself

How exactly?

>hurr I wish I was this muscle guy and here's how I imagine doubles Looks! Notice how I see myself as better than him in every possible manner?!

Fucking delusional.

Why does ef hate you so much?

Cause I hate on him ALOT

Intitial post.
This. The reply to it.

My addition to the reply.

Are you new here? Do you struggle with simple logic?

>be me
>rolling across the panhandle
>a wild road gator appears
>fuck, nowhere to go left bcuz cars love to be next to trailers
>option 1). Take it in tire, hope for lolnoflat
>option 2). Straddle, hope for no airline fuckery
>choose option 2
>jump out with trailer brake pushed in and trusty leatherman.
>breathe sigh of relief to find it popped up and ripped the emergency gladhand apart on the back of the front trailer.
>reconnect, check dollies tires for bald spots, only drug them 200ft. Kek.
>all clear

How was your saturday?

Low-rent e-celebs destroy every forum, always.

This is all my doing. I developed the anons into namefags, the namefags into tripfags. I challenged the egos of the blog posters. If somebody hits, you must hit back. It's human nature. they struck, and felt good only because they were recognized.
I stroked their unwarranted senses of self-importance by crafting OPs that referenced them. They felt appreciated and wanted.
Now these generals have become a beacon for the shitposting elites. Truckdog is just the beginning.

I look upon the faggotry I have wrought, and smile.

Did you use them as the basis for your thesis?

>tfw chaotic neutral
I love watching it all burn.

>I am doublefag
>I am going rogue
>turns cellphone off
>goes to India
>does meme prayers with a monk

See guys life is so much more precious than we were led to believe

>Netflix special bombs

Seems like your panties are still in knot from getting low effort trolled into evolving.

What did he mean by this?

>I neither went to India, nor turned my cell off. It costs 10 trumplains a day for international unlimited with verizzy.

Also, didn't Ari go to Laos and Vietnam, not India?

>Implying I don't drive sans pants

Ripped off a steer brake line from the steer chain hitting it, but it was an easy fix.

This is the saddest thing I have ever read, and I read The Road.

>oilcuck comes to the realisation that he was just a play toy and uses cognitive dissonance, it's super effective

Quoting a post and saying "this" is like saying "I agree with the opinion expressed by this post". To compare it to something you would understand better, it's like an upvote. So when you quote two posts that say the opposite things, it's confusing.

It's only sad because it's true.


Too many obamaphone posters, thats the real problem. Once that baboon handed them out, shitpost level all over Veeky Forums rose.

I'm sorry you struggle with simple logic and basic reading comprehension.

Pepsi pls.

This is basically what I would've said if I cared enough to type out a rant like that. He showed up out of nowhere (presumably he was in some general on /r9k/ and they made fun of him so much that he came here) and he's on here all day every day posting stupid ass responses like "Nice to hear!" or "that sucks" and despite making up 20% of the thread, none of it is useful.

>(Post 38) Pepsi: "Hey Gundam, were you in FL today?"
>(Post 39) Truckdog "Hey Pepsi, nice to see you! I too wonder if Gundam was in Florida."
>A sea of Truckdog and shitposts later...
>(Post 152) Gundam: "Nah Pepsi, I wasn't in Florida today"

Truckdog, pls get a hobby or job or stop taking so many amphtamines and speed and go away for a bit.

The word you're looking for is innocuous. All his replies are the very definition of innocuous.
He doesn't really bother me anyway, and usually I filter his posts. Not because he annoys me or I'm irrationally agro, just because I want to interact with the more relevant blogposting without having to sift through the less relevant stuff.

Wash your hands you nigger, what's all that beige shit smeared on you.

So you tapping that little taquito yet?

>maybe if we discuss our heterosexual sex lives it will be repelled