/pg/ - Persona General

Tora Tuesday Edition

Previous Thread NEWS
>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


I want to take Akechi-kun's virginity!

Claiming this silly, seductive, sweet, sultry, sexpot.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Happy Takamaki Tuesday! Live it up, baby!

May Fuuka's love guide me to a better future.

robot is forever!!

Someone ordered a maid massage, right?



Where the fuck do I go

I did take the superior maid.

Fuck off

Where are my Pixie doujins?

This one's on page 1 and has less images already posted so let's stay here

And so you post the inferior maid. Gunshot wounds do not equal a massage.

This is a relationship building exercise, not a shitpost.

How would Futaba react to the phantom thieves' browser history? What does she find on each member's computer?

She reacts to Joker's by dressing up for his cosplay fetish

>other thread is 40+ posts of Doorfag samefagging and a couple people calling him out on it

"This headband is supposed to be psychic. umm, it forms a barrier around my brain so your mean comments don't get to me.

J-just try and say something about my forehead now!"

I like Haru's forehead. I want to cum on it.

Haru has fake floof

Please do not do that

reminder that katsuya suou is in fact the best boy

It's cute, but I can't see it! Whatever hair you like is what's best.

Tbh it's not like anything better is going on in this thread either

You can't stop me, user.

we're barely twenty posts into the thread fuckwit

Jesus christ, how did they fuck him up so badly in the movies? He's such an unlikable douche.

The P4GA director happened

I haven't watched the movies, but he's pretty douchey in the game

Kawakami a kawacutie.

Best woman, best wife, best cake.

Obligatory Makoto post

He's a likable douche in the game, kinda like Joker is

The movies turn him into a whiny emo faggot

Cutest door
Genkiest door
Not my waifu
Best door though

I want to kiss Haru's forehead. I love Haru!

if she isn't your waifu why do you post her every single thread

I want Justice!
Chihiro's Justice!

Ann watches pornography and doesn't realise her webcam is vulnerable. Futaba always records her during these moments and has a huge folder she uses as porn herself. She's considered blackmailing Ann and forcing her to cosplay as some of Futaba's favourite anime characters, but she's yet to build up the guts.

She's cute
I'm not sure if I post her EVERY thread though

I want to be her cute boyfriend

Yeah I'm sure it won't go to shit like it always does, right user?

On Ann's computer she finds addresses for new desert stores, and popular places in Shibuya to go to.
Ryuji's computer has training regiments at the gym, and various porn sites.
Yusuke doesn't have a computer, because it would distract from art.
On Makoto's computer, she finds various colleges in Tokyo, study guides she's been researching, new recipes she can make at home so that Sae pulls the stick out of her ass and says something nice, and trashy dating advice from gossip mags
On Haru's computer she finds articles on gardening, new coffee recipes, and horror movie torrents.
On Joker's computer, the only thing she finds is proof that he buys an alarming amount of things from the Black Market, and a .txt file on the desktop saying "Stop hacking my computer, Futaba."

>dies for his friends
>is a douche

Alrighty then

It doesn't matter what thread we use, it will go the same way no matter what
Do you care that much if people are using your thread?

he dies for Aigis and Ryoji, because he forgot to make any other friends

What's the more powerful weapon, a coin or a flower?

Depends on allergies and if we're in a fucking Mario game or not.


flowers die, money is forever

I liked him in the manga, at least what I've personally read. I know the manga shits the bed in the end, but that hasn't been translated yet.

It's not mine though. I'm just stating my opinion on the matter

Yusuke discovers a blog site where girls upload pictures of cute guys on the train, and he has his own section
Ryuji gets jealous and looks through the site to find himself in the "manspreading assholes" section

>Normie for a few hours
>come back to two threads



>may as well have two threads since nothing is happening in this one

Then I guess SEES dropped what they were doing and ran to the rooftop calling the dude's name for just shits and giggles

i mean i think door-tan looks good but she looks really basic. there are so many more better looking women in the persona franchise.

Fucking hell, that even sounds like something Baofu would say.

The Persona fanbase is splintering into myriad groups with opposing goals and ideologies. You better pick a side quickly.

maybe you should post one

True, but why didn't you post the attractive friend?

Mom! Get the eff off my anime image boards, you're embarrassing me while I try to score with Ann!

i already have

What are the factions again? I don't think I got the right Team Jacket, they sent me a "P5 casual" jacket by accident, and I want to fill out the right forms.

apparently so

Which reality do you come from where I implied that, because I sure as hell didn't do it in this one

"It's not working...! I wasted 100,000 yen for nothing...

At least its absorbent... sniff...

Choose your allegiance carefully, Son of Man


If you say so

Different strokes and all that, I still think Door-tan is a cute!

>tfw alcoholic women hit too close to home

Eriko is top tier though.

only a few are fit for a true wurld of strength

I sure love killing God

there we go

You would turn your back to God? Surely there is no path more foolish

>picking sides

No thanks, Neutral all the way.

Ann getting me through this work day. I love her.

Honestly Yusuke sounds like she would be a lot better as a girl. Autistic artist girl with a traditional Japanese beauty aura sound fun

people try to meme makoto into being an autist, all she's missing is the "artist" part

at least i'm not a neutralfag, amirite

Neutral is a side, though
It's my go-to choice too, user

Stop posting a fake messiah. Male Door-kun is the one and only.

>Not going Chaos all the time
Are you a homo, user ?

I'm going to main Futaba in P5 Arena

Well, YOU did, yeah. Not that other guy.

I mean, I preferred Eriko's long hair, but that's neither here nor there.

I guess? I always saw neutral as saying "no" to everything and doing whatever you wanted.

so Yukiko

Literally all there was to the manga version was that he ate a lot, slept a lot, and didn't talk a lot

>being Lucifer's lap bitch
I pity you

The side you're choosing is your own

Ann: Bubbly, big hair, white(enough)
Makoto: Naive, prim and proper, secretly vulnerable
Futaba: Young, shy, tech-savvy
Haru: Pure, innocent, floof
Kawakami: low self esteem, cake, frump
Tae: Goth, dommy, smart
Hifumi: Chuuni, beautiful, lonely
Ohya: Plain, drinks, regular adult
Chihaya: ??? why do people like her again?

I suppose that's technically true.

Still, you know what I mean.

The adventures of Burger Naoto continues
Coming soon to Big Bang Burger

>was going to download that P5 texting app
>realize nobody ever texts me anyway because I have no friends

/pg/ - Shin Megami Tensei General

>you will never have your own mininaoto

Does this guy have a vore fetish or something

why does everyone rate ohya so low.
yeah she drinks but she's inherently really nice towards you AND she helps you at certain points in the main story. she's a literal sweetie pie.

Corrupting the country bumpkin, (endearing) accent, naive wonder

>yeah she drinks
That's bad ?