Are you still having fun with SB?
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Why is Refulgent Arrow its own skill instead of it just modifying Straight Shot when you get Straighter Shot.
How does that compute.
I've already gotten to ilvl 314 without very much grinding at all
It feels way more grindy pushing my machinist up with mostly frontlines
i want to cum on her face
As a SAM, when do I use Diversion to not ripoff aggro of the tank?
I used it before doing Midare setsugekka > Meikyo shisui > 3 finisher > Midare setsugekka but I still steal aggro from the tank after a while.
>still no dog girls
Tell your tank to get out of DPS stance for a little while at least
this frontline grinding is pretty stupid but its not like i can go do stormblood fates or something
maybe fates will be useful when they introduce the new relic lines
>maybe fates will be useful when they introduce the new relic lines
Fat chance, they said that the new relic stuff will be based on the SB diadem.
To continue my rage from the last thread
Do I just fucking poach members. These faggots have 2 more full FCS on the same damn server thinking this is an empire. I just want a well knit friendly fc who helps and talks to each other. Its not fun when an eligible person gets snatched up in an instant
Sometimes you need straight shot proc for, I don't know, straight shot?
I wish they would look at how people get XP and try to fucking do something to adjust how everyone is just farming PoTD/PvP all day everyday.
Why aren't sidequests affected by armory bonus?
>4 days into Expansion
>2 days into being able to do anything past Raubahn
Not sure if I was mad or disappointed that Shinryu wasn't a surprise 2nd Raid tier in 4.2
The actual fight was cool but I really don't want to see the Minstrel's Ballad version.
You're either going to have to transfer or start sniping new players if you care that much.
>eligible person
elaborate on this
Why would you waste your proc on Straighter shot when you could just do Refulgent -> Straight Shot. I'm just saying they could've just modified Straighter Shot to be Refulgent Arrow and give/refresh Straight Shot and it would've saved the button. It just feels weird.
The fun fact is those FC's are probably empty and they never delete members.
Fuck those cunts.
Thanks for the spoiler, asshole. I accidently saw the name while scrolling down to make a comment about something else.
They actually work with some sort of pyramidal system
The top raid and do stuff together, if people do well they can join as sub members, you can get in raid by doing stuff like gathering/crafting stuff for them....etc
No way am I letting these fags win
ANYONE who can receive an FC invite and is looking to join one. They go through the player search list and invite an fcless person. When I first made an alt here about 15 of their officers whispered me asking to join
Stormblood cutscenes in a nutshell:
They used that a bit too much. I don't think they needed to have text for it.
desu, if they release DQX in English, I'd rather be playing that.
all those sidequests ill never do. there are even a ton in heavensward i skipped and i did like 4 of them in stormblood
i have two 70s now and for the most part all i did was run around auto attacking in frontline and running in circles
Any AST bros ITT?
When do you use Sleeve Draw? If I use it when I don't have any cards, I end up with Spire in my Spread, and you can't even discard it now.
PotD was a mistake and no doubt a reason for the server fuck ups
>week since release
>servers still 90k when doing instanced stuff
Did they increase the EXP given in PoTD?
>playing on balmeme
indirectly with the armory bonus going from 50% to 100%, yes.
The best way to not rip aggro from the tank as SAM is to get a tank who knows what the PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF THEIR JOB IS
The worst part is there's a shitload of sidequests now so if you do ALL of them its an okay amount of experience but the effort involved makes it seem like a waste unless the storyline for it was actually interesting.
As long as I've played this game I don't understand how they view sidequests, the XP is pitiful and most of them are just basic collect 10 boar hides/talk to this person. There is no reason they can't be affected by armory as a way to help alts level.
I don't get armory bonus.
Just beat the story, it was alright. Not really interested in the weekly grind coming up but I will do the new raid tier on Normal and stuff. More interested about DoL and DoH for now.
I hate healing. I main BLM so the thought of healing was stupid to me. Then I tried AST and found I'm really enjoying it. The difficulty shifted in an unexpected way. Instead of me against the mobs, it becomes me against my party. The difficulty of the content is determined by your group and not the mobs in it. I was pleasantly surprised. And a little dismayed.
this is on one of the preferred servers. i mean i can log back in just fine but the disconnects are extremely annoying
Has the game changed so much that DPS can rip off tanks even if they aren't doing full enmity combos every time? I stopped right at the start of HW and even then, I never EVER had to do enmity combos every time (I alternated).
>That revamped PvP
this is fun as fuck, at least as a DRK
WAR cant hold aggro for shit anymore.
God damn I was already happy with the PLD changes at level 60 but holy spirit is some good shit
Removing PvP from the main game was the best idea.
They're wearing i270 STR rings.
>mfw my annoying neighbor left Cerberus for Omega
Finally the retainerbell near my house is great again!
Only five left on my blacklist to fuck off as well.
PLD and MCH are a lot of fun in PvP as well. Silencing healers with holy spirit or nuking low health players is great, I just wish they'd let us use cover on alliance members instead of only party members
It's just a bonus granted to any combat-capable class that isn't your highest level class. It's a 100% bonus to everything you do from 1-59, then it drops to 50% from 60-69 as I recall. It's just there to make grinding less painful since grinding is actually all you can do once the MSQ is done.
Holy shit is that true? They used to be the KINGS of enmity.
I got to 30 on a preferred world.
Where the hell is that money they promised?
>offered to raid with a small static that's part of the main guild in my server
>won't join their guild because I like my guild which is full of friends
>whatever they don't care
>we start doing good, when I join we clear content that they were stuck on for a month
>suddenly I have to join or I won't be able to raid with them anymore because their officers say so
>I get kicked because I still refuse to just be one of their numbers to flex the GMs epeen
This happened both in ARR and HW. Now I refuse to interact with anyone in their guild
>That level 70 WAR quest
>The SB BRD Quests
I felt like nothing I did mattered at all.
I've never seen them have trouble in Susano or Lakshmi but they're pretty bad in dungeons, at least when they try to go into Deliverance all the time because they're a TOP DOG ALPHA TANK.
Sorta funny watching them try to relive 3.X while they get handily outdamaged by healers and lose control of bosses and trash pulls.
Only thing Zenos did wrong was not accepting your bromance offer.
How many PotDs now from 56-60 in Stormblood?
My friend was led to being kicked out because her own private LS was large and the faggots at G' got angry my friend did more shit with her friends instead of constantly recruiting for them. Then they tried to get her back because they felt bad
If only noobs knew better than to join them
>late to the ex trials train
>don't even feel like gearing up to do them anymore
What's the sequence to turn pvp specific skills into mouseover macros? Like hell am I going to heal by manually clicking on a party member then heal them.
>almost done leveling PLD to 70
>healer is next and only healer I have at 60 is SCH, WHM is at 50 and AST at 40
Should I just level SCH to 70 and hope for a buff or should I go for AST or WHM?
>level 70 sch quest
Has there been any word on when Shirogane housing sales will start? Figure I'll need to be there the minute it's up to snag a personal small plot.
>tfw shinryu
Why did they do this? They know most of the playerbase is retarded
What buff do you want? 30 dps spells, like most retards wh cry? Well no use to wait for it
As a healers they are decent, for Susan-o ex they are better than whm
So fitting for BRD?
Well, blm is beyond great now. So, yes. Fun is happening.
Easier than knights normal during launch
Power of Friendship yet again
>yotsuyu will turn to the good side
Probably because they used their enmity combo as part of their DPS rotation, but now they have to use storm's path to generate more fell cleave points.
People really should just give up and respect the content, this "i270 STR accessory" meme is getting really annoying, like the tank shitters trying to use "MLG PRO AGGRESSIVE TANKING" STR builds before HW's VIT changes and fucking up in baby easy content because they really fucking suck at tanking.
sch will get small insignificant buffs most likely until ~3.3-4
Reminder that potd and jump potions are one of the same, both teach you nothing and if you complain about jump potions you should also complain about 1-60 potd players who also, dont know how to play
Funny how it's implied she is lusting after the warrior of lights dick
I STILL don't remember Knights normal being as difficult as Shinryu. Granted I am on a Nip data center so maybe that changes things.
Where do you get the AF3 gear
"In the future"
Widely expected to be the 4.1 release. You have weeks before housing will open but yeah if you're on even a mid-pop server you'll probably have to alarm clock it to get the plot you want. If you're on a high pop server, good fucking luck.
Job quest
Not JP. We randos did it in 3 tries after noticing all the mechanics. No one even complained. After the fight it was all good game and shit,
Meanwhile my friend who plays in the US server had people buttmad about everything.
You burgers are retarded as fuck.
I'm on a legacy server (Hyperion) so I figure I'll have a few seconds' chance when they go live.
A tank sitting in tank stance just repeating their aggro combo over and over will never get aggro taken from them in a single target situation barring extraordinary circumstances (dramatic clvl or ilvl differences, dying multiple times in the same encounter) but this is a shitty and unoptimal way to play a tank. Most tanks want to do exactly one enmity combo in tank stance then drop tank stance entirely and never turn it back on (again, barring extraordinary circumstances)
This was easy to do in HW because SE wisely made tank damage scale off of vitality as well as strength, single-handedly solving the problems of raiding tanks wanting to equip slaying accessories to do adequate damage (and thus having shitty health pools), and giving tanks a scaling source of damage proportionally equal to the growth of a DPS's strength throughout the expansion, ensuring great enmity generation and damage dealing potential both in one master stroke. Everyone was happy.
In Stormblood they reverted the change to vitality, making it no longer increase tank damage, probably because of the change to the Death Penalty mechanic, which no longer decreases your vitality when revived, so tanks could theoretically do 100% of their damage even through multiple deaths even though this isn't practical because of tp/mp constraints after one death, let alone multiple.
So the problems both came back at once and nobody is happy. Tanks can equip fending gear and have ridiculously high health pools, but their damage and enmity generation suffer greatly for it since fending accessories grant tanks absolutely nothing for damage or enmity, only survivability. The problem is further compounded by making Stormblood accessories role-locked, meaning tanks cannot equip current-tier slaying accessories, so they've resorted to wearing HW slaying ones to keep enmity and try to deal as much damage as possible. SE really took a couple giant leaps backwards with the tank archetype in SB.
No but bridge Nidhogg was similarly hard for the majority. It's the same kind of artificial bottleneck that Yoshida added so that people don't complete the game "too" fast and realize that there's no content at all. It'll get nerfed a minimum 3 times before long and the whole fight will be a miserable joke.
I'm planning on moving to a tank soon, going from DRG, what would be a good tank job to work towards for someone who has never tanked
Where to buy mount speed boost in zones?
>MCH still top parse in Extremes and likely savage
>Xaela get their own massive zone, unique dialog, and tons of lore
>free transfers off of Buttminge to avoid the retarded 4 hour queues and ERP spam
Such a great expansion.
Did this expansion make combat less boring?
I'm so glad I never fell for that 'MLG PRO AGGRESSIVE TANKING' str meme, and instead focused on being a good tank.
Where is implied that? She has mistbeard
Can't you just PVP for tomes?
Hahaha yeah I remember launch day Nidhogg, Good times. And oh boy did I love Wiping City of Salty Tears day 1.
>le japs are good at gaming maymay
don't want to start ffxiv general style shitposting, but some guy I've been adventuring with for awhile now just proposed to me, don't really know how to feel about it because he seems to be taking it super seriously and I'm really only in it for the white chocobo, our fucking fc went bonkers over this news though, suddenly everyone was acting like a giddy high school girls, I'm a male roe and he's a cat boy, what tier of marriage do we have to buy to get the chocobo? am I gonna have to drop 20 bucks on this?
Shinryu isn't even Bridge tier hard. It was fair as fuck.
the extreme trials a shit show atm, they're both easy as fuck but there's a huge amount of people that can even move over a line when they get marked, it's actually ridiculous how bad this is, now i know why people couldn't even do soar because they refuse to even move to do anything
paladin is piss easy and very strong at the moment. the only issue is the class is absolutely awful to play until you get shield oath and doesn't actually start to become fun until you get total eclipse
New world, PReferred is just free 15 days.
New worlds are only Omega and Louisoix
If Yoshi didn't fuck with tank scaling people wouldn't have to do it
But luck to some people in omega savage if they don't change it back because people will be hitting those enrages
sounds cute
Someone answer.