best girl edition
Those new PP Fiora chromas tho
League of legends general /lolg/
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I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.
Coolest guy!
actual decent new champ when???
xth for breast metal waifu
Don't you mean rape?
You can't rape Vastayans, they're not human so don't get rights.
why do people walk within max range of tibbers?
it's like they're asking to get killed
Great idea. riot will never do that.
xth for sleepy foxes
>You can't rape Vastayans, they're not human so don't get rights.
So the Darkin are Runeterra's version of the 4 men of the apocalypse, right?
>Aatrox (top) - Horseman of War (wields a greatsword)
>Varus (bot) - Horseman of Conquest (wields a bow)
>Kayne (jung) - Horseman of Death (wields a scythe)
That leaves us with the Horseman of Pestilence, who wields... measuring scales.
I'm gonna have to go with future a mid lane mage on this one.
>Getting raped makes you a slut
Kayn mains WW@
post yfw singed's gas canister is a darkin
Why is Riot going full edge now
lmao league's "lore"
Because the majority of the playerbase is teenyboppers, weebs and college kiddos - and teenyboppers, weebs and college kiddos LOVE their edge.
it's fun
Personally I think Varus is just an interpretation of pestilence as corruption.
tfw all my deaths were to the fountain
if you're in here user gg
he seems cool
too bad he's no manaless for no reason
Was he better than Faker?
>american's wake up
>thread quality immediately goes to shit
Did you take your bursitis medication yet, gramps?
Reminder to gas all frogposters
1.8 billion people can't be wrong
I'm dark like the darkins
>Americans wake up at midnight
I know this is bait but I started laughing irl
edge is only edge if it's played straight though
jhin is edgy
camille is edgy
kayn isn't edgy
>playing vayne with janna into a Jhin leona
>figure it will be a boring lane since leona won't be able to do shit against a Janna
>Janna uses tornado to poke and miss 95% of the time
>gets chunked trying to auto trade with Jhin
>repeatedly punished by leona for all of this
>whines like a little bitch when i tell her to stop doing stupid shit
Why the fuck does every fucking Janna at low elo not understand how to play one of the easiest fucking supports in the game. Jesus fucking christ I'm furious right now, I just want to play adc without having an autistic monkey as my support.
Get out of here roodypoo
So whats Kayns relationship with the scythe?
Do they dislike each other but they both like killing?
Is Kayn trying to only use him?
Is the scythe in it just for fun and wanting to control Kayn?
Support is a lot of fun.
But the Horseman of Pestilence wields measuring scales, not a bow.
yuri > yaoi
girls > boys
gfs > bfs
comfy gfs > EVERYTHING!
Lies soothe the mind, don't they?
Christ just fucking read
WHy wasn't the Scythe wielding champion a cute girl?
Yuri love doesn't feel as pure or as romantic as yaoi love tbqh.
It's definitely hotter though
>Daniel Z Cuck
>cute girl
Choose one and only one.
>Zenon the SJW aka Daniel Cucklein
That's why I said interpretation and I said "as corruption". They're not actually the horsemen so they might take creative liberties to make it their own or just to make it more interesting and work better in a video game then just fucking scales.
>want to play twitch
>get to late game
>it's another "my fellow bronze friends flee at the first sign of terror and i'm left to front line as an adc" episode
>it's another episode of "my friends keep leaving me to front line as an adc regardless of what i say to them" episode
>still got 4 people to 15% hp every time before dying, which resulted in them deciding to turn AFTER abandoning the front line and immobile adc
if i'm keeping us in winning positions in the teamfights vs a fed fiora and a fed akali, for the love of god, do not fucking run like hell then leave me there to be the tank when i'm the squishiest
>one of my friends was playing front liner (tank) and had 85% hp when he was way behind me
anyone wanna be friends
>tfw hardstuck bronze 5
no with a fag like you
any tips on how to escape elo hell? i was silver during mid season but got placed in bronze and whenever i go up a division my LP becomes far worse and cheesy shit happens in my ranked games
i dominate lane most of my games but there's hardly anything i can do if no one on my team knows what they're doing, doesn't know how to prioritize objectives, is feeding their asses off.
i main adc and mid but I'll pick up other roles if I have to. i also meta slave pretty hard
but why
kayn wants power; rhaast wants his body
they both are trying to kill the other
IMO I think it's more likely that Runeterra's Pestilence Darkin would be a mage staff. Axes, spears and halberds already share too many similarities with a scythe. T
The Imperium has some regiments that fight alongside mutants. The only humans that don't are either Inquisitors, Black Templars, or some of the Space Marines chapters.
tama a cute
>Courage (W):
>Cooldown lowered from 24/23/22/21/20 to 20/18.5/17/15.5/14
>Active damage reduction changed from 30% at all ranks to 30/35/40/45/50%
>Active duration changed from 2/3/4/5/6 to 3 at all ranks
Is Garen going to be good now?
Kayn was zeds pupil.
Got that darkin infested rhaast scythe somewhere.
Is edgy because trained assassin but doesnt want to give in to rhaast power.
>his w is literally just an alistar ult
I'd fuck this red head.
There are Conquest, War, Famine and Death. Take your retarded pestilence and shove it up your asses you retarded faggots.
>Karthus with abyssal
>Abyssal Mask
>Sorc Boots
>Void Staff
>Deadmans Plate
>Locket of the Iron Solari
Please stop me before I get x9'd.
thats the point, yuri is lustfilled and impure at heart which is why men like it so much
yaoi is romantic which is why girls love it
play well consistently
that's it
>muh team
doesn't matter
hey guys, I thought of a great combo
Liandry's does extra damage when they are slowed... and rylai's always slows them :)
I'd eat out this white head
>camille is edgy
Camille isn't Edgy. She's jaded. Her lover/crush left her when her brother made her choose between becoming a killing machine, or disgracing her house.
Also she likes tea. Nobody who drinks tea is edgy.
>Not liking pestilence, death's best friend and bro for life
he has mana costs though?
>tfw you JUST realized that Kayn probably willingly corrupted himself with Rhaast in a desperate attempt to earn Zed-senpai's attention, much how like younger Zed willingly corrupted himself with the shadows in a desperate attempt to earn Kusho-senpai's attention
Kinda tragic in semi-sad and corny way.
Nothing is purer than a girl's love for another girl!
Lies and slander
>play well consistently
what if i do but i still lose enough games to go down because my LP becomes awful when i go up divisions
yeah yeah bro you tell us how you horndogging lustfully over two women being together is "pure"
we all know the truth, hell even heterosexuals are purer than you
>no support apocalypse
why even live
that means you should improve--probably!
look at your mmr silly
Play more.
Another edgy support like Thresh would be nice to counteract the trannies playing only Sona, Janna, and Soraka.
>heterosexuals are purer
Nothing pure about gross men being with a woman, user.
I want to fuck that spider.
>Gross men being with a women
>Not gross women being with pure men
more pure than a gross man lusting over two women being together
I play Soraka and Janna because they easy to use. Not for they silly "big plays"
t. rengar main
>tranny posters are posting yet again
Wrong. Seriousness has no bearing
dont you feel theyre a little too easy to use to be fun?
Yaoi love is top-tier stuff when it's pulled-off in a tasteful manner though. It's rare to see it happen, but it does happen.
ok fine i'll stop putting off buying her captain skin and i'll just go ahead and buy it
r8 my mains
>Jihn isn't edgy
*Takes some mental steps away from you*
Soraka is boring but she gets the job down if you don't play like an idiot.
Janna is pretty entertaining when you're tornado[ing] 3+ champs. Otherwise you're just a shield bot.
>Kayn & Rhaast
>not edgy
I like they fact that they're a parody take user, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
dont fucking play ranked until you're at least mastery 4
>yaoi love
>implying its not fujoshit females with penises garbage 99.9999999999999999% of the time
It's simple! Girls are purer than boys, so two girls and no boys means twice the purity. Yuri is the purest for of live because it is affection unsullied by Y chromosomes!
>not having Kayne's shadow assassin form for the right image and Rhaast for the left image
What a fucking blunder, user
Literally just play Ashe. I guarantee you don't know as much as you think you do about how climbing works and how adc works. Ashe is very simple, her kit is easy to abuse in low elo, and it will allow you to focus on improving at the game rather than improving on specific champs. I got out of silver the hard way with difficult adcs and it took me like 200+ games. I started playing Ashe when I got gold 5 and got out of gold only playing Ashe. It took me a little less than 100 games. Avoid focusing so much on mechanics until you have a strong understanding of how to actually win. KDA doesn't mean shit if you lose