PlayStation Vita General 3039 - Flowery Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>NA PS Store Midyear Sale!/en-us/mid-year-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-MIDYEARSALEPSVG

>God Wars: Future Past sales top 100,000

>Nights of Azure 2 gameplay and event scene videos

>Touhou Genso Maroku W: The Devil of Decline launches June 29 in Japan

>Six minutes of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory gameplay

>Nights of Azure 2 details

>Accel World VS. Sword Art Online DLC ‘Castaway from a Different World’, version 2.00 update launch July 7 in Japan

>Omega Labyrinth Z ‘Awakening’ gameplay

>Seven minutes of The Lost Child gameplay

>Nurse Love Addiction Makes its Way to Vita

>Valkyria Revolution free DLC schedule announced



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

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What are you getting from the sale /vitagen/?

When you are with Grim, you can get an Upper Arm Sigil that give +40% +40% non-elemental damage.

It's super powerful.

Eh, probably not. I wouldn't be able to play it that much so I could justify buying it day one. Maybe at some sale. Reply to this then and we'll see what we'll play.

They need to localize their names because I dont want to speak that fucking language how do you even pronounce that SHIT

This is cute as hell

That is quite strong especially with some of the stronger weapon spells having no element.

Everybody's Golf!

I hope it works this time...

>Just bought Hot Shots yesterday


Yup, see you in 10 hours then. I need my sleep for now.

The name is fine as it is, just pronounce it slowly until you get it.

That fans know the franchise by that name, so it would be stupid to change it.

I usually pre-order the LE's so the sales are usually worthless to me.

It's Atelier Ayesha's fifth birthday today in Japan. Here's to an amazing game.

>try and add GOW collection to cart
>you are not eligble to download or purchase this content


We needed more MILF Ayesha.

I shouldn't buy any more games right now, I've got plenty to play.
Cake Ayesha, you mean. She's not a mother.

Maybe try to clear all the cache and cookies you have, and clear all the flash cookies too.
And restart browser. Sometimes that helps me.

Otherwise you can also try from the Vita store.

What are the best demos in the NA store?

Besides dungeon travelers 2.

The Toukiden 2 Demo is worth trying out.

I wish I had a way to buy Monster Monpiece right now.

Odinsphere is pretty nice.


>Scamco actually discounting the worthless season pass instead of the jew tier costume packs
>Even then it's only a pathetic 11% discount
Wow, this is some next level kikery.

Still debating but thinking this

>buying the first Cladun
Don't. Just buy Cladun x2. There's literally no point in buying the first one.

user, do you know if I can somehow sell the Rumours I have which I won't/can't use?

I have too many of a certain type, and discarding the rumours seems to give nothing.
I know offering can be fed to the NPCs to level them up if I have too many. I was hoping there was something equivalent for the Rumours.


I want to fuck this gerbil

I want to hug this weasel.

I already have the second on PSN
And This is Sengoku on PS4
Is the first one just not worth it compared to the second?


Now I want to fuck it.


i'm about to buy it /vitagen/ I already have a OLED vita but I really like the orange. Should I? Or will I end using only the OLED one?
Any feedback appreciated


Looking at getting SSD. Is it worth it if I already have SS? SS is in my backlog, although I liked what I played of it at a friends house.

Aside from that, I'm broke, is there anything -really- cheap on sale that might be fun? I'm talking under $2.00.

if it's for a different region or different set of games,or you have plus - go for it

Otherwise moving saves every time gets tiring

I don't know, I always just discard the rumors I don't need as well.

Just go ahead and buy it tight now, and then you can blame me if you end up having regrets.

Yeah go for it.

I got an orange one and was expecting it to go unused so I kept my OLED for 2 months to see if I ever wanted to go back but I never did.

The OLED I cummed on was sold that year.

How often does P4G go on sale? Really disappointed it wasn't on the list this sale.

I plan on using it on the newer games, especially the newer visual novels. Can I use the same memory card on both vitas? (Using the same account)

Isnt it at 9€ on a daily basis

buy it

canadian physical is ultra cheap

>Can I use the same memory card on both vitas?
It'll rebuild database every time you switch though, so this is likely to happen

Is SSD dead?

I actually made a mistake about what I said of seals stacking. I was completely wrong. What I thought was one seal stacking on top of another was actually just the stronger one overwriting the weaker seal. The forgery seal I used had the equivalent resonance boost of a avalon seal III (while I still had II). I experimented by switching to sanctuarium for a bit and fiddling with them.

Oh well, it's always too to experiment with them like that.


Makes sense anyway. Rumours are literally either used or discarded in the real world too.

So after seeing that Pailinguil trailer does that mean Omega Laby Z is going to get an English asian release?

I sure hope so. Asia's Vita market seems to be surprisingly healthy.

How's Shiren? Does it stand up on its own or is it more of a nostalgia trip?

Rumors are sold by the mainstream media all the time.

It's solid, lots of small mini games inside the game as well.
And the NPC helpers are cute.

I really wanted Xseed to grab the first one. They're fine with all the senran stuff and a bunch of other things

Fuck that shit. D3 are plenty capable of publishing on their own.

I don't really care who does it I just want it

Just get the ps2 version Marie is shit and the other extras aren't worth it.

Marie's no more or less shit than every other waifu in the game. They're all garbage

Name the last game D3 have released independently in the West.


Yes, it's worth it if you liked SS. Especially in your case where you liked what you played and haven't even finished vanilla yet.
Hotshots Golf was right around $1.34 with PS+, or about $2 without and that's really fun.

Are you going to prove they can't publish in the west by pointing out they don't publish in the west often?

Seems like a mistake.

If you have/bought Hot Shots Golf, reply with your PSN. We're getting a fucking full lobby going.

>but i'm bad
Shut up and post.
Answer me, damn you.

you don't like big juicy tits?

>Answer me, damn you.
What is the difference between death and just being asleep forever?

forever is not just a very long time

Your body is still functional while asleep.

delete this
i only like cute feminine girls

Is this safe to give my debit card information to?
Even as an NA resident?

go with 365games user

I'm literally curious.

It's always a risk to use your payment card directly.
But the banks will usually always cover the cost if your info/money is leaked/abused.

I ordered mine from them.

QoL improvements alone make Golden better than PS2 version

On Vitagen? Only 2 active players.

Online as a whole? Very active.

Or you could stop being an illiterate fuck and learn how to read it. Failing that, which would only highlight your illiteracy, you could opt to refer to it by its meme name.
If you even don't know what that is then congratulations on being both an illiterate and an ignoramus. Fucking kys.

Quick! Post neps while everyone's asleep.



Bert a shit.

>all these people ordering drive girls
>i'll be able to blitz all the hard levels with my maxed out girls with them
I feel powerful


I still can't decide if i want it now or to wait in case of an na release and any dlc it might have

want to hand hold me through the mp trophies user?

What the Nep?

Man do I love me some Veru~

I'm so tired vitagen. So so tired.



y-you can sleep on my lap


I'll be home from work in about 4 hours, then I have a Minna No Golf date with a vitagenner in 6 hours.

why user

tomorrow maybe?
i'm in the uk so i think we may have some difficulty


Old hags. Delet this.

The game has no DLC.

>EU getting fucked again in terms of sales
No wonder we are so culturally suicidal.