/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #70

Mr steal your girl edition

Last Thread: nobody cares

Latest News
>Mokuba is here until the 27/28th with dragon support and fresh served lunch
>Yami Bakura will be back with his Destiny Board gate event following Mokuba's departure
>The duelist level cap has been raised to 40
>Ranked Duels are going to be changed in July. There will be additional tiers, new rewards, and display changes. Check the in-game notifications tab for more information
>New box Crimson Kingdom is out. Lots of Zombie, Fire, and Red Eyes support, as well as good generic beaters

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc.

>android emulators

A few tips for new players
>What is this game? It's mobile Yu-Gi-Oh! using the speed duel format and a smaller card pool. Great if you played the TCG previously and feel nostalgic about it, and not too difficult to learn if you're completely new
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems. If you're really unsure about what to buy, Crimson Kingdom has high attack 4-star monsters at low rarities
>Some people recommend not leveling your stage past the 30s. Doing so nets you some gems and jewels from missions at the cost of tougher Standard Duelists with no extra duel rewards
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph

First for GX

Onions on this dick?

>Bakura event next
>annoying as fuck to farm
>will STILL have these same trash drop rates

Will the third time he shows be the time Konami finally changes drop rates?

oh of course, i never said you couldn't, just saying that magic planter is great if you use dimension gate a lot since it's an easy draw 2 while bringing back your monster
only downside though is that without a cont. trap on the field AND an open space for it to be activated it's a dead card

just use a modded apk it'll save you from hours of farming

hhg to op

Other examples of yanderes winning the MC?

This game is retarded and the rank system sucks. Why do I as a new player have to play against these tryhard nerds who have 20 card decks with 3 of each and already have enemy controllers, mirror walls and all that bullshit?

And don't get me started on that piece of shit kaibaman. Lol lemme just summon a blue eyes on my first turn outskilled lol

dimension gate a wall like a normal person
interaction with a single card is what makes planter weaker, though it depends on the deck I suppose. thins the deck a card, but at the same time is only used when you also have dimension gate. personally I'd rather tornado gates for an extra attack or storm them for backrow removal.

Git gud

god i love this buster blader red eyes deck.

last two guys surrendered. im only rolling one fusion gate 2 polys and get it on the first turn often.

wow u really r retarded

I wish they would put the start date of each ranking bracket right next to the notice that says that ranks reset to Silver 1 at the beginning of every ranking period, so that retards like this would stop showing up.

The rank system is retarded.

>Git gud
You mean pay for packs goy

You get no points, there's a reasonable chance Konami's servers could meme on you, and I really have no reason to deny myself and you points just because I'm a salty little bitch.

Now, I WILL timer stall your ass for the full 5 minutes. If you're willing to sit through that for your win I'm down with taking 20 second turns.

What's the point of resetting the rank anyway?

You don't see CSGO resetting the fucking ranks and forcing silvers to play with globals every 2 weeks.

>dimension gate somehow makes his destiny board stop and his kuribohs and econs go away

Which is why they are dropping that concept in the next few weeks

To avoid complacency and force people to re-grind the ranks if they want their e-peen that badly.

Personally, I wish they refreshed the rank-acquisition awards. Other than doing 5 ranked duels a week for the weeklies, I really have no incentive to play ranked now that I've cleaned up everything up to gold. My decks aren't that good and I don't really like playing the "who was a good goy and/or modded their APK for non-shit rates" game. Maybe someday, but not right now.

Do you guys even read the in game news? Ranked play is literally being revamped completely in early July

if i know for sure i lose next turn I end it, they should have gotten their big hits in sooner. next.

That doesn't mean there's not a point to resetting the rank.

Post card lore you enjoy

You know you shaft yourself on rewards for that, right? You don't get duel points if you surrender.

I know it's mostly keys and gold, with some periodic orbs and the odd gem, but some people are hard up for those. Better to get them now while you can.

Dai Grepher being what ammounts to a super sentai worldwide mercenary/hero teamgets a chuckle out of me. Fuckers are EVERYWHERE in card art.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the element charmers are the same as the "tribute x type monster, special summon a monster from that type from your hand" correct? And they're also in the Spirit Art cards?

I like the implication that it's them taking the kiddy gloves off and showing that they're all skilled spellcasters

Sanga's journey to the banned land

The exp is so little though, not worth the time if you don't feel like finishing the game

Also, apparently Grepher and Warrior Lady of the Wasteland are rivals. Which is cute

Sorry about that guy who has cardfu'd her, she's for Grepher only

abyssal designator and disappear

Pikeru's quest to become a princess

Holy FUCKING shit you know what really activates my almonds? When a 30 card shitter absolutely destroys me due to luck:

>I'm winning all duel, this guy has no chance
>He uses Conscription, steals a Darkstorm Dragon
>Summons Twin Barrel Dragon, gets heads and destroys my phoenix gearfried
>Attacks and wins


outplayed, I think

had that recently
>playing handless
>lol there's 5 monsters in my deck thanks for the spell/trap
>conscripted swift gaia
>don't pull anything to stop me from being run over

Rate my lucc

Pretty bad friendo, you really need 3 Kidmodo's to use them effectively in a dragon deck

Guy probably loses more duels than anything because of inconsistency, but you're the one complaining. Know what, you could even be a good player, or you actually are, but just by having this kind of mind set over luck in a card game shows that you're shitter.

better than mine/10

>ust by having this kind of mind set over luck in a card game shows that you're shitter.

All I said was that he was a shitter who relies on luck, calm down there freud

Rate my deck. It shits on harpies, 3sd and even weevil fags since dark freed negates all their masks.

bretty good, maybe some extra draw power would help


Post your red eyes faggots


>tfw you fell for the gemini fusion deck meme

Should i replace twin barrel and 1 dust knight with 2 seers?

gozuki is nuts

i have a vampire lord version with goblin zombie too

Don't write it off just yet, you can do some pretty crazy stuff with Supervise.

>Fusion summon Raptinus with two Darkstorm Dragons
>Summon a Blazewing Butterfly
>Sac it, revive 1 Darkstorm
>Equip Darkstorm with Supervise
>Use Darkstorm's effect, send Supervise to the graveyard, destroying all enemy spells and traps
>Supervise activates, revive the other Darkstorm
>Your field is now 2 Darkstorm + Raptinus, and the enemy has no backrow

Sure, there are a lot of pieces to the combo, but the point is that Gemini decks can pull some good shit.

thats exactly what i was thinking when i typed it actually

i get the synergy of twin and freed, but every bluff trap deck ive played needs the extra draw power since u use so many resources

Poorfags do NOT look at this

Post your deck, senpai, please

i faced someone using tht deck in plat 3 lol

It's actually from Duel Links Meta:

cmon man theres 3 rares...


nigga you aboutta get sent to the shadow realm

Wut, where my nigga Phoenix Gearfried at?

gearfried makes the deck inconsistent

His effect could also be good with supervise, since he can send it to the graveyard to stop a targeting spell or trap

thats true, but darkstorms ability is overall much better with supervise

No econs/10

Bonus points for vampire lord tho

Rate my Gemini meme fusion deck lads

Rate my elemental heroes deck

>a legendary ocean has been added to card trader

>In answer to many requests for additional ways to spend R Jewels, we will be adding a feature that allows players to upgrade certain cards to Glossy/Prismatic by spending Jewels at the Card Trader.


>tfw A Legendary Ocean AND Neo Daedalus were just in my card trader and got both

What the fuck, this is like GameFreak giving players a feature that lets them change pokemon into shinies. It completely takes away the rarity of getting a prismatic, how stupid

Wow this game relies on luck? Who wouda thunk

>Lost to Mokuba 40
>Got Kidmodo
Huh. I was hoping to get a Darkflare.

>mfw neither of you are lying

fuck u this is hype

Jesus fucking christ, is it me, or is Fenghuang fucking OP as shit?

>1 Tribute
>Destroys ALL enemy spells/traps

Am I missing something or this is disgustingly good?

>Neo Daedalus
"You can send Umi to the graveyard to send all cards on the field and in both players hands to the graveyard"


oh shit

fuck mako
also, can't wait for people running around with prismatic decks

It's a shitty spirit mon and only destroys set s/t

You have to sacrifice Daedalus to get it out though, too many pieces to ever be viable

destroys set, not all. also it's spirit so it returns to hand. no one will use this.

mako love: the update

>be gone for one day
>nobody cares retard makes the new thread
>but uses best couple as the pic
I'm so conflicted.

More like everyone except you isn't autistic about how the OP is made. We had that one with all the dick jokes for like a month before someone actually said something, probably you

I care

Where is this at? Or did I just get memed on?

Fuck, A Legendary Ocean is such a huge buff for Hammer Shark. Now Hammer Shark can use its effect to special summon Lv4 monsters, since LO drops them by a lv to 3

reenter game and read news

Oh God, I didn't even think of that. I was too busy jerking off over my Fortress Whale deck

It's in the "Survey for 'Duel-A-Thon' Has Ended" notice.

It's on the Duel-A-Thon notice for some reason. Also, even if you lose against SD's during events like Pegasus or Bakura, you'll still get Star Chips, Dice, Pairofsocks fun bucks.

Oh yea there it is. I think it's a good idea, it's not like glossy cards are rare, and prismatics that aren't gifts are really rare to see, especially if you get memed by the game and get a shit one like Axe Raider. Also it says only certain cards, I'm betting that means only card trader ones, I.E. gift retard cards that weren't exclusive anyway

>ranked revamp on the 4th
Thank fuck

>can upgrade cards to prismatics soon

My dream of being a gift deck retard is closer than ever!

>no response to the bullshit droprates of LD's especially the wandering ones that can't be fought at the gate
Fucking Konami that's the one thing people want fixed and you still refuse to acknowledge it

>smaccing a 30 card chinkshits relinquished for 6k damage to win the duel

>you guys weren't memeing about legendary ocean or neo-dildos

>Hammer Shark into Hammer Shark into Hammer Shark into Tribute, and a Lv4 for good measure

Neo Daedalus isn't very good with all the resources needed to summon it. I guess you can Dgate a monster before you nuke the field so you'll at least have another card on the field tho.

I know Neo Daedalus has a lot of combo pieces, but I really think the effect is a game winner. Especially if you combo with Dimension Gate:
>Set D Gate
>Get Daedalus out plus another beater with at least 1100 atk
>Special Summon Neo Daedalus
>Use D Gate, banish your beater
>Use N Daedalus effect, destroy everything, your banished monster comes back


>opening hand would require, Daedulus, Neo, Legendary Ocean, random beater, dimension gate

You might pull that hand one time, and even if you did, gate needs a turn

>Summon Hammer Shark
>Protect for one turn
>Use effect to bring out kaiser seahorse (Since it's now a 3 star)
>Sac KSH for Daedalus
>Sac Daedalus for Neo Daedalus


How about 3SD-Daedalus?
3x Neo-D
3x Daedalus
3x Angler
1x Tuna Princess
3x Umi
3x Ocean
2x Double Summon
2x Berry

Kaiser is a light monster, retard.