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Getting 4 man ganked edition
Previous thread: Eyosongive.us

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Not soon enough

>No Master Tactician champion


Have some best ship lolg

You should NEVER hit that surrender button.

No games are unwinnable.

Xth for the people hardstuck in Bronze

I want to snuggle up with Kog'maw!

literally swain

Wrong image bub
Best ship is Kayle x Karthus

mods these days tz..

what part of his character/kit shows that he is a master tactician other than because riot said so?

I want to unironically main cassiopeia, what items are core on her? which are newbie traps? what's her general strategy and strong counter picks? runes and masteries suggestion?

Just got all that info from chapion.gg and op.gg but want to know what you guys have experienced.

Cant appreciate a good man

How dare you post that chicken

The best ships are canon~

Definitely not between people who never even talked

why am I only getting matched with smurfs

Seriously,the only reason I created a new account was to play against low level shitters

Is this game so dead that there is a shortage of new players?

His ult.

His birds fly to you and gather information then take it back to him and whisper it into his ear.

If you selected anything other than "I'm completely new to the game" when you made your account you will get matched against smurfs

does mejais only karthus work in bronze?

Uhh... waxing is a thing already, you know.

Fuck. I thought this was only meant to skip the tutorial

well ,time to make another account

Botrk gives you +100 ad against baron and 25% attack-speed for 3,4k gold. It's prittyy good.

>Is smurfing himself
>Complaining about other smurfs
There is your problem. Riot's algorithms match you against other people who seem to have the same skill as you. If you start doing good in your games (i.e. crushing newbies) you'll start to get matched against other people who are also doing acceptation each game, and they happen to be smurfs.
It's a way to keep all out smurfs from ruining the newer player's experience.

The mmr on low level accounts is pretty volatile I'm prettys ure
If you just int feed for 7 games or something you should play against bad people

>Being a smoothlet

You guys keep being delusional and I'll keep posting best ship.

IRL sona waifu when?

is orianna supposed to be a lane bully or am i just shit

>Be jungler
>"/all: Gankin top"
>"/all: Oops"
>Enemy top starts playing more guarded
>I'm actually ganking bot lane


I don't play Cass, but for a rare scenario from my mains pov, don't ult a Quinn if she hasn't vaulted you yet. I've seen many a pissed Cass player over vault turning Cass around and missing.

She's supposed to be an ultra safe late game carry with a good laning phase

What is the most warlock like champ?

I'm talking DOTs, sustain, beefyness and cc all with a dark vibe/theme

How rare is this skin


Not really tho

Unless it's canon, shipping anything is utter cringe.

Swain I guess



Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>Unless it's canon

You mean like SG Jinx and Lux?


I want to NUT in Kled!

she truly is

she's in every fucking game anyway so i'll learn how to beat her eventually

That's not canon. It's just two girls being friends. Women can be friends without having lesbian urges.

what is that look trying to convey?

Remember to play the yi kayle meme duo top & make the enemy top laner want to fucking hang himself

Talking about being delusional...


>"I bet she doesn't know I heard her and Katarina last night".

Anyone else feel that the animations are smoother on dawnbringer riven? Makes me think about buying her.

Actual best ship!

why does everyone draw SG Jinx with some sultry look when she's literally just as spastic as normal Jinx

It's quite rare, 2010 Vancouver Olympic skins are rare.
Also it's his best skin because the splash is adorable.
Twitch is cutest adc, Kogfags needs no apply.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

There are still so much hints that it's pretty much canon
>taking ingame taunt as canon representation

>still had fun because i did my best on a character i like

user, that's literally screencapped from the official video...

Sona is a new religion

Just played my first game with syndra and I fell in love with her.

Can someone give me tips? I'm planning on maining her

Also which skin should I buy?

what the fuck is this?

>4 5? I've lost count game losing streak
>every one has had someone flaming and inting their ass off for honestly the most autistic reasons
>A player you have reported was punished!
Thank god a silver lining to this shit storm

If I see this shit I'm picking rammus top


bork runaans mallet guinsoos nashors ga

your laner won't see it coming

and die all the same lmao

>Kog keeps running into the Jungle all by himself
>Teemo support
>Lux has 300 ping
>All three of them keep chasing Twitch into enemy jungle and getting killed despite me pinging at them to forget it
>Team always fucks off to the side lanes or jungle after we win a teamfight at mid

I hate my friends.

t. sjw cuck

>nashors tooth to top off the zero ad build
nice i like it

You use it to craft these at the end for whatever team wins which is chaos right now

Though Ill bet they'll chicken out and give us both anyway

I just got stuck in champ select without having the option to lock in.

What gives???

Which male champs are most likely to be insatiable power bottoms?

Who dis?

I never noticed before but sona has a real whale ass in this pic

chaos one is utter dogshit, hope order wins.

>needs ad when you can just proc bork passive non-stop

They banned Yasuo you blind turd.

Manamune into Rod, Morello's and full AP.
Manamune deals 3% of your mana on every single target ability hit, which includes every dark sphere in your ult.

i just thought it was a cozy pic would u relax buster


t. somebody who never watched Nanoha

I miss rumblefag

>lee sin
>not dopa

>he doesnt know

Now let me see your war face /lolg/!

This is disgusting. why do people do this to themselves? why play lee in fucking silver? what is the point? why do you want to lose THAT bad?

>because i seen faker lee sin videos on youtube....

fucking kill yourself. this is why its unbearable to climb out of low elo, because of bastards like pic related

>basing human interactions on anime

meant to say ap SORRY


>not basing an alt universe that's based on anime on anime


you shitpicked too

Just imagine being sat on by it

I love this cyborg!



>Patch tomorrow

What are you expecting to get added to the PBE tomorrow? Urgot rework? Omega squad or star guardian skins?


Ok, I've looked all round the boorus and on r34, couldn't find it. Sauce pls?