>What is Friday the 13th? A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one. f13game.com
>What is Last Year? Beta coming this August, Class based with weaker killers. lastyearthegame.com
Does anyone fucking know what sometimes I get notifiers (like fast vaults and skill check fails) while people are healing?
Jason Ramirez
This is why I started playing Nurse. Too bad my only perks on her are Deerstalker 3, Thantaphobia 3 and Nurses Calling 2. I'll probably use my Stridor 1 once I unlock fourth slot since I still haven't gotten Whispers on her.
John Sanders
Intended feature they added a couple month ago.
Chase Wright
It doesn't seem like it's always in the game, and my friends and I tested in a private lobby. I hit him, he ran on the other side of the building and failed a healing skill check, but I got no notifier like 3 times.
Josiah James
>Being a slow character isn't fun >Fast characters can't repair, so I have to rely on other people for everything
Mason Davis
swimwear dlc literally when?
Easton Perry
>>Fast characters can't repair, so I have to rely on other people for everything It doesnt matter how long it takes to repair if Jason can never catch anyone in the lobby.
Get fucked Deb and AJ players, tiffany and vanessa are bottom bitches
Henry Ross
Hey guys just bought DbD looking to get the DLC if i like the base game what killers or survivors are good for newbies?
Robert James
Soon, if the devs want the game to survive. The hell are you talking about?
Julian Brooks
>He was never OP. He is barely stronger than the Wraith, even with M&A. >an ability that can give you free NOED >not OP
Tyler Bell
DSP cosmetic literally when?
Bentley Ramirez
>free He must stalk survivors in order to receive it. That's not free in any way. It's also lasts 60 seconds, tells everyone he has it and makes his terror radius bigger. Hardly OP
Jacob Russell
>DSP prefers DbD to F13 >Mains survivor
Wyatt James
>The hell are you talking about? He's saying that you can take as long as you need to repair objectives if Jason can never catch you or anyone else because they're playing characters that are fast.
Robert Gray
Killer FPS is horrendous on console.
Brayden Morris
Nonsense. You fuck up one prompt of the repair as Buggzy and now Jason is chasing you. And Jason can catch anyone, it just takes longer if you're a fast character.
Daniel Morris
You literally can't catch people jumping into the hatch because the animation skips every single time
Gavin Hill
There's no reason DbD can't run at 60fps on consoles. Frog coding.
Juan Fisher
>You fuck up one prompt of the repair as Buggzy and now Jason is chasing you Okay, so you just out run him until the other fast players fuck up and he chases them instead, and then you repeat until shit gets done or the timer runs out
Jace Carter
Which brings me back to my previous point that if I play a fast character I have to rely on other people to do repairs.
Jose Phillips
>people are still posting about flavor of the month f13 game I'm going to have to move to the dbd sub, they actually talk about the game.
Kevin Fisher
>what is 99%
Lucas Turner
Don't come back
Ayden Howard
>instead of trying to talk about the game, better talk about thread quality. You're not a solution, you are the problem
Dylan Rodriguez
I don't think they ever listed it in the patch notes. Maybe it's just luck based.
Asher Rivera
Please leave and don't come back.
Xavier Mitchell
It's still intended, it might be bugged, wouldn't be a surprise.
Robert Morris
Xavier Foster
Halloween is good for in terms of killer and survivor alike - Decisive Strike might pop up in the shrine, but I don't remember how long ago it was on rotation. But survivors are no more than skins really, only killers vary in abilities. Feng Min has Lithe which is a good perk for chases, Ace is lackluster.
But generally Halloween > Mud and Blood > Sparks of Mind
Asher Brown
Sent you a code friend ;)
Zachary Anderson
Why not just wait until your next paycheck since you own over 100+ games?
Adrian Reyes
Remember when they wanted to add a kick mechanic to stun killers who face camped to finally discourage it?
Remember that?
Lucas Green
>dbd sub enjoy killercucks taking over every thread about how bad they have it
Robert Powell
you made me check....that was rude :')
Lots of them came from Humble Bundle so its not like im earning money user
Adrian Campbell
There are only 3 non-cosmetic DLCs. The Halloween Chapter, Of Flesh and Mud, and Spark of Madness. Of Flesh and Mud comes with the Hag who's pretty fun but you'll get varying responses on how powerful she is. Spark of Madness comes with the Doctor who has my favorite killer design and a kit that can be cancerous af if you're feeling mean. Halloween Chapter comes with Mikey. I haven't played him yet but some of the stuff that affects his powers are insane. IMHO, None of the DLC survivors have perks that are ABSOLUTELY necessary but I recommend you look over their "Teachable" perks before you level them if you can't wait to get them off the shrine. Other than those perks, different survivors are basically just skins but I'm a cosmetic fag. Ace is my waifu
Jacob Diaz
F13 fags being so fucking poor they resort to beg
At least DbD anons buyts their own games
Aiden King
>Lots of them came from Humble Bundle Yes but there's money being put into buying Humble Bundle games soooooo where's it coming from??
Carter Peterson
>dive bomb hook >circle around it until they get a kick stun >unhook
No thanks
Hudson Reed
1 buck is too much for you?
Of course I earn some little money here and there but I had to resort to cheap games because of that
Luis Jenkins
No but 40$ is for someone I don't know at all.
Chase Adams
*$40. The dollar sign comes at the start. Cent signs come after.
Fucking Americans.
Jason Gomez
Its okay to leave a hook you shitty killer.
Joshua Foster
>dude just leave it's not like the survivors are waiting just out of sight to come in and unhook xD
Aaron Harris
But that's not what you asked, you said how I earned so many games, I never said you should buy me the game, neither did I shout your name or anything, if you want to troll me then yeah I dont mind but you just want to argue
Jaxon Carter
>dive bombs hook
Evan Gutierrez
such a weak bait- fuck
Jack Barnes
lol no they don't, I've seen at least a dozen people begging for dbd and DLC on epib bee already.
Christopher Wilson
>Someone glitched into some unused room in the Higgins Haven lodge on the top floor.
Is this new? I haven't seen it before.
Jaxon Smith
gift me F13 i'm a girl ;)
Zachary Reyes
I kind of want to beg for Spark of Madness but I dunno if I'd actually take someone up on it even if they were willing, never done the e-beggar thing before without wanting to at least pay someone back eventually.
Chase White
>Bad killers who refuse to leave Just leave. Just. Fucking. Leave.
Justin Brown
Are you a qt?
Andrew Gray
Is this the e-beggar thread? Still sucking dick for Street Meg
Connor Morgan
want me to dump it for F13?
Nolan Price
Yeah it is, meta-gamers are the most unfun bastards to play with.
Sorry for the low-quality, for some reason it won't export this one video in higher quality.
Jonathan Brown
The only girls who come to this general already have it. Better luck next time, Steven.
Kevin Reed
One idea that would fix Jason. >temporarily disable sense ability after stunning/using pocket knife
Luis Gutierrez
ehh??? Fucking moot
Jack Jones
fucking jap moot indeed
Cameron Stewart
Exploits are not meta.
Asher Nelson
Is this from Freddy vs Jason vs Ash? Is that comic good?
Jason Bailey
its not that bad but they def fucked up some Freddy things, Ash is still comic fodder, just nice to see once in a while
Adrian Myers
I'm a big Evil Dead and F13th fan so I was really wondering if it does the characters justice >Is Ash at least still witty like in the movies and show?
Juan Campbell
I can pretend I am...
Christian Mitchell
where can I find F13 nude models? Asking for a friend
Kayden Nelson
>people like something different from me reeeee
Easton Peterson
is it hook camping to leave, put down a trap at the pallet and then go back and hit the survivor just as someone takes them off?
when does it become camping
Jordan Sanchez
just play how you want everyone else does
Asher Parker
>that spoiler
user, I didn't know you had good taste
Ryder Lopez
>People don't like the beautiful majesty of the swamp
camping is staying at the hook without being given a reason : no survivors found or heard near, gates aren't powered yet, nothing to destroy nearby. what you describe is not camping, a lot of people rush hooks because of high numbers of camping though
Christian Perry
>a lot of people rush hooks to get an easy 1500 points though
Fixed that for you friend.
Matthew Wood
is the wraith just the worst on purpose?
Joseph Morales
>play Killer >constantly memed on (Borrowed Time, Sprint Burst, Self-Care, black t-shirt Claudettes) >premades out the ass >rare that you face a solo queue beyond Rank 10
>play Survivor >waiting 15mins past Rank 10 to get a killer >Killer ragequits anyway because teammates keep looping, infiniting and other bullshit
Levi Davis
this is something that pisses me off to no end people always complain about camping and wraith is literally designed to camp and be the best at it, his ability is camping BUT SOMEHOW HE IS SHIT?
Xavier Hughes
>got 44 levels this weekend how did you fare?
Jose Ross
>be a smart character and repair things that let other people escape >Jason gets mad and tunnels you and since you're slow and have low stamina you die >you get 100-155 xp
>be a fast character that relies on smart characters to be able to escape >be able to juke Jason and escape >get 200 xp
It's all kinds of fucked up.
Without people who can repair no objectives get done, but those repair characters are basically sacrifices and get less out of the match.
I guess this is why I mostly fix the boat and fuck off by myself or maybe take whoever's lucky enough to notice me doing it and is close with me as long as they stay quiet. I don't even take walkie talkies anymore.
and fuck it when a Vanessa drops a fuse in front of me and tries to lead me to the phone box. That's gotten me killed far too often to be worth it. Yeah it'd be nice to help everyone escape but not if I don't get to escape too.
Charles Morris
>cant one hit
>has a I can't hurt you alarm
Andrew Cooper
Devs said they'll change his bell so that it can only be heard in proximity. Which is how it should have been from the very beginning, nothing fucks over a killer more than me literally knowing if you're in a chase or patroling constantly.
Asher Brooks
Never do anything out of hunger. Not even eating.
Evan Butler
>play survivor >only premades over rank 8 >they don't give a shit about your solo queue ass >one's about to be hooked the third time (the only one the killer can catch because his buddies are high ranks bringing a poor rank 20 in), they all dc and you're left there alone with the killer
I hate swf just as much as surv as I do when I'm the killer
Joseph Bailey
Just play the way you'd want the killer to play if you were a survivor. It's not hard.
Dylan Morgan
Just got out of a game like that. They'd unhook me for the Altruism and then just run around the hook to piss off the Killer. SWF was a mistake, the whole point of all the audio emphasis (heartbeat, musical cues, crows, killer noises) was so a skilled player could harness them to their advantage. SWF just snaps that in half with voice comms. >"Killer is on me, work on gens" >"I'm at the pallet, don't come for me yet." >"Killers gone, come heal me at [x location]" >I'm opening this exit gate
Limit 2 people per lobby on SWF, that way at least two survivors are solo.
Grayson Martinez
Art quality jumps a lot, you can say some things seems rushed and others just plain good, but Ash is as witty as always, they really focused on Jason doing the killings thou
Ryder Clark
I'm convinced that third-party voice chat is the biggest balance problem DBD has. Even pallet looping, though desperately unfun, can be countered, but voice chat lets everyone work with perfect coordination and utilize every minute the killer spends with 100% efficiency.
Chase Nelson
So I realized I never want to rank up in DbD, So I let a team of survivors get the generators so i can derank but they've just been running around instead of leaving for 5 minutes now.
Adam Reed
disconnect and lose rank. they dont get 5000 for escaping either
Luke Taylor
Jaxon Smith
Get enduring or Brutal Strength Break pallets right off the bat
Jordan Turner
sounds like you need to git gud
Landon Sullivan
DSP raging hard as killer.
David Nguyen
fuck it if someone loops me for more than a minute I'm quitting I just bought this fucking game I don't have any of those perks but everyone I play has VERY RARE everything really fucking loving it.
fuck you faggot
Adrian Ortiz
Seriously though, I pull +25k bloodpoints as the Nurse almost ever match. I let unhooks happen, and as they all heal up I smack their gens down. I just repeat this until everyone gets hooked 3 times. I'm currently a rank 4 killer too.
Try hard face camping is not fun for anyone.
Blake Fisher
>fuck it if someone loops me for more than a minute I'm quitting I just bought this fucking game I don't have any of those perks but everyone I play has VERY RARE everything really fucking loving it. What killer are you even playing?
Jacob Sullivan
>They do.
Jack Green
you just bought it and rank 20s pallet loop you? you're either very unlucky and get swf groups with rank 20 leaders or you're really bad. rank 20 get so spooked they crouch next to walls and run out to the edge of the map, they don't fucking loop shit.
Thomas Garcia
>Jason hard camps the 2 seater while the 4 seater is fixed and gets away full and the cops are called
Why do people who don't understand this game get jason over me? I can't fucking stand it.
Jose Nelson
>they dont get 5000 for escaping either They do though. >When you think you've been a smart BM'er all this time but in reality you're just a retard