Steppies edition
>Job Guide
>4.0 Patch Notes
>Callback Campaign for Returning Players
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells
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Steppies edition
>Job Guide
>4.0 Patch Notes
>Callback Campaign for Returning Players
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells
Last time on /xivg/:
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destroy all cats
2nd for Lala
middy steppy
I need this
Meria can I get an invite to the omega ls?
reminder that samurai is annihilating all other DPS
watch the cutscenes and read all text
Message her in-game, nonce.
Swimmy lala
About PLD rotation. Some people are saying to open with FoF Goring Blade and then immediately start the Requiscat phase during it since FoF is only useful for buffing Goring Blade and not RA. Is that true?
please PLEASE step on my face
Of course! Just send me a tell and I'll get you right in there.
the story was a girls trip to Japan
It's actually mostly his sister and Lyse.
Is it for ERP? Where is all the EU ERP?
I hear Silk has a bunch of CUTE LOVABLE BOYS in it, but Moni is keeping them all on a close leash.
Anywhere with Meria is anti-erp city.
It's kinda uncanny for your character to stare at us while you're getting attention from your lover.
Are we more awesome than her?? That's awesome!
How's mateus doing? Have you guys hit any queues yet for the server? Debating if it's worth moving me secondary/rp character off balmung for it b/c fuck balmung queues. Is there any housing/apartments still open? Is there less drama than there seems to be in balmung xivg?
Odin is the EU ERP server
>do ixion fate at 100%
>finish the fate
>everyone in my party gets a gold
>i dont even get a reward
do you guys think GM's will give me my horns
Hey user, what do you call a pair of Lala tanks?
Mashed potatoes.
What compels grown men to type and post like this
But I'm still stuck in HW and probably have to see that stupid fucking gay nigger face every fucking quest and cutscene again.
who is this
Where? Are people just a lot more discreet about it?
There will always be less drama on servers that are not balmung.
Balmung's just that oversized and aged.
Plus us 1.0ers are all batshit insane.
The way lalafells walk is hilarious.
Maximum hip movement and stomping their feet.
>Au Ra female
>trying to be domineering in any way
I could fart and that would knock you down
WHM is still good imo. Actually really liking not having to use Cleric's Stance anymore
Its not as big as elsewhere but me and my friends have definitely spotted people in the back alleys of kugane erping from time to time.
And the swine just made it back home and online. Prepare for the every day duo.
That's not my image.
Help please game discussion.
fuck off pashua
Do you think that love can bloom, even on a battlefield?
Mado, why do you keep on your steam and discord lists? Consider doing a purge.
was it always possible to catch a whilom catfish without mooching or is that a recent change? websites like gamerscape claimed it's mooch only
did you ask for a strand of her hair, and she gave ye three?
Ninja has to be the worst pvp class by far
How did you manage to turn Kumfi straight?
Its paks. He is in Mado's fc.
1) Is WHM/SCH worth leveling up these days or does everyone just want AST?
2) Do worlds that are full open spaces often at all? I have a friend on Hyperion that I wanted to make an alt to join but it's locked down right now. Is there any chance that I'll be able to join it soon or not really?
You should give us all the details
Tryin to tank and this bitch keeps jamming her toes in my face.
After he blew my bp out the only way to recover would be to turn straight. Logical really.
So how is the numbers and comparison between tanks on lakshimi ex and susanoo ex? Has the paladin hype of before launch sustained with self? Didnt saw many info about tanks so far.
someone please make me feel better
were you healing and didn't tag the boss with a damage spell?
please respond
Fuck off kaori spic. No one likes you.
1) There are too many AST.
You should level SCH. People are bitching about it now, but they'll come to their senses when they realize their thing stacks with Battle Litany. So you will be both desired and uncommon.
2) Doesn't really matter. All content outside of fates and hunts are locked behind instances, so you can play with friends so long as they're in your data cluster.
The game heavily penalizes taking multiples of the same class in a party, so you'll almost always see a second healer preferred as well. Atm whm is preferred over sch by most.
For worlds, try at obscure hours like early morning.
I love kaori!
>Omega LS
People actually moved there? How many people are in the linkshell?
I was a tank
i'm not kaori you goddamn moron
Sometimes I wish a made a girl instead of a guy but I dunno. I wish I could just play both at will. I don't want to fantasia it and seems like a ton of pointless work to level up a bunch of classes and start all over again with a second character just to play dress up like an autist. Wat do?
>place in queue 2.295
Should I move from Balmung?
On some realms its actually worse if you can believe it. People assume its a Balmung only issue.
>get to lv 61 as tank
>shout in Kugane to sell queue so I can buy what I've been farming for the past 4 days
>not a single answer
yes come to meteus
Cleric's Stance was garbage, there's no denying that
should have chose Adamantantato T B H
I'd stick with the guy.
Yo I'm looking to play Dark Knight. What do y'all think of the class and how it stacks up to the other tanks?
I paid money to get there and now it's so fucking full I can't get on.
Now thats some nasty shit.
Is that some meme server? I don't want to be stuck on some meme server.
Where you standing outside of the fate
That's good to hear, AST never really seemed too interesting to me.
Yeah that's what I figured, guess I'll be going lucky dip.
Thanks friendo
You either picks queues or pick dead memes. Cant have it both ways.
And why/why not?
I want to try healing for once.
Mateus seems to be slowly growing as Balmung 2.0 since no one can get onto Balmung (both in terms of transferring characters over and literally logging in).
which crafting classes should i focus on leveling first? my main is monk so i am thinking leatherworker. also i'm broke
Let it burn and fester sandspic. No one will mourn you.
I was attacking it the entire time dude what do you think
But the question is will there be ERP?
Can't tell if Square is just forcing people to spread out on other servers or they are really unable to get their shit together.
Make clothes for lalafells, they struggle to find their sizes anywhere.
Does crafting take your armor into consideration in any way? i just started leveling some DotLs and i don't want to be that retard crafting naked later on if it does.
RP fags moved to Omega, they're shitting my server up.
Don't listen to that nerd shill his dead server.
wtf do i do with all these random bat wings and fangs and plant juice and shit i am getting? it says it is crafting materials but for fucking what?
Glad to see this cat posting again.
Still on some weird server?
Didnt this guy tell his story here earlier? Is he in the right? Should only tanks pull first in hardcore content such as Sastasha?
last I checked a day ago, uldah still had housing available, plenty of apartments, less drama, and no significant queues yet, sometimes the elusive 1 man queue
How hard is it to get 2 lines in WT?
I really want that wind up qt
Mid or Au Ra
Haha yep. Still on my low pop server.
I get mixed messages here.
I don't know anything about servers and population and what the players like to do.
>steppies edition
>no steppies being posted
>game has bust slider
>at max setting your character gets pretty much B32 sized breasts in ration to the rest of her body
>ever so slightly larger breasts on some select female NPCs
I'd like at least voluptuous C sized breasts, Square. Come on now.
How are the queues there? I was thinking of moving to one of the standard worlds on Aether
okay, so i must be turbo retard or something but how do i actually join a party finder group?
Is there a "teleport to instance" button or something, its super unclear from the interface.
Well, yes of course, your gear has stats on it. They matter just as much as the tool you use, so at some point you're going to want to get actual Crafter gear.
Anyone on Moogle would be interested in having a slave tank this Saturday to queue with in exchange for 400k/Mighty Thunderstroke? I'll wake up at the time of your choice and we'll end when you want.
I'm 61.