League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu is for bullying&abuse edition


Previous: New champion "D4rkdem0nl0rd666": youtube.com/watch?v=W9Fv8zdscd8

Upcoming Diana changes for 7.14 PBE: pbs.twimg.com/media/DDTbk58VoAArGmU.jpg

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Lulu a shit


As someone who actually likes:

Zed when I'm literally mad and out for blood
Reaper from fucking Overmeme
Mained as a Deathknight

I can safely say that Kayn looks way too edgy for my tastes. There's ironically edgy and then theres...that. It doesn't even feel funny to play like the above mentioned.

I love Riven with all my heart!!!

Can't fucking wait for this new champion. I play talon and zed, he's going to fit in so perfectly. (don't give a shit if it's edge or not)


Remember to farm votes day! Every win counts!


I like to play Zed too, occasionally. Playing him is fun. Against him not so much, and his theme doesnt speak to me either.

S7 really is season fo the edge sadly

>975 RP skin technically not normally available
>can never go on sale
What did riot mean by this