Make 45k a year after taxes

>Make 45k a year after taxes
>Live with my parents
>Only have to chip in 2-300 a month for stuff like food and utilities
>Have no debts to pay off
>No kids
>No gf
>Want to buy a $35000 car
Would this be a dumb decision? This is probably the only stage in life where I can get away with buying a car that isn't a shitbox or a basic sedan.

Sure if your parents still support you.

Plenty of people who still live at home buy M3 and A7 in my city.

I'm in a similar situation but I didn't go so expensive. I think that something closer to 20-25k might be more plausible and make it so your paychecks don't go straight to your car payment. I bought a 15 grand car.

How much would you have right off the bat?

You should get your own place and grow up.

fuck you man. do what makes you happy op. I'm just like you but I wanna shoot myself in the face

>do what makes you happy
>like mooch of your parents and spend all your money on a fucking car and expect them to shoulder your fucking life
>and make sure to never take your parents finances and feelings into account while you waste even more years of their lives living at their hard earned home even though you have the means to move out

No wonder this generation is going to be the death of the US.

You can buy a house with that dude. That comes before a car if you're still living with your parents. Get your priorities straight man.

Are you me? Except I want a $40,000 car and pay almost $400 every fortnight because I'm not a niggerleachfaggot to my parents and

I'd rather live with my parents than live alone in my own house

dont worry, boomers already fucked everything up. youre just now seeing the effects

Or he can buy and pay off a car he will love in a year, and then get a house when he has his dream car and no note on it.


why would you ever pay that much? You could just rent your own place and not have to deal with living like a little kid with his parents.

then i'm sure he'll love what happens in the next 20 years

>implying this POS OP won't do a 6 year note and pay the minimum.

>Would this be a dumb decision?
Yes, but you knew that. You also risk your cuck parents growing a backbone if they see their mooch of a son driving a better car than they do.

Because this is why

Living alone is depressing as fuck desu

I'm 27 living with my parents in 5 years I was able to save $120k now I can buy a house or the car of my dreams. Feels good.

I guess it comes down to personal preference whether you want the car, or independence and freedom more.

Sorry I meant $400 every month

Your parents would rather live with your parents, with you alone in your own house.


Unless op has a gf it's pointless to buy a house unless he plans to rent it out until he is ready to move.

>be 24
>moved out since 18
>married at 22 and bought a house at 23
>little to no money left after mortgage and car payments

Adult life sure is fun, right guys?

If you're stupid enough to get married at 22, then no. If you were a smart person who waited until around 30 then it's great.

>mfw 32
>traveled, drank, adventured and banged my way through my 20s
>ever increasingly better jobs
>meet a lady to settle down with
>we both have great careers
>bought a home
>both have new cars
>travel a couple times a year
>stress free
>massive retirement accounts already

Just make sure you talk it over with your folks first. Some people would feel taken advantage of and get pissed off if they saw the guy they give cheap rent to driving a nice car

>Makes 45k a year
-Basic Expenses $35k a year money left

Don't buy one of the worst depreciating assets money can buy. Make your parents proud OP.

I have around $13000 stashed away
Houses are far too expensive desu. I've given up on the idea of owning my own home.

Of course, since Opie's parents so graciously funded his retirement, he'll return the favor and let them live with him in their dotage.

>Not saving up and buying a Alfa Romeo 4c cash
>Not going Mgtow

I'm like you expect I make 105k a year and I'm going to buy a 90k car.

Don't listen to all these house posters. Yes you should buy one but only if you can put at least 20% down and finance for 15 years and keep it under 30-50% of your monthly income.

Buying new or leasing is nigger tier stupid. Invest your money on something better than a car. You're just wasting tons of money. Than again I'm glad dumbasses like you are buying cars but still, it's really a poor idea.

Mgtow is the male equivalent of ugly women rationalizing their failure with men with "strong women who don't need no man" and "I hate men anyways" feminism

me too man, live at home and saved 170k

i know people who graduated the same year, make as much as me, but is pretty much broke and miserable because they fell for the whole "be a man" meme trap.

gonna buy a bigger house with my parents sometime next year, probably a duplex.

The only reason why men try to live away from their parent's home is because of the general belief that women think it's childish/dumb. If Women didn't care I would gladly live with my parents.

Invest in bitcoin

Buy $35 million dollar car in 10 years

nice user, do any school?

Save up at least 10k for a down payment first.

better yet, stop caring about women

>muh tech job

Wow life is easy when you're making 100k starting who would have thought

>live with parents
>make $20k/yr after taxes
>buy a Honda Accord
I'm saving up for a down payment on a house next so I can rent it out and have it pay for itself.

It’s fine. Not everyone moves out until they have someone to move out with. It’s a bad stigma that people have to move out when they turn 18 just to live all alone and scrape by just to live. Most people around the world live im a house with a big family until they move in with a significant other. It’s realy not as uncommon as the stigma in the States would lead you to believe.

Also, getting a $30k-$40k car all depends on what you’re looking for.
> New or Used
> Coupe or Sedan
> Only practical or Enthusiast car
> Luxury or Basic Necessities
> Short term car or Lifelong keeper

Don't buy stuff you can't afford, I make 60k a year, have a house, have 2 cars and a boat and still have plenty of money left over every paycheck

Don't, especially if it's new. Get an older car that depreciates slowly or even appreciates and spend less than 35k on it. But buying a new car and leasing it is just throwing money down the toilet, there are much better ways to spend it.

What car appreciates in value? Car's have always seemed to be poor things to invest in.

By house do you mean an efficiency? Where do you live that you can afford all that on 60k

Where do you live where 60k can't get all that and more? I'm not him but you can live in a damn mansion on 60k in Texas, and that's not even any further than 30 minutes from a major city. 60k is well into middle class.

Some old classic cars appreciate in value, although they probably wouldn't make the best daily driver

Cars are about as much of an investment as your PC is. The only value it has is in its use to you. Resale is always going to be marginal. You'll never see a positive return unless it's a boomermobile, but even those have had hundreds of hours of work and tens of thousands of dollars put into them.

Moved out at 19 with gf. Struggle constantly.
She suffers with depression and has a varied work history.
Only this past month got back into full time work.
Things are going well now...
Still can't even think about saving the type of money you guys are on about
I make £26500 odd a year and she will be making about £16500

Our rent is fucking 900 a month plus all bills.
Fuck even my car insurance is 1200 a year

>Be neet 2 years
>Got job exactly 10 months ago
>Went from 12k to 60k in bank
>This friday is last day before Im a jobless neet again
>Maybe will register for neetbux (80% of salary)

I want to get a 2018 mustang gt. Probably with 10 speed and that lcd dash.

Is this a good choice for a yuropoorean? I see way too many mercedes and bmw.
People also tell me to buy mercedes instead. But goddamn the mustang looks so damn good and performance wise its best price. Also most unique on the streets here.

How much gas do they guzzle? I doubt its more than a c63 or similiar?

Where do you live. How is being neet giving you that much. How where you able to save that much in 10 months??

You'd be throwing money away buying a brand new car. A mustang would also cost the earth to insure and run over here

Im 23 and live with parents. Pretty normal here though. Living on own is impossible.

Also, insurance would literally vost like 6k a year under my name.
But only 1.2k under my brothers name since hes older and has the local passport.
I know that a new car is a money burner. But a car is literally the only thing i want.

that 8% interest rate is only obtained if you either buy Venezuelan or Greek state bonds.
Sustained interest rates over 4% are very unrealistic.
When investing more aggressively you shouldn't expect more than 6%.
OP mentioned he's basically a kid with a job.
He'll grow up and want to move out with his wife/on his own. 30 years is therefore also not correct.
I do agree he should just save instead of buying a car tens of thousands dollaroos more expensive than a sufficient car.
@OP. now i the time to build a financial buffer.
Having money is something that will serve you a lifetime. Don't waste it by spending it.

Do what I'd do then and buy a classic mustang or whatever you want. Probably simular price to buy outright and it will appreciate in value

You described me except I have a gf.

I have 36K banked up, and I could buy a lot of really cool shit. Mostly just dribble paychecks on bullshit though. I already have two cars. My problem is I don't have room for anything else. I'm thinking of saving up for another year or two here and getting 50-60K plus an emergency cushion of about 20 in the bank so I can drop a huge down payment on a house out in the country with some land and a big garage.

Will have my gf move in shortly thereafter after things settle down, and her income will help pay bills and groceries. Neither of us will have car payments since I drive an 05 shitbox and she drives a Fiesta her parents half paid for. Gf and I have already decided we're not having kids and just going to ride out our lives since there is no real endgame to any of this.

Meanwhile I'll be trying not to get fired and trying to move up in the corporate world.

Some day I want to be able to repay my parents but not sure how, they're cool about it since I have a good job and have more or less "launched" and am not a bum.

>Makes manlet wage
>Owns a boat
>"plenty of money"

nobody believes you

>living with your parents automatically means your time is being wasted
>staying with parents is somehow a massive financial burden to them
>the negotiated amount that he pays them is wrong
>his parents are somehow beholden to let him live there as long as he likes and don't have a means to get rid of him if they wanted to

maybe he likes his parents and they like him. maybe buying a house/renting an apartment is a financially cluster fuck of a stupid move at the height of the housing bubble. I don't live with my parents, but that's only because I don't want them to know when I have sex

So if you meet someone you like when you're 20, you should dump her and go fuck thai whores until you're 30 and then look for a single woman past the age of 20 who is worth a minute of anyone's time?

Woah, great advice there

Are you under 25 OP?
You'll get fucked over by insane insurance rates

>except I have a gf.
forget the car, how did you accomplish this?

>forget the car, how did you accomplish this?
By having a good looking car

Reeled her in with the 04 Focus. She saw that I made good decisions and didn't blow money on new or leased cars. Kept her interest with the 90 Mercedes because
>females resisting the three pointed star
No but actually I met her while I was with my ex, when we broke up I waited a while but eventually got with her. She was an improvement in every way. Also jailbait but meh. Only 3 years difference. She's breddy gud. I actually did most of the "reeling in" on facebook and through having a good reputation with my ex (more or less) - It'd be hard to just go out and approach someone in person for me but if I have their general prior interest for an arranged outing I become much more confident and typically can hold onto girls. So. yeah. I mean my relationship formed probably the way 50% of modern ones do.

To add, I can only assume that a decent job netting about 45K a year and a reasonable car contributed to her female mind associating me with stable financial situation and decent overall life path choice. We also both have similar goals, though mine involve lots of cars and such, and hers involve art and animals. It's fine, we both don't want kids, we both want to move into a house one time and not move all over the place, saving money, we both will end up with 9-5's, we both want to travel and (this seems to be a huge one for some reason, given my track record with my ex gfs) both of our parents have only married once and not divorced. Not sure but all the girls I dated before had some sort of family issue, usually divorced parents, and they all seemed on edge and way harder to get along with. I've gotten her into cars a little bit nothing crazy but her favorite car is a Volvo 240 now and she wants one really bad. She's gotten me into art again somewhat though that isnt my primary interest, we both watch anime and play some of the same games, we both have a LOT of overlapping fetishes too so shit's cash. Forget what NEETs say about women man, if you find a good one, totally worth it, ain't nothing like the warmth of a loving female at night.

Pretty much situation as op but $500 rent to my parents and my elected job benefits take around $200 off my biweekly pay check

I saved and bought a used car with cash

My job is hopefully not going to be permanent (fucking hate it) and hopefully I can have a chance to move in with one of my mates for cheap rent, but owning a car that’s not owned by the bank is a good feeling that no matter where I go or what happens (unless the car is collateral on an eventual mortgage) it’s mine

There’s a couple good choices around the 10k mark with a 80-100k miles on the clock, imo occasional maintenance beats a lien

Don't waste your money on a car like that. You can have a ton of fun with an old shitbox for 2-3k and save up for travel, house, whatever.

>Married at 23 to the love of my life from undergrad
>08 Mustang GT manual after graduation
>06 Jeep Wrangler I6 4.0 manual a year later
>living in one of her parent's rental properties for free
>putting together a plan with my dad to finance the family home from him as he's moving out of state
>Exactly 0 student debt
>Sales position for a financial consulting software company, making commission
>Wife working on her MD
>Getting my MBA through night classes
>Mfw when going to have 3 cars, including her Q35, with no payments, a freshly remodeled three bedroom home in a high dual income advanced degree houshould, by the time I'm 25.
>Eating my cake and having it too, nothing wrong with marrying the right person when you find them.

only spend like 30% of that, OP

>at the height of the housing bubble.
I want it top pop so bad

Be careful depending on your state. Some have insane squatting rights so that taquisha and her 18 nigglets will basically own your house.

If you're that successful and or fufilled then why are you posting on Veeky Forums

>make $55k/yr
>still live with parents because no point until I get married
>buy WRX
>take dad for a hoon in it
>he asks to drive it
>3 months later he sells his Avalon
>buys a fucking STi for himself
>move out because all my dad can do now is brag about how his car is faster than mine
>still does it whenever I go to visit

Got me to move out, still not married though...

>ain't nothing like the warmth of a loving female at night

Fuck you man

I guess tonight's another "user stares out the window of his freezing room and ponders killing himself" episode!

are you me?
>live on parents property in middle of country
>make about 35-40k a year after taxes
>only have to pay 200 a month
>have whole basement to myself (its nice tho like its own bedroom, living room, ect

>22 still lived with my dad
>saved up for a long time to buy a dodge challenger srt
>father gets obviously jealous about it
>one night i asleep and he sneaks the keys to it
>wake up the next morning with my car gone, and a million phone calls on my phone
>father took my car for a joy ride then got pulled over going 150mph in a 45mph
>had to pay 200 from the impound to get my car back
>moved out next day while father still in jail
>never paid his bail
>never spoke since the night before he did that

>Living alone is depressing as fuck desu

Not really. It's liberating

She's out there waiting for you man go get her. Some of us just find earlier than others.

Buy the car.

You will regret not doing it later on.

Moving out is pointless in today's society. Nobody respects a man who supports himself or his family anymore. Thank feminism/nu-males for this. Might as well help out your parents who raised you by keeping the house fixed, and stuff paid for, which I'm sure they are grateful for.

Girlfriends get in the way of things, and this board is a reflection of all the arguments a girl would give; move out, buy a house, support her, dont buy that cool car, etc. They are dreamkillers.

Go against the grain and make your own path.

No, the boomer generation was the death of the US. This generation is just living off it's carcass. Stop shitting on millennials. They weren't the ones who fucked shit up and they certainly didn't raise themselves.

Depends. You do have an opportunity to get a car you probably won't be able to once you move out. On the other hand, you have an opportunity to stash away a lot of money in your savings for retirement on a scale that you won't be able to match once you move out.

Even the difference in $100 or so per paycheck to your savings can make a huge difference when you retire. Being able to stash most of your yearly income for a rainy day fund, bug-out fund, or emergency money can really help you when you least expect it, or help you live more comfortably when you're older and retired.

The car will be fun, but it is also going to lose value over time. I think putting that in savings will make you much happier in a few years time, and extremely happy even further down the line.

He can make 35k a year and still save that much you niglord.

$60k a year doesn’t mean he has to live in yuropoor land or aussieland. $60k annually isn’t bad in the States.

>The man who raised you borrowed your toy
>Got in trouble with the cops, no real harm done
>After 22 years of putting up with you, you bail on him when he needs you

No one is this much of a piece of shit, user, I don't buy it.

>it's okay if a family member steals your fucking car and gets it impounded

>shouldn't expect more than 6%
I'm over 6% every day with crypto... I can't imagine 6% per year being agressive by any measure

>You can buy a house with that dude.
Multiply that by 10 and sure

It's not like he totalled it. He's your dad, sounds like a pretty cool dude too. I'd steal your car too, you big pussy.

If the worst thing a family member has done to you is gotten your car impounded, you've got a great family. Good job burning bridges with the people who created and raised you, even now I bet you could call and he'd be relieved to hear from his son. But you won't, you'd rather hold a grudge over $200 and a fucking car.

>buying new

> being poor and not buying new

I'm not the guy who posted the story.

>making 45k a year
>living with your parents to buy new

because its a website containing boards of various interests and hobbies to participate in?

stereotypically, the unfulfilled post to /r9k/ but that does not extend to Veeky Forums as a whole.

> implying any user that doesn’t agree with you must be the same user
I’m not even that user who makes $45k and lives with his parents. But, you can stop being poor now. It’s quite easy. Get a better job. And stop being a faggot on the internet. That always helps.

>>make nothing
>>looking at Lotuses
>>about to use parents money since we our accounts are linked

I'd do the same if I was single, putting aside 30k€ a year, probably buying an appartement first
>tfw money is cheap at and housing prices bubble
>800k for a nice house, 450k for a decent one in a suburb

do you want a nice car or a fun car? I'd rather have a normal dd and a cheap funbox to wrench on and go to local races

Tfw no one ever talks about the shitty gen X'ers that raised everyone fairly shittily with no dads and the tv..

Gen X'ers are fucking degenerate..

Most men from that era completely fucked off from their families
And tv took over that role.
Then ppl wonder why millenials don't like responsability...
This is what happpens when you have a hippie liberal society for 50 yrs..

Also why does this board have such a hard on for NEW cars??
Only cool new cars out now are the fucking mustang/gt86/miata/camaro/genesis
All the fun and cool cars are all from the 80s/90s

OP get a sport-econo from the 90s.. and save and invest your money into assets that you can live off, like dividends

How old are your parents? Do you care about your parents or a car?

Should save that money for emergency situations instead.

A car is independence and freedom