/smgen/ - smite

/smgen/ - smite

>using salmon's leap on cu chulainn resets swift wing to 14 seconds in jungle practice
Don't know if it works in regular matches, can someone try it out?

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Why do the weak strive so much to survive.
Accept 404 with open arms.

Has anyone played much with the new god? I really think his base 'mana' is too low and too slow regen

Because /hrgen/ isn't going to happen.

Rank 2 here with him. He sucks ass but "mana" or regen isn't an issua at all. He feels way to weak in terms of power considering he has no utility though. Hoping they buff him to do more damage so he's more useful since he's pretty useless in everything but solo lane right about now.

>Ashur stopped making smite porn


Really? I thought he'd be stronger in jungle, solo seems pretty meh since he has no kind of sustain and can't even just death's toll it up like osiris/bellona


>playing on ps4 because computer's broke
People are godawful. If it weren't for the fact I can't use a controller for shit this would be such easy pickings. People will just ignore a whole lane and let you push a phoenix unmolested.