Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
Buy uniel and play uniel.
I can never find any games ;_;
Well timed OP for once.
Continuing where we left off-
Is blazblue kusoge?
I personally consider everything except tekken 3, 3rd strike and GG kusoge.
Blazblue was better before every basic bnb combo had to be 20 hits for 2000 damage
love playing rashid
hate playing sfv
Oops, posted in the old thread
>tfw ordered a stick and it gets here wednesday
I bought that meme hori 4 mini, just to see how I like it and if I do I'll get a big boy one.
Really excited to relearn everything and have something I could actually bring to locals if I ever feel good enough to do so. I've always played on keyboard using WASD + UIO and JKL, so I think my right hand will be at home, but moving around with the stick is going to be really foreign I think. It will probably be a while before I feel as comfortable moving around as I do with WASD.
I know about hitbox, but I don't like that the jump/up key is all the way at the bottom. I understand it but I'd rather it be above the down button
It has a square gate, what kind of gates do you guys like/use? I feel like accidently crouching or jumping might be an issue? Idk. Either way I'm hype.
Any stories on transitioning from pad or others to a stick? Tips?
>Crotch Tatoo
Are you telling me to play skullgirls?
Go back in time and dont waste money on a garbage stick and just buy a real one
Play blonde.
Hi. This picture belongs to /blaz/
I want to but is there an organised discord for it or anything?
You won't be crouching or jumping by accident (at least it didn't happen to me) but I did have trouble hitting the diagonals at first.
But user, what should I play then? Anime games are trash
Well, that.
Money is no issue. I'll buy a real one someday.
That's something I was wondering, you aren't supposed to "ride the gate" right? I feel like of you do it'll get stuck on the corner won't it?
You don't have to move it all the way to a side to register an input, so how far do you move it? Is there any feedback for when you've moved it far enough?
There is but I just checked and it seems pretty dead
Play skullgirls.
Play this cat's game
You're not supposed to do it? I do it all the time.
If money is no issue then buy a real one right now. The difference between these cheap sticks and the proper thing is enormous.
Why can't I enjoy Skullgirls? Why are there so many combinations of hotkeys, what happened to punch kick juggle
What are you having trouble with exactly? It's a six-button game, like Street Fighter.
KikeZ i know you post here, remake Third Strike with an artstyle that appeals to furries and bronies so you make enough money to support it and i'll buy it and all the DLC.
every fighting game is kusoge that is literally why we play them and why they get any sort of popularity
Have fun user. I'm thinking of buying one myself, the decision is tough though because I can't afford a "test" stick before a real one
Any blowups recently?
Could i get an invite to see?
Cancel the mini shit and get the HRAP 4 Kai instead.
When you change the imput the stick clicks, so you can practice by hearing them. For example, doing a 236 should give you four clicks (assuming you return to neutral afterwards).
? Are you having trouble with the assists and tagging? Game comes with macros for the first and come on user 2 mediums or 2 heavies isn't hard, I started with SG and did fine
Not him but I got the one before a Kai and the usb fucked up. Is it easier to fix on a Kai? I really don't want to give Hori my money after they fucked up and didn't have a way of fixing it after the fact.
Cute cat, would play her game if it wasn't 20 years old and dead
Giefkid is bullying shitters on a smurf.
good bait, even packaged it with the dumb anime girl and everything
Please put slowmo in other fighting games
>doug got bodied and has crawled back to playing his dead kusoge with BRs and other third worlders on fightcade
>Robot girls and bobcuts are my fetish
>Ruined by the fact she is a cat
hosting a lobby atm PC EU
So judging by the eyes and the crotch tatoo did she get corrupted or something?
How sensitive are goobers though? That's the least offensive shit-talk you could ever see but the twitter replies read like it was a diplomatic incident.
Where's the video
goobers love to talk shit but the moment they get some clapback all you hear is autistic screeching
>those replies
LMAO and the best part is that most of them don't even actively play the game
Why is it bait.
Will DBZF have grapplers?
*angry bird noises intensifys*
Have grapplers ever been good in a marvel game?
I'd love an Eighter or Android 16 or Recoome grappler.
flash must be absolutely insufferable irl
What characters would be grapplers?
Nappa, Broly, who else?
Would blonde!
Broly is probably a shoe in both because of character popularity and being the token big guy. 16 might have a chance as well depending on how much they want to clog up the cast with monkeys.
if you're an autistic goober maybe
but then you're insufferable to everyone else so it's ok
the genre's dead so no
What's the lore on those big guys in the background?
Skullgirls is genuinely the only fighting game ever made to be accessible to complete beginners. If you can't play it, then fighting games aren't for you.
honestly i dont actually know.
Darkstalkers X Bloody Roar when?
Will DBFZ have a trap character whom plants saibamen around the stage?
If you consider Haggar as a grappler than kinda?
What I just woke up and am heading to work. Further shitposting is most likely gief players
>18ish Darkstalkers give or take alternate versions
>20ish Zoanthropes
That is about enough for an actual roster!
If there's a trapper character it'll probably be Bulma throwing random hoipoi capsules or something.
why does nemo think ibuki is so good? just bomb stuff?
I wonder how SG would have gone if it was a 3rd strike remake instead of a mahvel 2 remake.
I mean there's KI and GG is not horrible
Like Yatagarasu
Post your DBZ teams
>Great Saiyaman (no helmet, doorag and shades only)
>Master Roshi
>Jackie Chun
Yeah, probably. RIP.
Launch, Videl, Android 18
None of those characters will be in DBFZ
Young Goku
Younger Goku
Why is it so hard to get a consistent dash demon? these are how my hands feel when i to try to do it
Move move
Shake shake
Now trump what your momma gave ya
Goku Piccolo I dunno.
>not android 18x3
You can pick the same character three times?
So what fucking skin tone is he?
His SFV appearance is confusing, because his hair is white, so he's already in his "metallic" form, but then he gets darker in his V-skill. His hair is supposed to be blonde when he's in his "normal" form.
He's white but can activate The Gene
if no 18, Tien
DB era tien
And then whoever I find the most fun to play
Oh shit, I didn't even imagine Bardock being in the game. If so,
>some third true saiyan warrior
anyone down for jive? West coast US?
You can also beat me at 3s on fightcade or PS3 if you want
>Walk back SPD when you're cornered
How do you deal with this?
Broly isn't canon
Don't get cornered.
Yes it's kusoge. The only good games arcsys ever made was gg and dbfz
stay out of range of SPD?
dash, then mash