/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread Hooray for Steam release edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 6/16/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4 on June 27th:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload On PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

Other urls found in this thread:




muh download speeds

we're /valhalla/ now

What the fuck are you weebs trying to play this on, your cell phones

>less than 1 hour on gmod
I envy you, I have 450


shit anime game



>sequel to pic related still not uploaded anywhere

>implying DR isn't

Angie and her beloved Saihara!
>tfw my brother has 202 games and I have access to all of 'em


>new thread saimeno cuteness reminder "oh snap, new art! Based twitter" edition

You're hereby banished forever

Nobody knows me

Don't talk to Chiakiposter like that

>Why yes, I do buy anime games with no online features for $30 on Steam, how about yourself

>being this naive

Don't make yourself sound so distant Grumpyhimi


>there are people out there who don't have access to their vidya-addicted sibling's large game collection through Steam share

It's just a script, it has no feelings.

I'm just being factual

it's been a long time comin but it finally came for one man to play some motherfuckin video games

It's actually pretty embarrassing that people buy these games for these prices

okay bye

Gosh, me too! Wanna fuck?

Why are you always so grumpy?

>idiots are buying this game at full price instead of waiting a year or just pirating

Chiakiposter is NOT a script, don't toy with me like that. he's real

>chiaki dies a third time
>it's still just as funny

Is that XP

I don't even have siblings.

What's up with your old ass Windows?

God I wish that was me

You're thinking of chiakiautist, not chiakiposter

I'm very ashamed of this general right now tbqh

I don't know how to answer that

You weren't already? These animefags don't even play crash bandicoot


Thinking of all the excellent games you can get on the Summer Sale right now with that money is a tragedy.

I love Junko Enoshima!

>tfw I look over at a Saihara-user in class and see him drawing this

Nice aussie internet

discord please leave

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People full season only $4

I'm just waiting for the game to be uploaded somewhere.

What if I am that vidya-addicted sibling in this situation. Excluding most FPS or games like Gmod or L4D2

It's worth at least 0.1x that

>not being a retard makes you a discorder now

>buying games
Disgusting. The next thing you tell me is that you're also playing them instead of shitposting here.

Caring what other people spend their money on, especially when it's a game in a series that you're currently in a general of does.

Does anyone want to be my digital sibling and play my games on steam share?
I don't care about them anymore

Same user!

>acts grumpy all the time
>has sweet moments like melting over kuzu, hints at anxiety
It's alright, I love you the way you are

I would but I don't like most FPS games on there.

I even ordered V3 Regular Edition for PS4 straight out of Britain, NIS Europe's factory. Am I sinful now?

East coast US. I've always had shit UL/DL speeds for some reason.

>tfw over 400 games on steam and only tried like 20 of them
Fuck Humble Bundle

Sadly I already have access to all these games.

I want to be 'digital siblings' with someone who has Witcher 3. I'm a grill btw :^)

Sure if you want my vidya too.

East coast is really spotty for internet, some parts of New England you can have really good internet but if you move two houses down you get barely better than satellite.


>Call of duty everywhere

Yes. Kami-sama is very disappointed with you.

Well, those were only half the games, maybe less than half

I cry evertime

>tfw have so many anime vidya to play as well
Shit, can't choose whether to start from the Noire game, Fairy Fencer, Sonic, McPixel, Estival Versus...

> Genre : Sexual Content
I laughed.

Pekoyama-san has lost her glasses.
Will you help her find them?

I don't care. It really dosen't look very fun

Oh, I stand corrected, nice selection of games.
Funny, I never played half of my games.

I found them.

Peko should smile more

it's win7 i just use classic theme because i'm not homosexual

No! She looks much more cute without them.

Her birthday is in three days, by the way. So is mine.



>Her birthday
How can she know when her birthday is if she was abandoned.
Or do abandoned kids adopt the day they were found as their birthday?

Birthdays are for the dying

Aren't we all dying, user?

Yeah, what's even the point of living?

Once you LOSE the one you care about... the MOST

And yes, this site is trusted because I get shit from here

Yes and Yes.

Can someone post chapter 3 killers fan art


Akane no.



Plz no

>Bijin downloading drama
>DRAE torrent downloads 5mb speed instead
Feels bad man


And another one.

Best giri.

...how are we supposed to get new DR stuff if people just pirate it? For shame!

It's on CODEX already

B-But I already own the game on Vita.

Yeah, I know, downloading right now.

Are Mikan and Celes admirable enough for Nee-san?

These my favourite fan art i really like it how author did it

>Spinoff game that came out 3 years ago
>not even on sale
Can you Dangantards defend this? (Protip: the answer is no)

I don't care because I """bought""" it anyways.

Fuck, marry, bully

Fuck Tulpaman
Marry Mikan
Bully Celes

Fuck Celes because she's hot and you're wrong if you disagree. Marry Mikan because of Junko uterus. Kill Kiyo because fuck you

Fuck Celes
Marry Mikan
Bully Tulpaman

>he buys single player PC games

Honestly though.

>haha imagine paying $30 for a kusoge that can easily be pirated
>if V3 is the last game in the series i will kill kodaka