/owg/ - Overwatch General

>New assault (2CP) map: Horizon Lunar Colony is live! Yes, that includes in competitive.

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20812212
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc/
>Roadhog's gun now has 5 shots and shoots faster, but can't 1-shot tanks.
>McCree's Deadeye locks on more quickly.
>Reaper heals just by doing damage; no more collecting orbs.

>Hovering over a teammate's name (on the groups page of the social tab) will show their five most played heroes for the season. If your team is struggling, now it's easier to see that you've got a healer main stuck on tank or something.

>New crosshair shape and color options are available on the PTR now. If you're on PC, go check them out!

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Post things that meta slaves say
"hurr we need another tank or healer"

>play Pharah
>A mercy insta locks
>A Zarya Insta locks
>Mercy doesn't acknowledge you exist
>Zarya never combos with you

Its called Comp not ranked you retard

Here comes T.Racer!

Tracer is for giving hugging others

>Game decides to punish me by putting a sym and torb one trick on my team in koth
Damn I'm sure glad the better team won.

Im at that point where im glad i lost if im stuck with onetricks

Let's try that again, user.

>pick healer
>say hello
>nobody says hello back
>switch to torb and throw the game

>tfw Summer Games coming again
Give Bloo good items pls


Technically, it's called "competitive." Not "comp." YOU RETARD.

"real-time strategy, in which a player controls a single character in one of two teams...Player characters typically have various abilities and advantages that improve over the course of a game and that contribute to a team's overall strategy. MOBA games are a fusion of action games, role-playing games and real-time strategy games"
Sorry what about overwatch isnt based in moba mechanics? Not saying its a moba of course but its clearly inspired by them....making it a fps game with moba mechanics.

if they don't say hello back you know you've lost already so what's the point in ruining my mercy win rate?

no one cares about a mercy mains opinion

What is the purpose of this hero now?

>Hit with secondary fire
>Shoot twice
200 hp hero still alive


>he thinks having this picture saved means you're a mercy main

>summer games is back
Can i get a source on this?

And dont say its some vague ass reddit speculation or one of the 20+ overwatch "news" youtube channels that get their info from vague ass reddit posts but clickbait their titles to make it seem as if the shit was confirmed

Feed ults because the lovable big man hurt too many healsluts feefees by hooking them to death.

literally datamined from crash logs and Jeff has said over and over again they are bringing events back because you retards keep asking again anyway.

Are you fucking retarded faggot? Jeff Kaplan himself said all the events were returning and being expanded upon in a dev update. Literally kill yourself

>hook through friendly reinhardt shield at choke
>get pick
>now your team can move through choke

Not that hard to play while being with the team

>tfw getting a new good mouse and keyboard and feeling the difference
damn, I never felt so in control before.

Sombra online.

Looking forward to whatever she gets.

>datamined crashlogs
>"jeff said it"

I asked for a source not reddit speculations STYLOSA

Well, it fits the bill of being garbage that most mobas adhere to. You might be on to something.

You'd be able to source it yourself if you kept up laff

when is this meme gonna end

>cant provide source
until you can actually link something its reddit speculation

This is bait.

Tricolore is an ok skin

>Not saying its a moba of course but its clearly inspired by them
You're right, user.
Not a single fucking class-based video game ever existed before League of Goddamned Legends.
So when a third-person isometric game that makes your character move and attack by clicking on the screen and tasks you with fighting alongside friendly and against enemy AI-controlled minions and turrets to defend your own base while pushing toward the enemies' includes shit like DIFFERENTIATED CHARACTERS with ABILITIES, clearly, everything that includes those last two bits is fundamentally indistinguishable from any other MOBA.

Never mind the gameplay, or the controls, or the perspective, or the objectives, or the design, or the balance, or the fucking pacing, or anything else.
Heaven help us, that's one hero fighting a different hero with differentiating characteristics. We've got ourselves a MOBA-based, MOBA-inspired game here, no question about it.

Baited hard and I don't even give a fuck.

Not feeding you, kill yourself


whens summer games?

Implying what?

>tfw been enjoying Reaper so much I bought his Mariachi skin and a highlight intro

I had to get into him since I had the cute Reyes skin and the game kept giving me his emotes... but jesus christ he's so fun now instead of just feeling futile.

>surprising Pharah or Widow on the high ground by *teleports behind you*
Just teleport just far enough like if you were decloaking as a Spy, they're dead by the time they hear you.

First for no leaks

When was the last one?
Look it up.
And then make an educated guess based on what you've learned.

>be on anubis defense
>one of the enemy dcs
>have rez and teleporter up
>team is so shit they still lose the point
>decide to troll with sombra so I only lose 10 sr
how do you guys mitigate losses?

Last year it was August 2nd so maybe it'll be around the same time.


What is the best emote and why is it Reaper's shrug?

this channel has leaks it was recommended on /owg/

where is :-} user when you need them

No way fag

Don't you mean his slow clap?

You genuinely dont feel like when blizzard was making this game they didnt have moba based mechanics in mind? Not even bait Im genuinely under that impression even reading what you said. I know its an fps clearly, but its also clearly inspired by a lot of moba based analogs. Silences, stuns and cc's, hooking, rooting, cds based on abiltiy usage etc.

ive played reaper for a while and if i knew the uprising event had that shrugging smug reaper I wouldve actually played the event
they should lock the holiday-specific skins like the christmas themed shit to only being unlocked during the event. what fucking shit cunt thought "hey this thing completely unrelated to the event should only be unlocked now just because we released alongside them for no good reason"
I'll forever be incredibly pissed off about the shrug victory pose for reaper

but just look at half of the posts made in this thread

Jamison Fawkes!

the guy is retarded they clearly copied a bunch of abilities from dota 2 atleast, i haven't played LoL but i know shit like graviton's surge etc is a clear copy from dota

shrug emote is permanent content lol

>ive played reaper for a while and if i knew the uprising event had that shrugging smug reaper I wouldve actually played the event
The shrug emote is not event exclusive, it's just that the comic related to Uprising is where the shrug came from.

Shrugging is available right now

I pick torbjorn for the memes

holy fuck im retarded
thank you blessed anons for bringing life back into my dead heart

what about that ugly balding fuck that doesn't know to switch when there's a zarya and a pharah on the other team

what about him

hes viable against pharah

I mean, most of dotas abilties are copies of older shit too but yeah. I think this odd trend of denying overwatches clear inspiration from moba-centric game design is odd.

I main Orisa now and regularly am in control of at least 2 gold medals every match and im only losing like 5 sr but am gaining 25-30 sr on wins

and then you get blamed when the rest of the team fucks up right? that's usually how it goes with off meta picks

I googled it and got false information



im gonna get blamed regardless because i normally get at least 3 people on my team fighting for dps roles while i just end up filling.

Just mute people its not that hard

>regularly am in control of at least 2 gold medals every match
let me guess
damage and objective time right

cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not

yup it's damage and objective time

A city run by scientists... Smart!

so im guessing you are supposed to win koth by never being on point right?

>playing reapman in comp
>point about to unlock in oasis
>disengage and flank behind to take out Mccree and his pocket mercy
>"that was kinda easy, better head back and help my team get the point"
>get to point
>entire team is ded
>I was literally gone for 15 seconds and they're all dead
>proceed to wraith from to prolong my inevitable death cuz I can't 1v4

Do I really have to babysit my team 100% of the time?

point is medals isn't everything especially when they're in things you're supposed to be doing
but congrats on only losing 5 sr i love this system the game has it totally encourages flexing

>less than two seconds after the match starts and you already know you're gonna win
I didn't think I would say it but I'm glad I had a junkrat in ranked today.


Reaper is meant to be a flanker, but he's got enough firepower that he works best babysitting the healers and squishies imo

I mean, maybe if you actually somehow get a team with good synergy then sure go for it, flank all you want
But in an average match the answer to your question is yes, you do need to babysit. I don't know how, but they always fuck things up if you don't.

congrats on what exactly? I would fucking love to flex but im not about to fucking flex for a team of instalock dps and be punished for it with large sr loss.

Imma just pick one thing and stay it the entire match and if team bitches HEY I AT LEAST DIDNT INSTALOCK DPS

>"point is medals isn't everything especially when they're in things you're supposed to be doing"

But that doesnt stop people from doing everything except play towards the objective the entire fucking match. Ive been in games where im literally forced to sit on the payload because anytime i stepped off it would from +1 to 0 and no one would bother to step back on it

>get close to ranking up
>game kicks me from the match
>automatically lose 50 sr
sheesh jeff fine, I'll stop playing

He's meant to be a tank buster.

>congrats on what exactly?
on being able to use some barely touched character all the time i made the mistake of enjoying good characters or being flexible when other people make their choices so i end up actually losing a good chunk of sr that i earned on a loss

i sure love being punished for playing the game like it was supposedly 'design' to be played it's the best feeling in the world woo hoo would sure be nice to be just enough of a sociopath to just instalock some piece of garbage because it doesn't matter if i lose i only miss out on 5 sr that's three times as much sr as my stupid teammates making sure my pick works get if we end up losing

>hold down a 4 second shield that takes 8 seconds to recharge
okay then what dummy

His point is that objective time isn't impressive at all for a tank, and he's right. It's not.
Did you do your job? Yes, of course. Nobody is gonna be saying you're doing something wrong by having your ass on the point.
But it's not like it's something unusual or impressive either. What you did was good, just don't be expecting a pat on the back for it is all.

But hey at least you're not as mad as this guy

I'm pretty good at Sombra should I one trick her up to masters? I'm sitting mid diamond from flexing for idiots (just played a game where healer switched off during a team fight on last point Anubis with rez on them, I had to go back and do it..) Last season I was almost master but got too sick to finish climbing in the last few weeks

by the way so glad I influenced the OP pic. Impact...

i'm allowed to be mad at poorly conceived systems in the game i play

>play mercy
>trying to pad my stats for the sr gains
>retard teammates keep asking for healing and trying to survive instead of just dying in a clump for me
I fucking hate this community

I'm sure your anger will fix it, don't worry.

>get highest objective time as zen often
>even with 2 tanks

there has been a positive correlation about the shit i bitch about and blizzard fixing it desu
winter d.va? gone. roadhog bullshit? dead. dupes? adios.
i got a good streak going.

Sombra is super cute and loves anal! Anal!

Anal sex is for savages.

>Enemy knows it too
>One guy leaves
>This match will not be recorded

>click comp button
>average wait time 1:50
>5 seconds into queue bnet kicks me
>log back into overwatch with sr loss and a warning for leaving a comp match

The point i was making is that im being flexible enough by picking a tank or a healer which means alot when people instalocking dps and not flexing is common place in this game

but mister is screeching over here because i didnt pick something "meta" when he instalocks hanzo and refuses to switch or tank himself if he has such an issue with my pick

My friend who is usually in plat playing dps only been playing mercy and almost at masters... doesn't play with one of my other friends anymore because she's a mercy main since season 1 and she wants that easy mercy one tricking... but what annoys me is how smug and good at the game she thinks she is because she's climbed so much.... cringey to hear someone lower than you talk down to your shitter friends.

Sombra is my wife! I love her!

the fact that lube is important means by definition it is for civilized societies that can manufacture such product and allow it to be openly traded

>but mister (You) is screeching over here because i didnt pick something "meta" when he instalocks hanzo and refuses to switch or tank himself if he has such an issue with my pick
what you have to pretend i throw just to justify that you game the shitty system

>July 26, 2017

Only tell them to tomdie when you know the opponent is holding onto a dangerous ult. I hate Mercy players who say "I have rez, die on point" when they enemy team doesn't have any ults that can give them the winning edge so we still lose a fight because our healer was gone

Sombra is borderline broken on Anubis defense. Especially point b.

>July 26, 2017