Oldschool Runescape / OSRS General - rs07g osg

Bot client Edition

>Membership sale notice
You can currently buy 3 months of membership for the price of 2. This can also be done via in-game bonds.

>Latest news
- Deadman Summer Invitational for $20,000 prize has begun
- Mining Guild expansion/rework, new minable mineral introduced
- Click-box improvements and ::displayfps
- The Inferno, new fight caves for the melee BIS Infernal Cape
- Mor Ul Rek, Tzhaar city expansion
- Zulrah teleport drops increased from 1 to 4 now

Home World: 327
Clan Chat: OSG
Website: oldschool.runescape.com/oldschool_index
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>Prices & money making

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papa mia a cute

Post slutty ERP OSRS sluts!

Nope this thread still isn't good enough just delete it and we can try again in a few days.

I'll try you again in a few days.

/rsg/ merge when

should I use:
>blessed d'hide+barrows gloves

>other slots constant
>90 ranged
>killing wyverns
>using broad bolts

>ranging wyverns
That's champ bait that you should avoid like the plague.

personally I use dhide. I was told void doesn't get good until like 92 range

ironman btw
dont feel like wasting supps and want something afk

with the nerf void doesnt get good at all

void even before the nerf was never good at wyverns unless you potted above 99 and had dhcbow, now after the nerf it's trash there but wyvern rangers are the lowest tier of players in the game so many of them still use it.

the 92 rule is just bullshit made up by retards who don't understand the game. whether void is better or not depends on your level, your other gear and prayers, and the enemy's defence. in general it sacrifices accuracy for a higher max hit so it's only worth using on low defence monsters. for instance if you were chinning the mm2 maniacal monkeys which have just 10 defence, then void beats dhide at pretty much every level beause both sets would have 95+% accuracy.

my nigga woox said something else

every thread until you like it

>sayob leaves
>shitposting about sayob stops
haha ye "hurr durr if u knew sayob-san u wud kno its not her(him) shitposting keheheh :d"
also whats even worse is when someone proves a tranny wrong in thread they back each other up calling the person proving them wrong an autist and posting dumb reaction images

die tranny scum die

There's new content? anyone can make a tldr to what is relevant?( no cosmetic shit)

You could skim through the titles of these to get a gist of what's been added.
Not sure why whoever was making the OPs early this year removed it, it's very useful info for returning players.

on a scale of 1 to horrible fucking mistake of a decision how is this gonna be?

Big mistake.

Speaking of bot clients, how do I bot reliably in RSC? I've tried asking /rsg/ but they always get indignant before admitting they don't know.

well if you wanna throw me 25m so i can do teaks i'd love to switch!

Where is Nust? I miss him.


the rsc private servers are more popular than the actual game

Hadn't heard of the private servers. Any idea why they're more popular?

>more popular
there is a reason you have not heard of them. They are not "more popular".....

I mean, I wouldn't have heard of RSC either if I hadn't played before Jagex removed links to it from the main page.

b-but i do like it

any cuties online?


>wake up
>play rs for 16 hours
>go back to sleep

oh how I missed you sweet summer

>tfw do this every season

what is the one simple trick to get rich quick?

where do i click

I'm not rich, just pathetic.

Hi :3

Is this an anime thread now?

tfw turn off pm so friends don't realize how much time I spend on this game

I wish there was a way to tell when someone adds you. No idea if I actually have any friends in-game.

daily reminder anime posters deserve to be gang raped repeatedly until their asshole is a gaping, bloody pile of mush.

>No idea if I actually have any friends

Well... i-if it's you senpai!

turn them back on user, if you they can't accept you for who you are then they were never friends to begin with.

I can think of few social situations worse than having to interact with people who you have to hide shit from on the reg for fear of embarrassment and humiliation. Free yourself from this self imposed prison. You deserve to be happy and comfortable around those who you consider to be friends.

it'll be me, post ass, anime poster.

why the fuck do people bot wyverns?

like I see these bots on high-ass level accounts with decent gear, why would you risk all that

Please answer.

i'll give it a try. thanks user

What makes the RS community so much more autistic than other MMORPGs?

Most RSC players use the APOS client, even those who don't bot

>Training alone at Hill giants in members world
>All of a sudden 3 people around the same level log on at the same time around me
I keep switching worlds but this same thing has happened 3-4 times now.


helmie bullies

who here /HERB NATION/?

>degenerate using shitbox to play osrs

>30 fps

in combat it drops to 10

>he posts a faggot anime picture with a snide remark

There's a Kizuna AI anime? At least wait for me to post actual anime before saying this.

furry trap :)

your pic related

Honest to god, i will pray every night that you get brutally raped, mutilated and murdered cause you're a fucking tranny anime poster faggot nigger

baka as fuck kys

>animeposter leaves
>shitposting about animeposting stops
haha ye "hurr durr if u knew animeposter-san u wud kno its not her(him) shitposting keheheh :d"
also whats even worse is when someone proves an animeposter wrong in thread they back each other up calling the person proving them wrong an autist and posting dumb reaction images

Haven't really been playing for a long time.
I wanna go for 93 slayer for the diary, currently at 89.
What do I do? I've never cannoned so I have no idea which tasks you should skip/block. Do I need to cannon? I don't have a lot of spare money.


Is this gz-worthy?

if youre broke you can cannon the cannon tasks and do all others with melee but it would take longer
also google block lists
pray pots if you can afford it with prossy or you do tank gear or guth
gl its not that hard

rate it!

>sub 2k total

lemme smash

t. 2001 total


2008 actually :^)
my point still stands though, get 2k total you dumbass nigger

>sub 2100 total
kill yourself retard

>not a single 99
bro bet u dnt even have inferno cape lol

what tasks are cannon tasks? And should I use Nieve or Duradel?

that was actually do non purpose. want a good first 99 and a nice looking untrimmed cape.

I lost a lot of money and am sad now...


whos this semen demon?

next time: Say NO! To the Sand Casino!

you can make it back if you suck my dick

Not everyone stakes user, but I may have to now...

h-how'd it happen? how did so much of you bank go from a death?

how much did you lose

how long will 90 firemaking take from 65? I got a master clue and I don't want to drop it...

you need like 6m xp? for that
at 350k/hr ?

this is the nigga that got stud unit buttblasted


you deserved to get pked anime poster, go to the brothel to suck dick for gp where you belong

>having friends

boaty just got ddos in dmm rip lad

Haven't played in about a year.

Why have nat prices dropped so much?

because people were buying items at alch price to sell to the karamja shop, which buys items for higher than high alch price, so the items were actually at 'shop price'

but then the karamja shop was removed from the game so those items crashed slightly to high alch price

more items at high alch price means more items to choose from when high alching, meaning the balance of nats vs alch items grew in favor of alch items, so nat prices went down to compensate

>60 points only
>160 fire giants
>143 spiritual creatures
>200 fire giants

>cancelling tasks when you have no points

>cancelling tasks when you have low points
>cancelling fire giants
>not blocking spiritual creatures

I think you have a bad brain son

>someone will never pay you to play this game


0 kg fashion

Anyone around like 45 want to boost a runepouch
