The Serpent's Embrace edition
The Serpent's Embrace edition
First for Riven!
First for hot graves
cass skin when
xth for breast metal waifu
I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.
Fuck you
>I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.
Isn't that just rape?
Best girl and MY wife!
is this going to be done by western artists because it's gonna be shit
Rape is the fastest way to shatter a girls mind user.
I want to hold Kled in my arms while we fall asleep together!
I wanna look exactly like Diana!
>literally too lazy/tired to play video games
Does anyone else know this feel? What the fuck happened to me? Just the mere thought of playing a game for over 30 minutes burns me out. I think League of Legends broke my mind and spirit.
Guess I'll just quit and start watching anime or something, at least I made it to high plat in the end. Goodbye my /lolg/ friends I'll miss you.
Death seems to have a habit of beating that time.
another great video
try getting a job faggot then you'll know the true feel
*notices bulge*
Oh shit, I'm sorry
I'd rather look EXACTLY like Shyvana.
Because, uh... Because reasons.
Okay I'll try. I guess if the rest of my life is a living hell then even League wouldn't seem that bad.
I've just been playing Jet Set Radio Future while playing bot games for the event stuff. But yeah, I burnt myself out on League, for now.
>tfw Shotgun Knee(s)
xth for Urgot, btw
I haven't been this excited for something in a while.
I know this feel
Heres hoping for Heartseeker Twitch and Sweetheart Nami next year!
Has there been any news on the urgot rework?
Best skins
Best gfs~
Sorry for what?
>tfw complete shitter.
>tfw never going to get to gold before the season ends.
>tfw will never get victorious Orianna
Hold me tight /lolg/
It's fine.
Shyvana is cute too!
I understand those reasons just fine.
>Games: 1500
Holy shit. I didn't understand why he was so upset til I saw that
>/mggg/ edition
I like this edition
snek a shit tho
reposting for new bread
What runes would your champion WANT you to run with them?
I got placed and ended in Bronze V my first season, and thought it was good xd. Second season, I got placed in Bronze again, but climbed to Gold. Fourth year, I finally managed to get to Plat.
It takes time and practice to git gud.
What does lolgen think of AP Kog Mid?
>Not Heartkeeper Thresh with gold chains and a purple pimp outfit.
>boring ball girl
pls no
He rocks!
Syndra buffs when??
It got scrapped because the same guy behind it is the guy who did Maokai rework and they saw it was shit hopefully
I got to level 30 for the first time, stopped playing League and watched a shit ton of educational videos, then immediately hit ranked and got platinum in 2 weeks.
Time and practice are good and all but talent helps too.
I'll never make Plat, I've been Silver since S2
>Certainly"what is sand?"T made Azir
>he's allowed to make more champions He did really fucking good on Warwick and Poppy though
Everyone and their mum knows it's going to be Rakan and Xayah
Gold players don't get a say in balance changes, sorry.
If a yordle (female) asked you out on a date, what would you say?
Youre right, I forgot. You have to be Silver 4 to be in charge of balance
Good night /lolg/
Akali please.
Female (female) or Female (Male)? I'd rather like a Male (Female).
Yes to Trist and Poppy, no to Lulu
Ice Tali a cute.
No because yordles are the size of ants.
I instantly accept because I'm narcissistic and girls doing the asking out turns me on immensely.
Even a loser can beat a main character it seems
good night lulufag
only male yordles are worthy of my attention
What champion is closest to old poppy or sion in terms of clunky outdatedness?
if you play an adcarry top and feed you don't get any sympathy from your jungler
you can't just sit there and whine that someone didn't hold your hand all laning phase when you made the choice to put yourself at a disadvantage in the first place and still play aggressive despite it
entitled little assholes
Yes if it was Tristana
I had a friend from Veeky Forums a long time ago who really liked Nisio Isin stuff, I wonder how he's doing now...
All of them.
Fiddlesticks, Sivir, anything with a 3-hit passive that isn't Ekko/Gnar
Anything who has an entire skill or passive be just a steroid
Why does Lux even have the shield if everyone just bitches about people using it
Then what would you do if a yordle(male) asked you on a date? Which one would you rather date?
How do you deal with ranked anxiety?
>Jax and Trist are outdated
Feels bad but true
>enemy shitter takes Panth into me
>kill him and his jungle level 3
>proceed in this pattern until I take first turret
>rakan comes up to stop the bloodshed, slap his ass down too
>15 minutes into the game realize I'm 10/12 kills for our team and we're down 12-23, enemy MF is 8/0
>doesn't fucking matter keep pushing top
>get quadra kill under enemy inhib turret at 17 minutes, MF staying clear of the dicking zone
>enemy team is physically incapable of dealing with me so they just roll over and take it
>one-shotting 2-3 people with my ult every time
>tfw MF finally shows up top and I spank her fat ass with a 7 tentacle ult
>finish the 1v5 without breaking a sweat
Disgusting. I love this bitch.
"Fuck off, I'm waiting for Graves to pick me up"
I regularly get pentakills now. Illaoi is a killing machine with the right items.
>21,000 viewers
xth for Karthus x Kayle is the purest ship
>1v2 Illaoi
>at level 3
>doing it again when it fucking fails the first time
what the literal fuck elo are you in
Saya no Uta anime when? Tsukihime anime when? Muv-Luv Alternative anime when? Heavens Feel anime when?
It's a shame she'll never land a REAL man with those itty bitty titties.
I like this meme.
It's pretty great if you pick into a team with no gap-closers
Lux IRL is popular On like, Instagram or something
Never unfortunately, which is a shame SnU is one of the most unique romance stories I've ever read
Focus on improving your gameplay. No one gives a shit if you're Bronze 5 or Diamond 5 or anything in between. It's garbage all the way up to mid Diamond 2ish and you can only stop being garbage and get there by playing games and improving. /mute all is your friend if you get tilted at your teammates saying you have 500 games and you're still in X elo.
is he kay
I still have the soundtrack for that. Shit is legit chill to listen too. Or maybe I'm just weird.
Damn, LoL streaming is dying off. Nowadays even the likes of Bjergsen hardly gets to that figure.
I haven't played this shit in a long time, is all semblance of team builder/whatever system replaced it just gone?
What is current FOTM? Is the game still kind of garbage? Do replays exist yet? Is Soraka still top cute?
I'd say unsettling more than chill
Though Shoes of Glass is real good.
Something like Song of Saya or Shoes of Glass I can understand but I wouldn't call shit like
Well I never thought /lolg/ would know about Saya no Uta, I guess I was wrong
>Fiora will never publicly humiliate me after crushing me in Ranked
Feels bad man.
Caitlyn, Lee Sin, Lucian mid, J4 top. Yeah, it's getting better though. Yes, and practice mode too. Yes.
>Bunch of weebs have read one of the most mainstream VNs
Not that surprising.
How do i continue to play this game after this fucking shit??
I can't fucking take it anymore, 9 game loss streak ending with a game where i'm 20 kills as akali but their caitlyn and kennen were fed 15 kills a piece and straight focused me down with double exhaust the moment i had a chance to go in.
It's literally been a month since i last played this game just because of that major loss streak. Everytime i think of playing another game i get reminded of that last game and i just don't want to play. I find the game fun, but i don't think i can stomach another loss.
I'm at the point where i just might exclusively play ARAMs or main Teemo/Pantheon top and just not give a shit about the outcome of my games anymore. I just want to straight up play to make someones life shit for a brief period of time. I want to main jungle and mercilessly camp other people on losing streaks, kill them before they get to lane and tower dive them 5 times before 15 minutes just to taste their salty tears. I want to main Shaco and make my jungle opponent want to kill themselves as i camp them at their buffs.
I don't find this game fun anymore, i want to make everyone else as miserable as i am.
Explain how this is unsettling? Like I said I'm kinda strange so it's possible that I'm missing some key thing here.
I mean we ARE still on Veeky Forums. Plus SnU isn't the most obscure thing in the world.
I always thought /v/ and Veeky Forums preferred the western aesthetic.
>he wasnt around when Saya no Uta, from the creator of Madoka Magica, on sale now at J-List!" ads were plastered all over 4ch
Would Vel'Koz be a gentlemen when he meets up with women?
This website weeb country
What constitutes a western artist? because I have contacts from eastern europe to korea at this point.