Discussion about the game, which is not possible on /v/.
/hkg/ - hollow knight general
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I enjoy the game.
I really want to 100% it before I beat the final boss, but I find the idea of scouring the world for the last few essence and grubs kinda annoying.
Also these bugs are cute
Also wiki
Nice timing OP, just swung by Veeky Forums to see if there was a thread going.
Do you have the pins that show where all the grubs are yet?
>Kill dreamer
>Hornet is there when I wake up
>"That was my mom btw"
Whelp, I guess I'm the asshole here.
I bought all the pins, unless there are more.
Find the key to enter the Tower of Love and kill the boss there and all remaining grubs will be marked on your map.
I just got the Monarch wings and the crossroads went fucking Infected with the orange dank Am I about midway through he game?
>tfw had 99% on the game but my computer crapped out and i had to reinstall windows so now all my save data is gone
I'll just wait for the Switch version
It's not that hard to hit the essence threshold for 100%, you need 2400 and there's like 2608 in the game. Just kill all the dream warriors and bosses and you should be good, maybe a few of the trees.
Also kill the Collector, gets you a map with all the missing grubs on it.
Ah, haven't gone in yet.
I guess thats my next step. I just did the hive.
Further than that.
I want to have sex with a bug!
Claim your bugfus.
Wonder if the Switch version will even run well enough, hopefully not 30fps (or less).
This game sort of stutters on my i5 4690k.
But bug don't do like people do.
Also, the best bugs are boys.
Pretty much the only to be honest.
Game also stuttered at first with my specs and i have a 7600k and gtx 1060. Pretty sure the devs already patched it. Either that or it just had to build a cache.
>not possible on /v/.
and why not?
Hornet or Vespa.
Everyone shitposting and calling shill, no actual discussions, we'll see if a hollow knight general will last or not.
Someone false-flag spammed the threads daily until /v/ hated it and called shills.
Did the game make enough money for the devs to consider doing the 2nd DLC Character campaign? Cause I remembered the kickstarter page had stretch goals for 2 extra playable characters.
I bet they'll see how the switch port does.
Playable Hornet is confirmed, almost certainly as paid DLC. Before then there's three free content packs coming. That's all that's confirmed.
False flagger played on /v/'s paranoid nature and make bait threads till a lot of people started yelling shill
>2nd playable character they had planned was Zote
>not Quirrel or one of the knights or even Tiso
>fucking Zote
Got any good hornet pics? I'll draw some tomorrow, probably going with this ass design.
/v/ believes any new thread about the game is shilling now.
Pretty amazing what one poster is capable of, makes me wonder how manipulative /v/ as a whole is.
Given it's already sold around 250k due to the recent steam sale. I'd say they made enough money.
>Dodges make you fall
>No double jump
>Weapon only knocks enemies back
>Literally just a worse reskin
Zote is GOAT
So they've made maybe 3 mil, seems alright but game dev can be costly.
Go to bed Bretta, you can tell us your fanfiction tomorrow.
>yfw White Palace
The saws surprised me, you couldn't dash through the spikes or saws. But it wasn't overly difficult or stressful, unlike that fucking flower.
Pure bugs are the kinkiest bugs
18 posters isn't so bad
>The Radiance has two phases
Fuck my ass in half.
Are there any secret bosses, I like games with secret bosses
Several. Along with some optional ones.
Oh man, I love this version of the map. Reminds me of the general map of Zebes in the Super Metroid manual, but much more detailed.
>managed to find 45/46 grubs without help from the Collector's Map
>the last one is hidden in some batshit insane hole in the ceiling of the hive that no one would ever find without the map
>tfw noticed the hole but figured it was an exit to some secret area I'd find
>never find the "entrance" and forget about the hole I saw
Fucking bees.
Just equip the regen charm. Infinite retries.
Am I the only one who wished this game has some sort of epilogue?
Even I'm now convinced that there's something going on because you fags don't even want to talk about the game but you sure do keep making generic bump posts on /v/.
Any unofficial patches/fixes for the input lag or I just stuck with it? It feels like I am playing on an SNES hooked up to a shitty 4k tv.
All I need is steell soul achievements. If you're fight the second version of the first 3 bosses does that count as a kill?
I just went through it, it wasn't so bad
just equip some charms to help you keep health if you suck dicks, some parts can even be cheesed pretty easily
Die not.
Got any sketches you want lined btw?
Still can't beat trial of fools
Am i just too stupid for this game
What charm combos are everyone using for the Trial of Fools?
I'd use mark of pride (better range), hiveblood (can run around and try to avoid enemies for regen), and fragile strength (bonus damage).
Can anyone confirm what happens when you lose in the arena? Do you die and lose fragile charms? If so, you'd have to spend probably 20 minutes just traveling to the merchant and back to get another one.
If you don't have it, I recommend picking up the shopkeeper's charm. With a decently forged nail you can do some good damage to even the beefiest enemies tossed at you. Also get quick focus, it's a god send.
Yeah Fragile Strength is not worth it.
Get the charm which improve your soul power to launch bigger and more powerful missiles, I also had the improved range and faster attacks charms. I think that for my last charm I had something like Baldur's shell or the Spore one, to get some bonuses out of my heals
Reminder, you can equip over your charm limit if you try hard enough, you will take double damage however.
I admit I did it before the Quick Nail Nerf (well, after, but it only applied to new saves, so i was safe) and it wasn't that bad. If I had to do it now, I'd use more Master Arts along with that 1-cost Charm that lets you use them far faster.
Pride, Quick, Steady Body, Stalwart Shell, that Master Art one I still don't remember the name of.
I also assume the costs of any other Charms hasn't changed. Disregard if they have.
Taking the Trial of Fools slow is always a bad idea. Early waves and Soul Sanctum mob waves, you can get away with leaving one of them alive and healing up, but otherwise, be quick and deadly.
This game doesn't run on my craptop ;_;
I guess I'll have to refund.
Can't wait for the free content update next month. I hope Zote becomes the hardest boss in the game.
Still waiting for the Abyss/Hive/Deepnest boss.
But Deepnest already has a boss fight.
We all know Nosk is barely a boss fight. For all the hype that built up to him, he was pretty lackluster.
Well, at least the dream warrior isn't a push over.
Does this serve any purpose?
Hunter's journal.
I'm still waiting for BOTH of the White Palace bosses.
I bought this game yesterday and rage quit in less than 10 minutes. I died and dropped all my coins! I don't even know what they're for.
In the case this isn't a cute joke post;
You can go back to where you died to get them back.
By the end of the game, you'll have way more money than you'll ever be able to spend, so don't sweat it.