Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Poolside Paradise Edition

What's new?

>Sun's Out, Guns Out Summer Event and Sweepstakes; Now LIVE
>New summer themed skins, mounts, and sprays
>Event ends the week of July 24th

>Malthael, Aspect of Death; Now LIVE

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0

>For New Players
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm
>Official Community Resources, Guides, and Tips
>Talent Calculators, Statistics, Youtubers, and more
>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Current Patch Notes

>Where can I talk to like minded individuals to discuss shitposting?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

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best girl

God-tier feet:
prime evil diablo

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

>Want to play Tyrande
>Can't solo support in ranked unless playing against retards

What a shitty rework





First for /hotsg/ is nothing but bronze quick match shitters that are absolute garbage at the fucking game and need to fuck off to reddit.

During wraith walk he tips the sunglasses down on his head down, and reclines in a beach lounge chair.

>7 years since malthael was released
>still no news on what is next
umm blizzdrones?

>calling yourself a shitter

Cant stop playing Genji, send help.

Death is the only release.

is there anything he cant do?

This is fucking bullshit, if you're gonna kike your costumers at least put out a decent product you fucking jews
Odin not being changed looks like shit in the beach skins

>2400 shards

>tfw don't even play anymore just check back every 3-4 weeks to see new hero/skins

When they finally fix his op lvl 7 he will still be a good healer.

people who were paying $10 for characters for 2 years only have themselves to blame for this shit though. they fed these fucks way too much for no reason whatsoever.

Why would you want to stop? Dragon blade is life.

Run her with a Malf and you'll get a solid combo. Throw in Illidan for all your soap opera RP, too.

I feel that Malth's "Armor per enemy marked enemy" is pretty retarded.

Why would You ever not take that?

>Do ult
>Literally invincible


All his trait talents are broken. Doesn't help that they all have fantastic synergy with eachother, as well.

No, it's cayde-6

>All his trait talents are broken
Not really most of them are good but that particular talent is broken as fuck.

>Doesn't help that they all have fantastic synergy with eachother, as well.
That is actually good desing that how heroes are suppose to work.

Lets just wait for tomorrow balance patch,

>That is actually good desing that how heroes are suppose to work.
Nah it's actually pretty shitty design. Having a bunch of talents for an ability that all synergize with each other means the hero has very few actual build options. You end up with hero builds like "if you take the Q talent at level 1, take every other Q talent. otherwise take all the W talents". No variety whatsoever.

>picking the same talents every time because they're already good and even better when "synergized"
>good design

uh I guess

although blizz is shit enough at balancing talents that even heroes that don't do that end up often having only-1-good-build syndrome

His talent synergy is really retarded. Literally every thing directly synergies with both his ult and at least 2 other talents.

>Marked targets longer
>Tarets marked longer than default take more dmage
>Get a shit load of armor per mark
>Slow the fuck out of literally everyone who has mare
>lvl 1 gtg fast no body blocking

Oh, but he's bad at retreating.... wooo

He's just purely better Kerrigan. But without a stun.

Why doesnt interrupting Dva's Calldown put it on a 10 sec cd like literally every other ability gets put on a 10 sec cd when interrupted?

So... will these "suns out" chests convert to normal chests after the event?
I really don't like the shitty skins, and I don't want them.

Who here ready to roll for some Summer Skins, baby?

Is Summer ODIN at least recolored? Fuck, I'd settle for it just having a speedo and sunglasses on.

Because she gets enough free shit and is fucking annoying as is.


>Not summer boxes
Unless it has been confirmed you can get them in regular, when it isn't even 100% to get one in summer boxes you are just cucking yourself.

Are there hacks for this game?

This butcher gets invisible/teleports away, and uses his chase from across the map

Summer items only come from summer chests

Dva needs her calldown to function like medivhs mount or something. Give her mech a damage buff to compensate. It's just fucking obnoxious.

They're pretty uncommon.

Able to share a webm of the replay?

Medivh cheats!

Why would anyone waste time making hacks for a dead game?

Hero announcement when?

>Check top 4
>I'm a waifu fag


At least you have good taste.

>consider your flame... extinguished! :^)
>having trouble staying grounded?

When and why did Kael'thas become so fucking goofy?
I love it

am i gay?

>having trouble staying grounded?
>Your world is upsidedown!

I'm 90% sure this are from burning crusade.


Thanks lad

But you have absolutely excellent taste.

Been playing Genji and Valla recently. Getting divine shield makes me feel happy.

>am i gay?
not just gay, but robo-sexual as well

Heal for more than 30 seconds without requiring multiple globes, a health fountain use or a hearth to keep going.

People sing nUther's praises but after playing him, the thing I immediately notice is the lack of Conjurer's Pursuit. He has literally no staying power without it and his only reliable form of mana regeneration forces him to put himself WAY too far out front for a healer.

I honestly prefer pre-rework Uther to nUther.

and lost.
>not ranger general sylv
Most certainly.

>Start up HotS and get excited to try out new builds and heroes
>Get Hanamura
>Alt+Tab out and close the game via Task Manager

If you can swap out heroes from another MOBA, which pair will it be?

>Swap out Genji and exchange for Karthus from LoL

Invoker would destroy this game

I just want Teemo. Mobile hero with poison effects with default attacks+traps with slow and poison effects. Remove Samuro

Kael was always a dork when he's not brooding.

>This is too easy~
>I feel edgy.
>I sense something.................. elusive

Malthael is a skull. This changes *everything*.

The only hero who can use fire and be taken seriously is Ragnaros. The moment you throw oversized fire balls and someone and make bad puns it's over. It reminds me of those horrible Mr. Ice puns
>"Ice to meet you!"
>"Let's break the ice!"
>"Cool down!"
s m h

>>I'm a waifu fag
I can sympathize with this statement

>10 boxes and not a single summer item

Why even have an "event" with only 3 fucking skins anyway. Although I would be happy with a spray at this point

>Remove Samuro
and fire the dev who thought he would be a good addition

>reroll shitty spray into a surfboard


Malth worth it for 10k, or is he about to get "balanced"?

Why does samuro trigger shitters so much? His damage is far from impressive.

I'd get more use out of the shekelmonster mount than I would out of Malthael at his current state

Three card monte: the hero, is hard to deal with, even though he always takes bladestorm and goes "HERE I AM, THIS ONE IS REAL, FOCUS THIS ONEEEEE"

yea Samuro melts against any team with aoe. why the fuck do shitters have such a hard time with him

>Internet drops the second their core begins to explode after a 25 minute game
>Get no XP and a leaver penalty


He's gonna get balanced, but still be good, especially since everyone is running double tank and/or double healer.

>mfw Jaina got a couple of those

>if you're waiting for a frozen joke, just let it go. oh no, what have I done?

Don't you need 45 seconds of inactivity or so until you're thrown out of the match?

I was waiting for my death timer and catapults blew up their core.

So his face is just a giant nose?
Like before he went all emo would he take off his hood to reveal a colossal jew nose?

>meh damage against heroes
>shreds buildings
Does he get a bonus against them or something?

You know, I really like this game and have been playing a lot since 2.0 and wouldn't really mind spending some money on it.

But there's like fucking nothing to spend money on that actually feels good. Can't buy skins with money, the bundle doesn't let you choose skin tints, and buying heroes with money is pointless when you have infinity gold.

I guess they want people to spend money on loot chests but the loot chests are hot garbage. Especially the event ones, 4 commons and none are guaranteed to be event, yippee, that definitely incentives me to drop $50 on them

Laura Bailey's voice is CUTE
Just like her.

Angels don't have faces. Tyrael became a nigger

I have to choose between Power Briefs Tychus and one of the surfboard mounts. Fuck.

desu I hope they don't make more of those. Sure, it may be nice for Diablo fans, but for everyone else they're just "Hooded, faceless figure #1-5". I think in all of Blizzards games there's just a ton of way more interesting characters, design-wise.

How to talent Leoric?

Been having fun in QP just getting all the drain hope talents. Is there a better way?

>Teemo and Abathur filling the entire map with traps

>clones can't be kited
Sort of?

Feeling the same way. Sat on a big pile of WoW gold, they finally released the WoWtoken and just can't bring myself to spend any because it feels so...inefficient? 'Dunno.

Yeah, they really should do real money bundles. The only thing really worth buying is stims, and that's not as fun.

Nah, I hope they add more, the angels are some of my favorite designs, don't speak for me.

Very cute. Made dawnguard pretty fun.

Take that "Beginners Set", or whatever it's called. It's like 10 bucks but has a lot of value and I'm a Free2Play greedlord.

Drain hope is the best. If you want, you can go death timer reduction talents (anything that heals you or Regens) for variety, but drain hope is too good.

That's basically it, Drain hope is generally the best build since it keeps you alive for much longer and your job usually to soak up damage and isolate enemy heroes.

I can't remember the last time drawing something made me want to kill myself

gj green



>Mr. Ice
I swear the only people who hated Arnold's Freeze are ones with no taste like you.


>Price jump from epic to legendary is 4x in shards
>Price jump from epic to legendary is like, 1.x in gems


Angels don't really have physical bodies at all. They are made of light and sound and willpower. The armor/robes they "wear" is moved through sheer will alone. They are beings of ethereal spirit... they *can* be damaged but apparently it's retardedly hard.

Shit, that's pretty cool.

They actually did a pretty good job of making them all very distinct. Their weapons, their wings and other various features about them.

Ithirael is the only 'non-distinct' one.

youtube.com/watch?v=rhlkvO6NLnI wrath animated short shows them all. Tyrael is the only one who has wild wings because he's the only one who really says "fuck the (written) law, I do what's right. I dont have time for unjust laws".

youtube.com/watch?v=DESKsNOuq0A Imperius and Tyrael don't get along. Auriel usually has to stop their fights by wrapping them up with her scarf... which is either like a million loving hugs, or a million really rapey not-so-loving hugs. She also has the most perfectest voice in all of heaven and leads the choirs of angels when singing to the crystal arch (to spawn new angels). She's basically the most perfect waifu/idol of the heavens and she's *probably* into bdsm.

youtube.com/watch?v=dLNb0Jd4_ws Imps is traditionally the foil to diablo, as he is the aspect of Valor, and one of only *two* beings in the universe who doesn't feel fear. Diablo is the other being that ain't afraid. Diablo's shtick is usually making everyone elses plans go to shit because everything is pissing itself in terror.

youtube.com/watch?v=NWa41eJjr0c Malthael doesn't fuck around. He has spoopy scary skeletal wings. He used to be super melancholy and quiet, then Tyrael smashed the worldstone (then exploded) and after a 20 year long panic attack Malthael saw the events of D3 play out then went "Holy shit I can win the eternal conflict".