>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Camilla is shit.
Should i 5* Camus or Michalis ? I am missing both an Axe and a Spear.
So 1.5.0 tonight.
Do we have any idea what is in thus update?
Is it just the voting gauntlet
If you have a cav team or are trying to build one go with Camus, if you use infantry go for Michalis.
To what lengths would they each go to support their imoutos?
This is Sakura
She's going to get absolutely destroyed in the first round
Bully her
I have a Rein so in the future i definitely consider Cav. However currently Rein and a 4* Cecilia along with Camus are my only cav units and i am also missing a Xander so i am waiting for his GHB to be back.
Azura a best
Just here to collect the treasure kiddo
You're shit
My niggas Doug and Percy in Heroes fucking when?
Does Naesala sell hot bird dickings for shiny coins?
here's to hoping for a refreshed 3* pool. Fuck getting draug/fir/laslow for the 20th time
What's the best stat for Vantage, Atk or Spd?
Some says Spd so that you can double the enemy, but won't you die after the first attack if you are in Vantage range anyway? Though I understand that one shotting in Heroes without TA3 it's hard
You're even more shit for that retaliation.
Might as well start beefing them up. My estimation is we will get the xander GHB in two weeks
i've still never once even remotely understood these
I fuck your mom
Camus sounds like a pretty good choice then.
Try rolling on the Fury banner, Eldigan has been my mainstay sword cav since I got him.
Atk. You want to be able to kill before they hit you.
I want to suck on mommy Mila's tits.
>tfw praying for IV rerolls in 1.5
If Michalis is your only option for a good green just wait until you have the orbs to get more units desu. It sounds like you should be saving the feathers for Xander anyway.
You're fucking garbage you fucking waste of space.
>one shotting in heroes without TA3 is hard
wronger than wrong
Mages are squishy. Most red sword DC for example kill nino in one hit. Some with julia to a lesser degree
I am saving for Kaze's Banner.
I know you are but what am I?
Her entire religion of made up of degenerate lesbians
Shit, I just told you. You're shit.
Would she let me slip in my Falchion, though?
I know you are but what am I?
>actually saving for a dagger user
I just want IV neutralization
Sacred stones and CYL banners
Die in a fire, retarded skank.
Shut the fuck up you waste of space, god damn degenerate.
Your face is degenerate.
Are you gonna spam 8 bit COCKS and the faceless copypasta when she wins?
No ideas, only hopes and dreams waiting to be crushed.
>improved 3* pool
>new use for badges
>datamined banner/unit information
Don't even consider replying to me ever again.
I want a system where you sacrifice one unit to give their IV to another.
It'd make it so you'd still have to roll for it and would make units with good natures more useful.
Nino would like to have a word with you.
Ok Raul
No, you.
Yeah, but what about units with high Def or Res? Unless you have a special up they seem hard to kill in one hit
I am sad ok , i have to roll a 5* since forever. I spent a lot of shit on the bride banner yet no banner unit , i spent a lot of shit on Cecilia's Banner yet not banner unit again. My rolls have being a fucking dissapointment and i rarely even score 4* so at least i wanna roll somewhere where there are at least 2 possible units per color is a possibility. There is Flora and i can give her dagger to my Kagero and save for her promotion instead and then there is Kaze who is a effectively a brave with colorless as well with his speed.
Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up,shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up.
Nino is a dumb dork
The possibility of her winning doesn't exist
nino is cute and strong
And since i am no whale i have to stockpile these orbs and cry myself to sleep because i cannot roll for shit.
Why put them in range then? If you can get a kill then another kill with vantage with a green mage in range go for it. Your not going to put a unit in range of a nuke to get murdered unless you are shit
I fuck your mom and your sister, faggot.
the entire reason nino is used is desperation memes you retard
I guess someone's gotta love Elise since not even Xander will.
FGO really killed /feg/. The only ones here are fucking spammers and tripfags
I said I'd fuck off until I got Xander, but there's something I have to do. Pick seven characters among those I've selected, add Charlotte and Benny.
The absolute madman
No you don't you dumb piece of fucking shit. Stop saying stupid shit like that, dumbfuck.
Beast units when?
Mounted archers when?
Good thief unit when?
Support units getting rescue and trap when?
what do u think julias' vagina smells like
dragon cock
Like citrus fruits
Considering Elise is more popular than Sakura, it seems a lot of people love her
Who's ready to laugh at Magvelniggers tonight when their banner is skipped again?
>50 orbs got 2 fury man and what I really wanted a eldigan +atk -hp.
How do I build him? I'm thinking swap ignis DC vantage. Sound good?
Priam is
Who is the better Sword unit between a +Atk/-Def Lucina and a +Spd/-Res Ike ?
Beruka, Arthur, Camilla, Silas, Kaze, Jakob, Corrin
Ike cause Swordbreaker.
He's gonna be the real PoR tempest reward, don't listen to that Priam memer.
My semen
>who has DC
>are dragons used anymore outside nowi
If you have to ask you are fucking retarded
Julia fellatio
Wow. Olwen is hot trash. I already have three blue tomes that are way better than her, Reinhardt, Linde and Caeda.
Should I just send her home, there's literally no point.
That's tonight? I thought it was just the Voting Gauntlet and nothing else. I wouldn't even know what an update could entail.
>292 orbs
>121 297 feathers
How do you do it, user?
I hate mentally ill homeless people.
That's a literal perfect Ike
He's better anyways
Olivia fellatio
You motherfucker..