Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
Reminder that when evaluating if a game is good or bad all that really matters is if the characters faces look good.
And if you don't agree with this and instead consider silly things like game mechanics and stuff to be important then you are an obvious shill for disagreeing with the obvious truth of my enlightened mind.
friendly reminder that you should return to reddit
what do you mean by that.
>When you get 6-0'd and blame your loss on the fact that your opponent is using Zangief rather than the fact that you have 0 fundamentals
I'd like the Injustice series a lot better if NRS knew how to make attractive character models in any way, but goddamn does every single person in the series have a horseface
The number is bolstered by bots farming points
is a good game
why is reddit kappa so mad at capcom?
Farming for what?
anyone wanna play t7? psn east. will settle for rev 2 or inj 2, but rusty af.
both great with a lot of overall similarities, but focus on different aspects of fundamentals.
they're all ugly as fuck, but whatevs, game is fun
>inb4 shill
>fullscreen 5 frame unblockable
>talking about fundamentals
grappler scum
Reminder to take your meds, my dude.
That is because the bracket gods smiled on him and he didn't run into any Guiles or Sims. If I recall correctly the only bad matchup he ran into was Punk's Nash and he only won that because Punk's Nash wasn't on the level of his Karin
looking forward to my sinuses clearing out so I can smell things again
They farm fight money.
Capcom fucked up, but they just try too hard
Yes that's why you lost, not the fact that you had 0 footsies, 0 anti air, 0 meaties, 0 mixups, 0 idea how to use your character, and were extremely predictable. Talk when you make it out of bronze
I think posture is a massively larger issue there
Remember when Them's Fightin' Herds™ was supposed to come out soon
>he only won that because Punk's Nash wasn't on the level of his Karin
ummmm? fgg and kappa told me you can master any sfv character in an hour? explain why his nash isn't equally good then?
Fuck off, Doug
what the hell is up with that picture
here's some better jack-o sniffs
so now that the dust has settled...
war or jive?
>me creeping up to steal your girl
wtf I just got it
Ranked in Tekken is going to make me kill a family member out of pure rage
Once I hit green i'm never playing ranked again
>ywn sniffmolest rammy brown
overall I'd rather play 5 than go back to 4. I miss fireballs being good and a few characters like honda and adon but that's about it
I need a version of this where her more to the center and the text removed
Also fuck captcha
are brown girls:
A) Best
B) A best
Fireballs are better in 5.
Its in closed beta right now.
costume covers her up too much. can barely get a whiff
I miss the spirit of 4. There was more madness and cancer but there were also a lot more tools to deal with trash characters like C Viper. This meant that most characters could be played in a very controlled, calculated way which is what I find most fun about street fighter games. I love guilty gear but you wouldn't really use the words controlled and calculated about it, it's just a different game. It's why it'll never fill that SF shaped hole for me.
He's Andrew Dobson
how so?
Which of these players do you want to represent us?
Well at least the losing in is a lot of fun in T7 compared to SFV:
>u/f+4'ed to death by Kazuya
>Law spamming sweep into flip kick runs up does it again while I inspect the ground
>Claudio outzoning you with hopkicks, waking up with hopkicks, opening with hopkicks
>Bob looks like he is going for a low, oh, hit high
>Eddie spazzing out on the floor hitting you with lows that hit high and highs that hit mid and low all at the same time
>Yoshi bunny hopping with his sword on your face
>Paul fisting you
>trying to run away from pressure then realize every character is slower than a slug unless you master meme movement
I just love losing in T7, really enjoyable.
More damage, more pushback and most importantly no focus to deal with them. Characters have anti fireball tools but they can easily be baited and punished. Focus backdash midscreen can not be easily baited and punished.
Some people like to think (fireballs)
Some people like to just mash brainlessly(anime)
Sfv vs sf4 arguments are pointless everyone likes different shit
I fucking hate it and its going to make me kill myself
Once I hit the wall, which is 90% of matches because every single hit carries you from 1 end to the other, I might aswell drop the controller
C) 世界の一番
>more pushback
You have never played SF4.
I've been here for years and never figured out what that was. That and the fightanvidya stuff
People that gravitate towards zoners usually do so because they have a poor understanding of neutral and they can get easy wins off of bad players from fireballs and uppercuts
>Eddie spazzing out on the floor hitting you with lows that hit high and highs that hit mid and low all at the same time
That one move where he does a backflip by jumping 2 meters in the air but his feet make a full 360 and he ends up doing a low had me turn off the game after I lost to it.
Is anime + fireballs the ultimate high IQ
>easily baited and punished
Like what? Most anti fireball tools are so generous that they can be done on reaction.
Why aren't you playing Arms?
Let's say someone's goal is to git gud at fighting games.
Would it be better for them to pick one game and stick with it until they get great at it, or pick a couple games learn them all?
And people who gravitate towards rush down usually do so because they have a poor understanding of space control and they can get easy wins off bad players who don't know their defensive options and fold under pressure.
lord brady had the best theory in that you should look for characters who cover your weaknesses as a player, and then try to maximize the character. going out of your archetype comfort zone helps you overall as a player and is highly suggested, but doing what gets you results tends to be more "fun," which will in turn lead you to learn and understand what it is that got you the results.
I'm a grown man who plays on Sony Entertainment systems not Nintendo manchild systems
>Focus backdash midscreen can not be easily baited and punished.
yeah but it builds grey life
If you are just starting it's better to pick one game (and one character) and stick with it. After you start getting some confidence, branching out to other characters and other games can actually help you improve a lot, but at least at first you should concentrate on only one thing.
You're a tryhard, mattfew
play footsies
>poor understanding of space control
Hardly. To rush down effectively you need to bypass neutral and get in their face. Getting in their face requires you know how to counter the buttons/movement they use to defend themselves, which requires proper understanding of space control.
what are some good picks if I'm trying to make a spidey team
Focus on one game but it's fine to play multiple. If your brain can't handle multiple then go back to just one until you get a handle of how to play fightan.
The only games with space control are 3D fighters
Is Koihime a good fighting game?
Nash's, Ryu's, Bison's parries, Juri's flip kick, Zangief's headbutt, etc.
The only one i can think of which doesn't fit this criteria are Alex's ex elbow or headstomp. Even then it's obvious when they're going to do it as they have to downback for a year or whiff normals to hide the charge so you can play off of that
none of those are punishable except juri kick and Ryu parry at certain distances.
What did he mean by this
That sounds like someone going from AC to Xrd
I'd pick a single game. The better you understand that game, the more you can explore the more advanced stuff. If you are consistently alternating between games, sure your execution will most likely improve, but you will still probably be ass in your approach in actual matches. Don't feel locked into one game, but focus on getting past the basics in a least one.
You leave a controller on turbo so it mashes light kick.
I miss the spirit of +R. There was more madness and cancer but there were also a lot more tools to deal with trash characters like Zappa. This meant that most characters could be played in a very fun, freestyle jazz type of way which is what I find most fun about Guilty Gear games. I love street fighter but you wouldn't really use the words fun and freestye, it's just a different game. It's why it'll never fill that GG shaped hole for me.
crouch mk never got whiff punished on reaction once in those gifs lol
it is just a counter poke anticipating it
>certain distances
That's the point. You have to space yourself to bait their reactive fireball counter. You can't punish them at full screen, but if you are close enough you can throw different speed fireballs to catch the parries or in Gief's case whiff punish his headbutt.
Why do people jump and do an attack without even hitting anything in anime games? For example, in Xrd I see Sols do jump H and in Persona I see people do something like jump A or B a lot and miss on purpose.
Is it a timing thing? Is it just to keep their hands busy?
>I miss the spirit of +R
>trash characters like Zappa
Uh are we talking about the same +R
Wait this is a pasta isn't it
Preemptive space control would be my guess. They are predicting the opponent will move into the attack. Similar thing happens in kof
stop calling her rammy brown you fucking faggots
because stay out of my face, bitch
Because it's ass
Doesn't matter if it's a legit fighter if it's still kusoge
I thought by trash he meant annoying and Zappa is annoying
I don't know. Maybe that moves stops their momentum, makes them fall faster, or they are just predicting a poke of some sort and do it to cover themselves.
New MvCI trailer!
>tfw goober got me into metal
If you mean like neutral jump + button, that's space control.
dead meme
I've never seen either of those but guessing the Sol j.h is because it's two hits. You sure it's not j.d?
Post best tyrant
Please post best tyrant I have zero images of him
It's almost here
So I've always played SF on a keyboard, using WASD for movement and UIO + JKL for buttons.
I feel comfortable with it obviously but I want to learn another controller because I'd like to go to a local some day, and I can't go with a fucking keyboard.
I know hitbox exists, but how hard would movement be to learn with the stick vs buttons?
The transition to hitbox would take you a week or two tops. Stick transition would take a month or two. I personally have more fun using stick.
SFV anyone?
CFN is carljohnson
Why the fuck do people ask for games without saying region
What I don't like about hitbox is that the up/jump button is all the way at the bottom.
I'd probably already have a hitbox if the movement keys were set up like WASD.
A good fireball is a great poke, numbnuts
>biker shorts
Not really
Would you recommend Mika for beginners
How does that contradict anything I said, numbnuts?