Best waifu edition
Sej and Ashefags need not apply lol
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.
>LB lined up for another rework
>after she just got reworked last preseason
ryze tier
xth for Syndra
>friend gets me into the game
>literally only been playing for a few months
>is insanely toxic any time something slightly bad goes wrong
>just assumes I automatically have insane game knowledge and gets assblasted when I make mistakes due to lack of knowledge and experience
I honestly fear his mental health is their anyway to help him out?
He gets VERY mad at games.
>Fiora will never bully me about my penis size
Feels bad man.
is he our guy?
Start trolling him
>Riot wants to make an assassin based around illusion that doesn't delete people
>She just deletes people anyway
Might be arguments if I were in silver elo
But in a big boy game, you know when it's time to surrender
>this manlet
>our guy
>She tells you this is yours to do with as you please if you win the next game
What do you do?
youre love and (you)s keep me alive user
Any adc wanna duo with a bronzie support and maybe give out some advice?
I want Skarner to sting me!
someone on the enemy team is infinitely more deserving of that ass than i.
Hey user, you may be familiar with my autistic girlfriend Taliyah as I'm sure you two met before. But I have things to do for work so I would have to leave her home alone today and she doesn't really like that. Would you mind taking care of her for the day?
Xth for 2x4s and good night
>aggressively impregnate
...But that's rape user.
Stop asking a hoard of random internet users to fuck your fictional autistic girlfriend
I love you user, even if others don't.
Not if she gets heart pupils.
In the past 6 months Lee Sin, Yasuo, and Riven all got legendary skins. That has to mean there is a legenday vayne skin in the works right???
So the problem with low Elo is every time I think I made a cool play I can't even tell if I played well or they just played retardedly until after I watch the replay.
back the fuck off??? lolgen would MUCH rather fuck MY gf.
that's a good poppy
the artist in question should make more poppies like that
xth for objectively best ship
You are not wrong. Not right. But not wrong either.
you would rather fuck one or the other what sort of fucking comment is this
I'd be surprised if Riot weren't working on a Project Vayne skin
What do I even build on this girl? The sweet contest votes await for me but I'm not even sure of what to do nowadays
Oh it would be. At first. I wouldn't knock her up till she was literally begging me for it, her mind broken beyond repair. I'd also film it and sell it to a porno site.
A drawfriend recently posted it. I liked it very much so I saved it. If you are here drawfriend please produce more Poppy content.
>people still insist that they're taliyah fags when she got zero votes today
Why do they persist in trying to trick us? The evidence is sitting right there.
>Riven gets a legendary skin
>Suddenly we're supposed to like her
Neither if I have a choice. If I don't obviously the one that ends with me dying from pleasure.
I'd say that was more of Zed's fault he should have been expecting the Q
Her tits are fusing together in the splash. It's always bugged me.
>play adc
>Have Leona support, vs Blitzcrank
>She stands behind me the entire lane
Every single Leona I play with is always so passive. Why? She's a tank. Just go in...
Hey Cass is on sale, is she would trying for a bronzie with little mid experience?
>must go in and die constantly
>blitzcrank flashes on you die as leona hits e
>you have been slain
>Enemy double kill
I wonder
Hi I'm not a Leona main but I was told earlier today that I had the same issue as a Rakan main and I didn't even know it! I'd suggest talking with your support if you get the chance and remember a lot of people are autofilled into support so they might not know what their adc wants. Just a thought.
Communicate with her to let her know that she should go hard on the enemy ADc when you give the ping. You're clearly not playing with support mains here, so just tell them what to do and how to do it. If they make a mistake, cover for them and correct it.
Literally all I wanted her to do was bodyblock hooks, but she dodged them and let me get hit...
her core has been nashors, rageblade, ruunans, berzerkers for 3 seasons now
game should be over by then but if not you can also grab GA, rylais, merc schim/QSS, botrk, wits end, banshees, zhonyas, or void staff
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>Almost there...
S H O T G U N K N E E (S)
>Literally all I wanted her to do was bodyblock hooks, but she dodged them and let me get hit...
You fucking suck, you can't expect your support to babysit you like this
is he ourguy?
>let me get hit
That's on you.
I don't even like playing urgot and I am hype as fuck for his rework. You think his shotgun knees will move him back like Graves ult? It would be a good for him to get some mobility.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
What would tahm kemch's price for a qt 9/10 challenger gf be?
Your waifu is trash
Apparently he's supposed to be super immobile, so I doubt it
? ? ?
when the next patch will come?
Blog time
>text gf on friday
>"I'm angry at you"
>haven't answered my texts since then
Since like it's finally time to go back to league. Is Jinx viable right now?
Darn. Well here's hoping for a turret like kog used to be, only not super squishy.
More than any of us have to offer.
What changes does Garen need to be a competitive pick in high elo?
probably for free since any girl who manages to make it to challenger is probably a mentally ill degenerate girl(male) so literally worth nothing
>he spends rp on Champs
I would find no pleasure in taking from a man who already has nothing.
I mean after the first one I realized she had no idea how to play support so I just had to sit under tower and dodge hooks the entire lane. It's just so fucking annoying to have to 1v2 because your support is useless
>ranged tank bruiser with hard CC needs mobility
>its bot enough that you want the ranged + tank + CC cancer like gnar
>you also want to shit out damage AND have mobility
I hope its another galio/gangplank/fiora/poppy rework that replaces the champion entirely and tacks on the characters name and identity just so we can have something fresh
Your new gf would teach you how to play the game meticulously, almost feverishly, until you got up to her level. Then soon after Kench returns, turns you into a girl, and carries you away to be the cumslut of some other user to complete the cycle.
Just dodge them yourself holy shit
Did something happen to NA servers? It wouldn't let me connect to my game, nor is it letting me reconnect.
I mean it would be fun until they inevitably gut him like they have all reworked champs that aren't galio and fiora
She was already standing in front of me, so I thought she was trying to bodyblock. But then she moved. Also
>kench turns us all into cute girls
where's the downside?
You're not making it sound better here with your lack of appropriate team chatter. An ADc main should know how a support should play well enough to teach them, but it honestly sounds like your Leona was just avoiding skillshots like she should be doing anyway.
Being forced to duo with some bronze shitter until he could get up to your level.
May you be blessed with many dreams of flat chested qts
That is likely to happen, but Team A is the one who worked on Warwicks rework with CertainlyT.
I have faith.
>Ranged Juggernaut
If they give him substantial mobility, its going to be a problem. From what I gathered, he is going to retain the ability to run people down, so maybe his thing is to bring you to him and chew you up.
Too cyclical for Kench. Life is a river and needs to keep flowing, not a lake to lie stagnant
>Never even talked
Play caitlyn instead.
either give him a CC break (Q breaks hard CC in addition to slows) or a slow immunity (probably in W) and also his scaling silence and W tenacity back
then hell be STRONG
give him back W tenacity and scaling silence + Es old early base damage and hell just be VIABLE in a pantheon/renekton way
>Lux lives in Demacia
>Ezreal lives in Piltover
You fucking ass hole said the same thimg to me last time.
Do you want to make a bet you fatass expired sushi ball of shit? Im going to get a gf without your help.
I'm not an adc main, but I used to play support almost exclusively. It was just annoying that she did literally nothing in lane, then flamed me for being bad when I got hit by a hook after having dodged 17 of them when she could just go in after blitz uses his hook and misses...
but who is you?
is his 'price' just eating you and her at the time you least expect?
that seems pretty formulaic but i mean what else would he accept, paypal?
super important poll
last time he ulted I just Q'd right behind me and deleted him. I think he was expecting me to not Q until after he ulted.
i also dont think he realized I had lichbane, because without the lichbane autos he wouldn't have died.
Boy you'll flow dowm the river with or without help from old two coats.
All forms and bodies of water are by nature cyclical.
I am me silly.
Then you should've absolutely known what needed to be communicated to the Leona. If she's angry, that's not your problem. Your problem is getting her to engage for you, apparently.
what champ does he pick /lolg/
should i being aggressive as camille early?
or do i play safe?
Kench feeds on suffering. He ate the gamblers wife because it caused him great sorrow in addition to simply just the actual meal. Kench is a walking twilight zone ep or the robot devil.
In the water cycle way yes but to act like a river is as cyclical stagnant as a lake is silly. It's just a metaphor and you got my point.