>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Stupid sheep poster
Friendly reminder.
Dumb sheepposter
Azura is shit
Camilla is shit.
Why even bother copycatting? We all know you're just gonna drop it in a week.
I want to fuck Deen.
Azura a best
Azura is ok.
holy fuck Eirika is massive
>tfw you forgot to recruit Genny
I'm going to keep it up as much as I can until one day I forget about it.
I don't believe you, I don't even think you really think camilla is shit, you just want something to post, but you're so inept you couldn't even make it original.
Emma's on the move!
I do think she's shit, do you want me to rephrase it?
Am I gonna do this?! I'm gonna do this!
Post fgo rolls
Where is she moving to?
Can't, already uninstalled.
why haven't you switched to the superior waifu game?
who are some other characters that would be better with big titty
Fates is better in history than awakening?
Fates is trash
Hannibal and Douglas.
kill all tripfaggots
my sex dungeon
FGO made me appreciate how quick and easy Heroes' tutorial was. This shit goes on forever.
Does anybody else get a weird Incest-y vibe from the twins?
Didn't bother to install it, I'll just stick to ogling pictures of Scatchach.
which twins
Please vote for Rutger's wife. Thank you.
So what friend unit are you guys putting up for the gauntlet?
This Priamfags gonna adopt a trip at some point. I can't wait so I can filter him.
I don't see Fir anywhere
Pain and Agony
Do you have your cake and eat it too?
5* +8 wrys.
No joke i dont use my feathers cuz im a whale
I like Hana
No. Fuck off with this meme fetish back to /v/
Raventome Leo to kill her sister
Don't forget, never forget.
Now this is some insane mental gymnastics if I ever seen any.
What would sex with a cake be like?
fuck off imposter
I'm sick of seeing this ugly hag everywhere and listening to her chain smoker voice. When the fuck are we gonna get another green horse mage?
Soon I hope.
when the fuck are they going to release another unit with firesweep bow so I can actually make my archers viable
brave memes are stupid
What does her o-face look like?
Pheros and Selena will save red and green cavmage.
When are we getting Firesweep Tome
probably a little like this :O or :0 or ":O
I don't eat my cake, but she sure as hell eats up any blue and colorless near her.
I want to impregnate Tiki and take responsibility
Fake news. Kempf used Thoron
Loose and unsatisfying
>you can see just a hint of Scathach's nipples through her suit
literally my only kink
if they had someone like her in FEH I would whale the shit out of her
>/gbfg/ is losing their shit over F/GO
>This general couldn't care less
lol saved
I want to impregnate her and not take responsibility, knowing fully well that the child will be cared for by everyone due to being the next of Naga's bloodline, and that Tiki will feel increasingly guilty about it for the rest of her many days.
Results of last thread's poll. There were more potential responses, but these were the only ones that were filled.
The overwhelming support for Classic-style play was fairly expected (although I suspect that it might be inflated or otherwise adjusted, but that ties into another theory I have), but the surprising bit was that the majority of voters said they reset essentially any time a unit dies. This is honestly likely to indicate that most people just don't USE units they're willing to throw away instead of indicating that people are just playing psuedo-casual mode, but that's just my own opinion there.
Side note is that there were no people that indicated that they exclusively played Heroes. Take that as you will. I was also literally the only one that indicated that they played on Casual EVER, not that I'm terribly surprised about that.
No new poll for now while I come up with a few new VERY IMPORTANT questions to ask.
Also don't forget to filter all post content discussing tripfags or referring to them by name.
How large is Archanea as a continent supposed to be, anyways? It can't even be larger than mainland Europe, can it?
>Do you like Azura?
>Being a cuck
good work user, soon enough we will know truly what /feg/s tastes are so they dont have to be so tsun about everything
I can't wait for the very first hero with Thoron+! why the fuck didn't they give that to robin when that's his signature tome
The absolute madman.
Remember the first day when everyone was posting their rolls in Heroes and nobody had any clue what the fuck was good and what wasn't?
I'd complain that you're stealing my gimmick, but I don't feel like putting on a tripfag and honestly that was a funny response to
Nobody gives a shit
>Implying Lyn isn't SSSSSS tier
Watch me destroy these green generic axes.
>fujos and miscellaneous whores grossly overrated leo
>the backlash made everyone think he was shit
>nobody has realized yet that SI actually made him really good
>nobody had any clue what the fuck was good and what wasn't
We knew right away that Hector and Takumi were the big guys everyone wanted.
>rerolled several times to get Lyn
>turns out she was -atk
she's not that great to start with anyways.
>tfw rolled a Hector in my very first batch and people told me to reroll because he had shit movement and was just a single 5* so I rerolled until I settled on Takumi and Hinoka which was supposed to be an SSS tier start
Indeed. here. I'm still laughing at this.
I always love when a new game comes out and everything feels new and unknown, then a week passes by and suddenly a meta starts to form, and everything loses that sense of arbitrary unknowingness.
>the only person in my first roll I use is my +def/-hp Minerva
>Roy got fed for TA
>Lilina was -atk/+spd
Shit worked out though since Minerva alone was worth it
Nowi is for loving!
the pre SI days seem like a fever dream, when my only draws were Marth, Lyn and Cain, and blue armor knights stopped my every attempt at one of the maps
>what the fuck, Hector only moves one space why is he so shit
I still want to properly SI my Ogma since I got him as a 5* so early on.
>rerolled Azura away
>don't like her anyways
If I'm not rolling for who I want, why bother?
All he has is a monopoly on red cav mage. His days are numbered.
Nowi is a fucking goblin
I keep thinking that the story's going to go
>"But I'm impressed, you managed to go toe to toe with me going easy on you."
>Mia's eyes lit up. "I-I was able to go toe to toe with you going easy on me?!"
>James nodded. "Yep, you managed to go toe to toe with me going easy on you."
I should know better than to grind exp on reinforcements, just died to a 3% crit after 20 minutes.
let me guess, by selena