In honour of

Lets make a thread about dumb cyclist cunts who think its a good idea to bike somewhere they are not supposed to. Post your pics

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How does it feel that petrol engines will be banned in the not-so-distant future and cyclists just keep on pedalling?

With so many bad / inattentive drivers, I'm really not sure what's safer: block the lane, or get toward the side so they can pass (and maybe clip you).

they'll continue to be run over by Teslas

fuck man, i would love to see the video of this

Not ride in the street at all. You can argue until you're blue in the face about being legally in the right, but it wouldn't make that inevitable accident any less real.

Why the fuck was he basically on the double yellow while riding a bicycle? Fuckers are so stupid when they ride side by side, go ride on the very right so motorists can pass you with ease.

He had to of done that on purpose, how do you accidentally hit someone like that?

I think the idea is to keep people from half passing (passing without getting completely over into the other lane). They want to be treated like cars, which is fine I guess, but it's clearly incredibly dangerous. I don't ever understand cyclists being ballsy, even someone in a smart car can end your life at any moment.

The alternative is riding on sidewalks which is even more dangerous.

The alternative is walking or driving. If you live in a big city like Chicago you also have the bus and the subway. There's no reason to ever use a bike. I love biking, but you have a deathwish if you ride one in the street.

>move aside to let a two ton death machine pass you
>block it because people are rational and will understand your will to exercise your rights


> driving
> in a city

My bike commute is literally faster than driving when there's an accident on the bridge which happens at least once a week.

> move to the side on straits so cars can pass
> take the lane on narrow corners so that cars don't pass there

>Cyclist in shared lane on front of me. The one 100m section before a bike line is available
>Approaching bind (downhill) corner so I slow down instead of overtake.
>Soccer mom SUV starts honking and proceeds to attempt to overtake everyone before seeing incoming traffic.
> Overtake after corner, suv still mad

Why can't we just commute in peace?

>My bike commute is literally faster
I never claimed or even implied that it wasn't. I said it wasn't safe, which it isn't.

cause we're in a fucking hurry, dont have time for a fucking fag who can't afford a car or go to the gym

The hero we need. Someone, hurry and give this man a mustang.

Cyclists are cunt about their bike lanes

Maybe two people use the thing a day so it's hallowed ground

Bike lane? Don't mind if I take my motorcycle for a spin to get around the people who think it's "safer" to go 20 in a 30 (also known as "a 35, 40 if the cops probably aren't around" to people unburdened by sky high ride heights and hatch-like backs)


Someone post THAT webm

Not so fast bikenigger, if self-driving vehicles really catch on you'll be banned from the streets as well, as any unexpected pattern would send these things into panic mode. So no more jumping from street to sidewalks, running signs left and right, lane splitting, etc.

Obey the law and drive behind me. Okay sweetie? I am saving the planet.

Nah you're a cunt. I want summer in siberia within this lifetime.

*passes illegally*

>Tfw read an article the other day about some new carshare shit in Vancouver but it's basically enclosed three-wheeled bikes
>Promoted based on people being able to use them on the road like a car, but not needing any license and not being able to go over like 30km/h
Sounds like a fucking nightmare. When somebody asked if they weren't maybe too slow for roads the response was basically "legally you can do it though so fuck everybody else"

My city recently chastised these faggots for not following the law. Police are now ticketing them like crazy.

Hardly see any of them anymore thankfully, especially after Armstrong was exposed

I know this is bait, but you need to do your research sweetie

if bikes want to be treated like they're motorists, it should come with all the responsibility.
make them register their bikes.
make them get licences.
make them get insurance.
make it so they can't fucking ride on the pavement or use pedestrian crossings, and if they do they get the same fine a car would get if they used one.
How the fuck is me being on a motorbike significantly different from me being on a pushbike, except for the fact that I don't hold up traffic like a fucking moving traffic cone. Jesus christ I hate cyclists.

>"I can't lift my legs"
>video clearly shows him standing up immediately after impact


Cyclist fag here. I don't understand the apparent death wish that some cyclists have- especially those who are just riding around for fun. I support the right to use bicycles in the street, but I'm sure as fuck not going to roll down a 40mph+ road that's going to force me out into traffic because of parked cars/no shoulder. It's not that difficult to plan a route to minimize traffic interference... and your own personal risk.

Riding on sidewalks can be done safely, although the style is extremely different. Much slower, yielding to (often oblivious) pedestrians, waiting for crosswalks, slowing down more around driveways and blind corners, and so forth. For most cyclists, though, I would think that the reduced speed and increased need of attentiveness defeats the purpose for them.

And fuck those shitheels who switch back and forth whenever it's convenient- that's really unpredictable and therefore the *most* dangerous. I watch street cyclists roll through intersections that are stopped for pedestrian crossing on a daily basis.

this guy gets it.

>dumb cyclist cunts
literal scum and they're so thick headed they don't know how fucking dumb they are

>mfw cyclists in the narrow lanes i commute down home from work

Fuck that was funny

Whenever I see a cyclist ignoring red lights and stop signs, I pull up next to them and throw some sulfuric acid on them.

No its fucking not.

Not everywhere is NYC. Many of my city streets are fucking empty because people don't use them nearly as much. Cyclists are the biggest cancer on the roads. They want all the benefits of the road without any of the responsibility and when they can pretend to be a pedestrian they fucking will. Many times at stop signs cyclists won't stop for the red light, they'll pull off to the cross walk, cross the road then go back to pretending to being a car.

Banning bikes from the sidewalk was the biggest mistake ever, now they just cause more accidents and somehow libtards think this is better and safer

I saw one of these fuckers stop next to me at a red light and he immediately did exactly that. He strolled up to the cross walk then tried to dare across quickly and he got hit by traffic. When the cops came he tried to claim he was walking his bike safely and the driver should have stopped. I witnessed this bullshit and called out that he wasn't walking he darted by me to try and avoid the red light and he got arrested for it.

>tfw you're a responsible biker who prefers pavement and tries to do everything to be as nice to car drivers.
Sometimes you just have to take the bike, especially in cities. How come /n/ still hasn't understood that it's easier to just mind their own business, far away from cars?

Because /n/ is a bunch of entitled hipsters who think they own the road

Why do cyclists ride in the middle of the lane? I'm not talking about what's legal or not, but just your own safety. Do you really trust texting inattentive cagers to not rear end you when you're going 30 in a 90 km/h zone? It might stop them from overtaking dangerously when they don't have enough room, but in my opinion that's better than getting rear ended and having to deal with road raging idiots. I ride a motorcycle and I always move to the side of the lane when I'm stopped or moving slowly, let alone a bicycle.

Because it's literally illegal to ride bicycle on sidewalk??

Not even figuratively illegal? Damn

>I have to register my 2ton $50,000 death machine
>So they should have to register their 15lb $1500 bike

Uh yeah sure. Tell me again how much damage bikes can cause. If a car were to veer into a house, that's a dead family and tens of thousands of dollars in house and car repair plus medical expenses. If a bike were, that's an injured cyclist who needs a new bike and maybe medical help.

A bad car accident is a huge cost to taxpayer dollars, where a bad bike accident is, at worst, damaging to the bikes and the cyclists alone. Wanna compare mortality statistics between cyclists and auto drivers?

Seems to me the only people whose lives are made worse by cycling are retards who cry when bikes blow through stop signs "HEY FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD". But of course, when it comes to the lack of a bike lane, they conveniently forget that it's part of the rules of the road that bikes aren't allowed on sidewalk.

On highways, but that never happens because not even cyclists are this retarded. On all other roads they're allowed, deal with it.

I saw a cyclist in the right lane on this road near 50 mph traffic. He either had a deathwish or brain damage.

>overtaking across a double yellow
>clipping the bike while overtaking
Someone take that retard's license away.

Half passing is fucking dangerous and needs to stop. Either go into the opposite lane or don't pass at all.

shit, looks like he was in the bike lane and got car doored.
even as much as bike fagots piss me off on a regular basis, it only takes a second to check your mirror before opening your door.
I mean not just for bicycles, I was a door get taken off a Jag by a dump truck once because the stupid bitch driver didn't check her mirror before flinging the thing open

Being in a 1.8 tons doesn't make you right, it only makes you more dangerous.

>Car driver is a retard
How about these cyclists get the fuck out of the road or don't ride 2 abreast? They are impeding traffic with the way they are riding, they deserved to be hit.

Or maybe retarded drivers could pay attention to the road for once. There's even a seperate fucking lane for overtaking.

You can't overtake in the same lane anyway, it doesn't matter whether or not they ride besides each other. Riding on the far right only incentivises people to overtake more dangerously.


>Tell me again how much damage bikes can cause.


Cyclists should leave a 1.5m gap when passing parked cars, if they are unable to do so they should slow to an appropriate speed that allows them to safely stop in the space available should a door be opened, just like a car would be expected to do.

>Hurr durr there is a left lane so a biker can totally just block the right lane entirely
So tight high speed traffic has to make risky lane changes because some faggot decides to ride on the pavement instead of the grass? Fuck right off with that shit.

Drivers should leave a 1.5m gap when passing cyclists, and look how rarely they do. Some drivers think they can squeeze by cyclists in the same lane.

So lane changes are risky now? Are Americans always this retarded or just when it comes to driving?

Plenty of drivers leave a 1.5m gap for lance armstrong wannbes

>and look how rarely they do
Far more often than the other way around.

I don't doubt that cyclists have killed people but seriously
For bikes
> ~100 injuries
And for cars
> ~1800 fatalities
> >24,000 injuries

Holy fucking shit, those cancerous cyclists are killing people!!!!1!

Lane changes at 50-55mph in tight traffic can be risky.
>he complains about Americans
Oh, so you're a europoor. Sorry bud, I'm going to have to discard your opinion now. Nothing personal, you're just a cuck.

Now adjust for per passenger mile.

That's not that bad. I once saw two cyclists riding on this highway despite there even being a bike path on the other side.

Remember Europeans are freer than septics.

>Implying an equivalence between miles driven and miles cycled

>d-doesn't count!

thats the drivers fault, dumbfuck

And if a skinny jean wearing hipster who can't stop is fixie in time rear ends a car, would the bumper suddenly become indestructible?

That is the only way to do the maths. It would be like saying only one person died as a result of being struck by a commute on a pogo stick last year so that must be safer.

>ride on the grass
You've never road a bike in your life, have you, you fat cunt?

>Number of people who cycle at least twice a week: 4.5 million many people cycle and how often?
>Number of registered drivers: 45 million

There are 10 times as many drivers as cyclists, yet drivers cause way more than 10 times the injuries and even more so for fatalities.

>be me
>ride my bike a lot both in cities and country roads
>try to effect traffic as little as possible
>can go the speed limit in cities so I stay in a proper lane
>stay to the right on country roads and use as much of the shoulder as possible when there is one

>be driving
>respect cyclists
>not get mad when I have to pass one because it takes at most only 10 seconds to pass

Is it that hard

Some cyclists do dumb shit but honestly I've seen more drivers do dumb shit than cyclists

You're not allowed to be that level headed here, faggot.

Drivers are also driving for longer periods of time and for longer distances. That's why we compare per passenger per mile

Humans are assholes. News at 11

Your calculus would imply that driving with 7 other people in the car is 8 times as safe as driving alone. So no, it's not the only way. It's not even a right way.


It's safer than 7 people riding their own bikes the same distance. The chance that one of those 7 people on bikes get into an accidents goes way up


I thought I'd like to go on a bicycle tour across the US, but two days out a tractor trailer ignored the rules of right of way and hit me and I needed to get my arm screwed back together. Fuck bicycling on the road, it's just too dangerous. I just bought an RV to do my trip instead.

Which is, in turn, safer than 7 other cars.

Stop moving the goalposts.

>7 bikes are safer than 7 cars
>get rear ended in a car, drive away with a fucked up bumper after exchanging insurance
>get rear ended on a bike, leave in an ambulance like this guy

How can you even argue that a bicycle is more dangerous than a car? Why are you even questioning statistics? Try applying basic logic first

The people I see in the ER say otherwise

The cyclists you put there you mean

>How is riding a bike with no protection on roads more dangerous than driving a car filled with air bang and crumples zones?

Jee I don't know user, I'm really trying to activate my almonds over this one

i wait until it's safe to pass, then i pass, and wouldn't you know it the cyclist is now behind me and not an issue for the rest of my journey

The cyclists who can't understand that a 2 ton car always beats a 130lbs hipster on a fixie blasting through stop signs

Basically everyone I know who cycles regularly has been hit and everyone knows someone who has died on a bike. It's not a safe hobby.

The argument is about how bicycles cause injuries and death, not how they are victim to them, you absolute mongoloid.

>All auto accidents are fender benders
>All auto-bike accidents seriously injure cyclists

I'm not saying that retarded drivers don't endanger cyclists more than cyclists endanger drivers. I'm talking about the damage caused by both parties.

Tell that to the 26,000 people injured or killed by autos in GB last year and the 110 people injured or killer by bikes in GB last year.

You already ignored the arguments put out by other people so I'll just ignore you

Why pass when you can pick?

Pick their remains out of your grille

Most auto accidents are fender benders. Meanwhile a tap from a car can easily knock a cyclist over and break a few bones

Why didn't you just ignore me in the first place? Oh wait I know, it's because you're backpedalling now.

Can't backpedal if 'm driving a car and not riding a bike like a faggot

>being this bad at following a thread

So you admit that bikes are more dangerous?

You can when you're shown to be responding to an argument nobody was having lol

Maybe your car is leaking CO, making you stupid

So you admit that you have brain damage?