Small Indie Company edition
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Small Indie Company edition
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daily reminder that I can put a hook on a boot and yet you would bait it.
First for sexy new champ
Kayn is my main , killing scrubs is the name of the game
I don't get it
managed to watch the stream before it went down, how's his personality?
Is it forced cringy edge like Aatrox, or run and campy edge like Reaper?
> the ww rework is seemed as the best reworks made recently
> yet there are people that need to hate it
oh wow
where am I again
I just want to say, Jinx and Lux are the best!
The reason I killed that fool is because to me he was just a tool.
They were streaming PBE Kayn. It started 40 minutes late and had the sound cutting in and out.
impossible to hear since riot had so many sound problems
This fucking pic makes it look like his eyes are looking at opposite directions
There's a riot live stream going on showcasing the new champ on the pbe but the audio keeps fucking up
twitch tv/leagueoflegends
It's like Justice/Anders from Dragon Age 2. Its two voices, one is a generic demon voice the darkin that possessed him then there is human voice but it was too low for me to get a proper opinion.
>“Lies soothe the mind, don't they?” - Rhaast
>“I am the weapon. You are a tool.” - Kayn
Outlook not good.
gangbang me when
why are you retards assuming he needs to get kills to transform
are you guys retarded
post the rarest icon you have. pic related
his sword talks to him
"you are not worthy of this power"
"are ALL ionians this ???" (to which replies "no just ??""
he talks back to it in a cocky manner
the scythe is the edgelord. Hes just a cocky smarmy teen
No one is assuming that
We need something to hate and be contrarian about.
Its Xayah levels of edgy
More like the icon of shame.
> Rito hates power farm junglers
> Releases one of the fastest clear speed junglers yet
What did they mean by this?
He doesn't however he still needs to get kills to transform at a reasonable time.
Riot themselves even gave this as a tip
>Kayn and Rhaast are hungry boys, and you've got to feed 'em by ganking lanes and dealing damage to champs. Taking too long to transform means you'll fall behind in the mid-game.
> ganking is bad
all rirght.
>the scythe is the edgelord. Hes just a cocky smarmy teen
Oh good, I can actually tolerate that If his lines aren't Xayah-tiers of smarmy cringe.
just hit your lane opponent....?
>4 losses in a row
no one did that. At least not in this thread right
he's literally just yasuo with his hair braided and beard shaven
Welp never mind then, another champion I'll be avoiding like the plague.
Yasuo is hot
post webms
Yasuo looks in his thirties. This guy looks in his early twenties. Also Yasuo has a better jawline.
Giving scaling strength to a jungler you want to preform in the early game IS bad.
This just doubly reinforces the idea that if he gets ahead he will snowball, and if he gets behind he will be useless. Last I checked, most snowball champions aren't well-liked in this game.
I think that that thing in his shoulder is for keeping the corruption of the Darking from propagating to his brain.
The cuck designer probably liked kabaneri of the iron fortress.
I want to LEWD the Lulu
That guys wrong
This guy is right
>haven't been able to play in weeks because my CPU died
Been playing Paragon on ps4 but it's utter shite and made worse by being cross-platform with PC. They're all completely deluded and think controller users can compete with kb+m.
Yasuo is older and not doesn't dress like a hot topic teen.
Both champs are pretty hot in their own ways though. At least Kayn looks more attractive than Rakan. As a whole.
I can't wait to play against a team that has Riven, Yasuo and Kayn.
I love my husband Kled!
Who's ready for pool party kled?
>Billion dollar company can't afford working mic
Can we stop with the edge posting and go back to Lulu posting
I can agree with that. Rakan to me looked like an old man especially in the cinematic.
>Warning: Shotgun Knee(s) my be closer than they appear.
xth for the Urgot VGU
kys bro
>Shen ults allied Kayn
>Kayn is in a wall at the time
>Shen gets trapped in the wall
And Vayne
And Thresh
>Abyssal builds out of catalyst
good news for Singed.
but then there wouldnt be enough lulus in the thread, you dont want that.
post ahris!
Not so much that he looked like an old man, but not his age (which is mid-late 20's IIRC) and extremely uncanny valley at that.
But Xayah also had an unpleasant uncanny valley effect going on with her face too. The cinematic was just cheap and rushed imo.
Ignore the negativity and post moar lulus.
>righteous glory and Abyssal mask on singed with the potential singed buffs coming up soon
I can't wait to run away from people killing them.
I want to feel his throbbing, erect and warm shotgun knees poking my face
is this normal
Wouldn't that mean that he is more suited for mid and top? I mean you either gank a lot to transform, farm and gank and delay your transformation, or if you team is trash that don't know how to gank you will stay in shit form for the rest of the game.
But as a laner you just need to build sustain and trade a lot and you can do it while last hitting minions. His slow/knock-up looks neat for dealing with enemy ganks, escaping or dragging a trade after the enemy laner used all his abilities.
And his ultimate is the best anti-tower dive ability in the game, you can literally heal half your HP if the enemy builds life.
>mfw this new champ
He's a retard so wouldn't date but would fuck 'till he's dry.
>uchiha sasuke: the champion
How long until we get a champ that makes walls that damage you if you pass through or over them? Like putting up an electric fence that stuns you before you try or a fire wall that dots you? Or just rework Anivia's wall to freeze you when you try to pass through/over it.
Is adc the worst role in the game?
>Dependent on support for first 20 minutes
>Support is almost always some autofilled fucktard with no clue what is he doing
>Its guaranteed that enemy has at least one champion that can completely fuck your over (rengar, nocturne, zed, yasuo etc...)
>Bad positioning can cost you a game
it saddens me that women think this way because Im ugly AND retarded so what chances do I have
But could he beat Uchiha Madara? And And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
>they actually cancelled the stream
absolutely indie company
>veigar's e
you mean like corki's valkyrie/the package?
or rumble's equalizer?
or anivia's ult?
or any fucking ground aoe in the game?
I second this
But could he beat Accelerator?
Protip: no
at this rate the PBE will be back up before they fix the stream
Did they? I thought it was going to be back after problems were fixed.
>log in
You CAN NOT make this shit up
im a low diamond jungler and I want to up my skill level. Is there a place or videos I can watch as a resource for more technical things? Other than streamers
Shut up if you can't make a better stream.
Accelerator when?
If you're nice to me and make me laugh you have a pretty good chance actually.
Would any wise people here like to share Talon tips with a new-ish LoL player? He's my favorite character.
I generally start with Corruption Potion- is this a mistake?
By the way, IGN Emyzel on North America server if anyone under level 30 wants to duo normals. I have a mic.
>Huge damage
>Fastest clear in the entire game
>Can walk through walls and dash over small walls with his q
>Can either go bruiser or assasin so he never is a bad pick
>Anti escape ultimate
I love him but he will probably be either busted or shit
I NEED A EDGY NAME. something that strikes fear into the hearts of all mortals at the sight of my awesome shadow powers!
why are all of them boys
I'm not usually one to be like this, but it's becoming more and more apparent that they are purposely sexualizing male champions. There's actually nothing wrong with that, I just want to know why they haven't made any sexy female champions.
>bad positioning
..don't have bad positioning then?
But you are a boy. Stop roleplaying as Ahri.
This is what happens when you have a woman in charge of the sound
add me imthem
Who is that suppose to be at the very top? Is it suppose to be bard since he has meeps around him but I don't recall Bard having a retarded looking hand like that.
why is Jensen depicted as a handsome stud instead of the autismo he is
Eve rework
Veigar's E is not a wall you can jump over.
shut up I ddos u
Grandma Was Korean