/srg/ - speedrunning general
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>diddehs sum of best is already better than Squid's at less than 300 attempts lmao
You do know he's been practicing the game for a really long time constantly for months, right? He isn't just coming out of nowhere.
Why Squid? Do you happen to miss the other hundreds of low level SM64 players?
>he thinks sum of best means anything when his time is still minutes worse
Biinny himself. He also admits that the reason he is behind other runners is because he doesn't focus much on practice and just plays the game. There's nothing wrong with this, as long as you can admit it, which Biinny does.
>He's still freaking out as if someone is listening
Can someone post the clip of Narci making out with his gf? ty
Die, freak.
>You do know he's been practicing the game for a really long time constantly for months, right?
He's been practicing it on the side while he runs Sunshine. How long has Squid been running SM64 now? Why is his sum of best worse than a player who has done significantly fewer attempts if attempts are the only way to improve your sum of best?
>hundreds of low level SM64 players
>*checks SM64 directory*
>Why Squid? Do you happen to miss the other hundreds of low level SM64 players?
they don't do 8 hour attempt sessions like monkeys lmao
Squid has also been running multiple games inbetween his SM64 career. Very convenient of you to leave that out, freak.
Diddeh has a better sum of best because he goes for the hardest strats straight away and clearly pushes more runs out to the end. You don't even need to ask this question.
Yes, there are loads of low level SM64 players for you to obsess over. Take it to Discord. Have fun.
>clearly pushes more runs out to the end
>literally 4 completed attempts
lmao you are delusional
>You are not allowed to stream for a long time if SM64 is involved
Why are SM64 retards so weird about their game?
>only 10.5 hours
squid goes for 18 hours straight on a daily basis
Pushing them out to later splits does not mean finishing the run, freak.
>The guy who has spent 3 years obsessing over the same person daily is telling other people they are delusional
>You are not allowed to stream for a long time if SM64 is involved
The problem is clearly with not practicing enough, not streaming too much.
Die, freak.
We are back to square one, you making the assumption that people don't practice. If you cannot understand why that is stupid, you will never be able to understand why you are wasting your time, making it meaningless to carry on.
who is we?
>you making the assumption that people don't practice
Okay. Let's assume he does practice.
Does he spend 16 hours a day playing SM64? Where does he find the time to do adequate practice on top of his already extremely lengthy streamed gameplay sessions?
>Does he spend 16 hours a day playing SM64
no he spends 18 hours a day playing sm64
Also, if he does practice, why does his movement not improve? Why do his strats not improve? Why does his sum of best not improve? Why is he almost never ahead of his pb? Why is it taking him over a month to beat a high 52?
Normal runners who practice don't grind nearly as many attempts and are ahead of their PBs quite often. Nobody who practices a lot should struggle to beat a high 52.
You posted a screenshot of his streams in the last thread where the majority were about 5 hours. That's extremely average for a speedrunner. There is more than enough hours in a day to fit practice in.
There's no set routine of practice then runs every stream. People practice in their down time.
You can't base your arguments off assumption, it doesn't work that way.
It clearly does, you're just posting these meaningless statements with no proof for the sake of wanting to prolong the already tired argument.
People hit walls, then they overcome and continue.
There's nothing more to say on this topic that hasn't been said 1,000 times.
You'll find yourself much more at ease if you focus on your own life instead of obsessing over an internet stranger all day, trust me.
oh my god the obsessive crying in this post please kys
>It clearly does
It clearly does not. He repeats the same wrong movement every run consistently (not making mistakes, mind you, this is movement he chooses to do), and his sum of best has been a low 50 for literally ages.
You also ignored the questions about him literally never being ahead of his pb and taking over a month to beat a high 52.
There's nothing more to say to you. You have issues that make any reasonable outcome of this discussion possible.
Why not just believe what you want to believe and stop ruining the thread? Then everyone is happy.
Can we start this thread again, please?
go for it
who is we?
>People hit walls, then they overcome and continue.
Every pb of his from now on will be a wall. It really is like watching MrSpeedrun at this point.
*mindlessly grinds ion's records 18 hours a day despite not being even remotely as skilled as he is*
*moves on to mindlessly grinding sm64 for 18 hours a day*
*gets exposed beyond belief*
*bird laughs*
Where did this meme come from? Self forcing?
Die, freak.
t. 2nd place pleb after years of mindless grinding
Puncay has held the 120 star record for more days in total than any other runner, including SIglemic.
That doesn't mean anything.
How many single star records does he hold? Can he even do any star in an optimal way?
>Can he even do any star in an optimal way?
Yes, actually. His movement isn't nearly as good as cheese's but he still has very good times on many single star RTA strats.
This is objectively false.
>only one person is open for criticism
every time
so the answer is none
wonder why :^)
what the fuck are you faggots talking about lmao
what do you mean by "you faggots"?
Am I the only one that can't help but think of Indiana Jones when I hear of Biinny? He named himself after his dog!
how many trannys are they expecting this year? new record maybe...
nice one. the answer is none
>dishes it but cant take it
What can't I take? Are you high?
Why did the GDQ stream stop doing the replay? I was enjoying having it on in the background.
did gamej06 pay for the 10k host?
there's always the rtv unless you want "muh chat"
Probably worried people would get tired of it by next week and lower viewership or something.
thanks for the late response!
they're using it as a reason to avoid having to show bonesaw's run again
you're welcome
Good. Nobody in their right mind would want to watch such a bad speedrun filled with reddit tier memes.
RG will always be my speedrunning husbando.
thanks for the late response!
lyfey/toast again
thanks for the late response!
Indeed, it also starts over tonight apparently.
>Sunday, July 2nd
>SpikeVegeta, feasel, Golden, Protomagicalgirl, Hobz
Anyone else hyped?!
is it a dude
1. what does that have to do with speedrunning
2. why would they want anyone else besides feasel and spike there
hi spike
Someone PLEASE expain how that irrelevant tranny is on the pre-show.
they realized that a lot of the games are the same so people watching it now won't watch it next week and donations will massively suffer because of it. it's hard enough for people to endure a week of boring speedruns, but two weeks, that's the tipping point.
It's anybody's game
thanks for the late response!
>start with nier automata
>no donation incentive war for a self-destruct run
it's the first game, so they can ban problematic people who like butts
hey, it totally would've been had he died too :D
Are you happy for her?
clips DOT twitch DOT tv / RichImportantEggnogAMPEnergyCherry
stfu fucktard
what am I looking at
nice matching noses
this is beyond disgusting
fuck you
>2 dudes making out is disgusting
how is this not gay as heck
they're the ugliest two people on the planet
>two mentally disabled guys making out
Mr_Shasta, the furry, recently quit his job to become a full time streamer. He is absolutely desperate for partner. He is now being kicked out.
lmao why would he quit his job before even getting partner, let alone a meaningful viewerbase?
>I suddenly need a place to stay in the Los Angeles/Orange/San Diego County area
well there's his first problem. he should move somewhere with cheaper housing.
Or you know, not squander money to attend speedrun events.
>Minneapolis, MN for SGDQ 2017 (July 1-9), and Sweden for ESA 2017 (July 19-30)
Round 2!
enough blogging
Too late
fuck off faggot
you're gonna be stuck with ppl like that for at least a week
little bit longer, since gdq's vodcast schedule seems to include tuesday, thursday, and saturday
is clint the next squid