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Robin is the cutest girl form Awakening.
Tiki a shit
>not a fates banner with swimsuit orochi
Who is this qt girl and why wasn't she on the beach banner?
when can i start rolling for bikini tiki
>why wasn't she on the beach banner?
Because "she" is not in Aweakening
Blowing load on soles
How much money are you planning to spend on swimsuit Tiki?
If Bikinitiki isn't one of our first fantastic infantry axe users, I'll be pissed.
She's already fucked for not having inherent DC, right?
None because it's a fucking mobile game
Aaaand he's done. Thank god I can bench Leo now.
Zero because she'll be an infantry Axe AKA shit.
Pancake ass (lol.
Who /Tikifag/ here?
God I want her to give me a footjob
wow, good work. I wish my phone wasn't in the shop during his GHB. Repeat WHEN
It's referencing the convo he has with Libra where he confesses his sins of being overly zealous in taking care of Chrom and Lissa
>And then, on a cold morning, I thought to warm Lissa's shoes at my breast. But when she found me, she told me to take my own shoes and shove them up my—
I'm not a cuck from /v/eddit so not me.
So the new datamined ploy works off of RES and decreases DEF.
What abominations actually would want this skill? Most of the units that come to mind are horse or pegasus fuckers with better things to do with C slot.
>Next TT reward unit
>Screenshot this
All fucking niggers must fucking hang (lol
What skils do Robin and Tiki have besides their respective Valor skills?
>this triggered
Do you think maybe there hasn't been an FE8/4/5 banner because no-one rolls for them? They must have the stastics handy. Like, of course I rolled for Eldigan and Reinhardt and Olwen, and they've included Reinhardt on quite a few banners so I guess people are atleast buying orbs for him. I wish I could see the statistics.
I hate nu-FE.
how can you roll on something that doesnt exist?
>want to play FE3
>realize its fan translation is garbage
I-I guess I'll play FE12. Kris isn't that bad, r-right? H-haha…
You're not done.
At this point I'm almost certain that NA/EU spends more on this game then JP and that Awakening/Fates banners have a higher response than most. They have a history of games to pull from and continue to pull from those two. I also most of the playerbase care more about their waifu/husbando than stats.
Happy birthday to my gorgeous wife
Peri? Then again, she has threaten def to begin with. Eliweed maybe
WOOOOOOW the emma thread should have lived defend this
They had one in the past, Sibling Bonds, so maybe no-one rolled on that banner.
Right after the end of a two week long Awakening themed event too
I don't even hate Awakening but it's just too fucking much
Mods just kept up the most active one.
They do it for free.
good wife
>Do you think maybe there hasn't been an FE8/4/5 banner because no-one rolls for them
Yeah I'm sure literally nobody rolled for Reinhardt or Eirika or Julia
Especially when focus rolls are sd, awakening, or fates
I have this on good authority
FayeAnon is actually a man
>Mods keep the earliest thread everytime
Welp, just one more chapter until Xander sweeps this bitch off her feet.
>Get rid of Hag Tiki.
>Get rid of Frederick.
>Add Eirika.
>Add Grill Master Sigurd
I just improved this shitty banner.
only for the loli one.
the emma thread swas also an earlly thread made by some retard who couldn't check the fucking catalogue, fuck off. It was only alive because some autist bumped it off page 10
well considering I rolled 100 orbs and got nothing I'm probably the anomaly
but you will also find that the number of rolls correlates to the amount of free orbs they gave out prior, infact the sibling banner was one of the only ones worth rolling as the fe7 banner was shit
Fucking Niles
Colorless Antimages, Florina, Jagen and Caeda. That's about it. Well, maybe also Est under a Fortify so she can kill things harder or Sheena trying to do damage to things.
it should have been deleted much earlier, actually
>all the FE8fags chimping out because they're not being pandered to in a fucking mobile game
>Didn't get a shirtless Hector swimsuit hero
I'm disappointed
>all the summer banner weapons are just Fury Lite, but only work at 100% HP
Literally why?
fucking tablet.
*I also suspect most of the playerbase care more about their waifu/husbando (or good art) that stats. Reddit sure does
Oh hey dude, how the Xander run going?
Results of the last VERY IMPORTANT POLL, regarding playthroughs. Most people have played their favorites at least a couple of times. I still want to know who that one guy is who is literally fused to their favorite FE game, but I'm willing to bet it was just a meme vote anyway.
I had a new VERY IMPORTANT POLL but I forgot what the topic was so this is it for now. I'll probably let the shitstorm over the summer banner die down first, though.
Nice mobileposting, contentwise it was better than DUDE KANGZ LOL which should have been sniped instantly.
pls respond
please respond
I'm giving IS ONE MORE CHANCE with the seasonal banners before I say fuck it.
>trying to ape off of the survey user
Reminder the gauntlet is in 4 hours.
Who are you finally siding with?
if by killed you mean 'made relevant' then sure
/feg/ was already dead
Who gets to protect this?
So on par with Hinoka, who faggots drool over?
lissa and clarisse are the only ones i have so them
Event weapons almost always suck, Bride Lyn's Candlelight is the only one that isn't super niche. Though these things will be great for fucking shit up in conjunction with element boosts and/or Quick Riposte.
>Axe Tiki
>Bow Gaius
>Lance Robin
>Throwing star? Freddrik
Thank god there's no units I want, because these are all trash.
how to make PoR harder?
is hard like easy mode in japan or something?
can you post bracket? i'll obviously just play someone I own which is basically every healer in the game except Genny and Mist(who are my favourite) but IS fucking hates me
I don't recognize that retard, sorry
Mine's over here
It had 15 posts at best. It had no right to live simply because it was an early thread that was kept up for the duration of the actual previous thread by a dedicated autist.
Just one more chapter until I get him. I killed off Niles a bit too early so I missed the Robe, but I won't worry about it too much. Just got to kill off Azura and Gunter and I'm good to go.
Because Fury is strong enough as is and most arena fights have you see one, maybe two battles per character average.
>still split between pledging myself to Macedon or give into my feather-grubbing loli-loving nu-FEbabby ways
Nah killed /feg/, not Heroes.
hard is normal in Japan
they also have Maniac+ or something daft
Play maniac
The Spring ones were alright for expanding potential builds, too- makes for a solid alternative healslut setup
Wew my 300 orbs are safe. I really wonder if I'm going to pull at all this summer. It doesn't look like it at this rate.
I was originally planning to go Clarine but the summer banner literally convinced me to go Lachesis. If I don't back her now, how else will I show that I want more Jugdral/Thracia, now that I'm done dumping literally all my orbs (in vain) chasing Eldigan?
Just deciding on friend lead, now.
>Bringing up Whonoka for no reason
Care to explain, user?
Do not bully my wife
There aren't enough PoR maps, it's going to be Elibe and you're going to like it
Lords should always be among the strongest units in their games. Babysitting Micaiah or Roy or Eliwood just isn't fun, it's a goddamn chore.
Get a life you autistic virgin
Who here /still not rolling until they see stats/
>unit loses HP after first action
>weapon bonus only applies at full HP, and continually chips off two HP after actions
Again, pointless.
You leave best child out of this.
Xander can do it. He did almost all my work on my runs.
woah woah i thought we were all autistic virgins here
I need my penis between there
Want to see Tiki's stats, rest don't interest me at all.
Who here /not rolling at all/
still crying over hag tiki (lol
that's a good point
>Axe and Lance Valor on the only units I want to pull
Thank god for IS.