Fighting Games General /fgg/
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sniffpill me on sniffstalkers
OP better than multiple entire threads
Play Skullgirls, or not. Whatever.
i wouldnt mind if u posted this one every thread to be desu
What fight game goals do you plan to accomplish by the end of the summer? Only two months to go!
Sh-should I? I really want to get into the franchise.
Jedah is a nerd who got killed by a bee. Literally a bug. What a fucking loser.
>not playing SFV while shitposting about juggle kekken between matches
play cummy blasterz
It is a well-preserved corpse but not worth learning because no mid-level.
jesus dude why don't they toss some mods ibuki or karins way I swear cammy and chun get like 70% of them just like the actual costumes
floe's stream would be pretty entertaining if it didn't get spammed with videos every 5 minutes
Literally not a bug. Mouthpart isn't rigid sucky thing
wonder woman
Is that gief that thinks hes good still here? Im 11k with kolin and i rarely ladder, let me shit on your braindead character.
I will! I got it on the sale but scared and don't know where to start.
Her humanlike features are all fake
Are you blessed by Taweret, or a scalpel?
i wanna get to red square
not him but region? i could use colon practice.
Q-Bee creeps the fucking hell out of me.
Isn't it canon that her 'face' isn't actually her face but a 'trap' to lure people into a false sense of security, and her true eyes are the bee-looking eyes on the top of her head? That's so fucking creepy to me. Some uncanny valley-type shit, on top of her being a man-sized bug to begin with.
Upper midwest,
Xxsephiroth420xx is cfn, though i probably cant play tn, we'll see
And they are not like a bug either. Bees are Hymenopteran order, not Hemipteran order. Bugs are Hemipteran order members.
pick sniffs
>I don't understand his argument
>Older Street Fighter games were bad so it's okay for SFV to be bad?
Yeah more or less.
>dude balrog played completely differently in ST than other games
>he played kinda similarly to SFV
>ignore that SFV has no neutral or charge partitioning
>dude balrog lmao
SFV's issues aren't just rog, this asian cakeboi is trying to get those sweet capcom deals.
Yes, those domes on her head are her eyes. That's why she points her head forward during battle.
Tekken is so boring it's not even funny
I really want to love it, I do, it's a beautiful game
am I wrong here? Is this as deep as this game gets?
safe slap, block, safe slap, block, cheese a sweep, get a launch into a juggle
Right, that's creepy as fuck.
She is a monster after all
his point is that people tend to have rose tinted glasses when it comes to sf and top players.
Don't bee afraid...
Ibuki was the first 2B
That's true. Didn't someone at Capcom say they couldn't make a Darkstalkers game in a more realistic style because they'd have to show Hsien-ko with decaying skin and all?
See, that right there is legitimately creepy to me. It gets creepier the more you think about it.
Sir, this is pornography on a blue board.
Jk ghodere I knew it wasn't you he didn't make me mad when I lost
well, let me know if youd like to play. ill be on late.
no problem
He avoids real nigga hours to dodge the skilled neets
>tfw you think Hisako's kinda creepy but you think Queen Bee is a thousand times worse
Also, I wish I could play KI. I'd probably main Shin Hisako. Shame her theme isn't as good as plain old Hisako's.
Imagine if SFV 3D models weren't done in the atrocious nu-Capcom style.
Shin Hisako is less interesting than baseline
Just remember, Q-Bee can mate with humans. Think about that.
Do people really think SFV looks bad?
Meme on it for literally every other reason, but the models look really good and the animations actually shit on all other 3d fighting games.
now hold on just a goddamn second, what is this implication
Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad that people are mad when they lose to me, that's half the reason I've played sfv as long as I have, but still
>Halo ahoge
>Hair so long it's limp on the ground even when she's floating
Has anime gone too far?
How so? I really wanted to play Hisako at first but from the few times I actually got to play it, her walk speed was way too slow for me, and I generally prefer faster characters.
That only just makes it worse.
If it makes you feel better, Felicia's race can make with humans too. In fact, they have to, since the are no male cat people.
How do you sniff a loli that has a boom and a flashkick?
>fuck some cat cosplay slut
>9mo later you have a little catgirl baby
Sign me up
But I hate Felicia and I'm not into bestiality.
Fucking this. I love the colors and design. Too bad about those "female" hands and some of the faces though.
I think the best way to describe it is Shin Hisako is hella jank
>hate Felicia
But she's so nice
Cat women are basically just mutant humans though
This. Only other things that I can think of that actually look bad are some of the background models, which do look pretty bad to be fair. But otherwise, it's mostly an incredible-looking game. I think in terms of pure art style, it's superior to IV, even. Most of the models are god-like and characters like Chun-Li are the best they've ever looked.
>Not liking the massive yaoi hands
I just wish the stage lighting was better, backgrounds make the game look a lot worse than it really is.
Too bad Akuma's redesign is making people forget all the good stuff about SFV's art direction.
because you don't play geef in a braindead way very often
>Ken's face
>Ibuki's face
>Akuma's face
>Basically everyone's hair
>Horrendous clipping
>Yaoi hands
>Cammy's air throw
>Juri's ugly grey shit
>The awful background characters
It's not MvCI but it's not what I'd call great overall.
>Too bad Akuma's redesign is making people forget all the good stuff about SFV's art direction.
It's a pretty shit design, yeah, but I hate how people seem to think that EVERYONE who got a redesign somehow looks much worse in the game. Vega, Balrog, Urien, Ibuki, Juri, and Alex all look great. Ken looks alright. Not bad but not amazing either.
Not to mention a lot of the alt costumes are amazing. Sure, some, like Ken's Battle Outfit, are shit, but not all of them.
Also, SFV does feet pretty damn well in this game, which is so much better than all the man feet they gave all the females in IV, which I always hated.
I will PayPal ghodere $50 USD if he beats wargodra in a ft5 in sfv and an extra $25USD if he teabags him
I don't give a fuck about how SFV will look. If I do all that shadow disabling shit, will SFV run at 60FPS on my intel he graphics 4000 and core i3 laptop?
default alex looks like butt.
t. genki
I like the paint brushes in their moves. :3
>intel he graphics 4000 and core i3 laptop
>a small list of minuscule details means the entire game looks like shit.
Nigger you dumb.
Kens face in game looks excellent, its just his character select screen that they fucked up.
Ibuki I'll give you.
Akuma is just different, not bad, and his nostalgia costume makes him look fucking amazing.
Hair is pretty hit or miss, Zangief and Ryu look ok, others look horrible.
There is some minor clipping.
Cammy's air throw was rushed I think. They just threw it into the game. Infact all the moves that were added with 2.1/2.5 look dumb, Zangiefs included.
Grey shit? Like the effect? I don't think it looks bad.
Background characters are always ass.
To say those little things overshadow the rest of the game is just ignorant.
post that picture of biscuits, you know the one
>Juri's ugly grey shit
I don't get why they made this decision. Juri's color was always purple, why the fuck did they just up and change it to grey? It just looks weird to me.
I'm kinda hoping they turn it back to purple in a future update.
>I think in terms of pure art style, it's superior to IV, even
Most definitely. The tech was cool at the time but IV has aged horribly visually mostly as a function of when it came out. They could have leaned a little harder into the brush and cel shading in my opinion. But they almost made up for that with how some of the v skill activations and effects look in SFV. That shit still looks damn impressive to me with the lighting and blue/green ribbons.
The backgrounds and general fog makes a lot of the stages look really shit and the game overall look much lower budget. I wish they didn't have such a low budget for models on the background for consoles because stages like India and China look pretty povo, China looking straight out of RE6. The biggest problem with the game aside from whoever does the faces and lighting is the inconsistent quality and style likely from outsourcing. The Ibuki modeler is talented and the model looks fine until you see whoever animates faces get a hold of it. Some of the animations I like a lot like Ken's idle but the animations too are incredibly scattershot. The look from an artistic standpoint is hard to really criticize that much.
Here is an example of Ken looking just fine.
Its how they rigged his face in the character select that's fucked up.
boring unfunny and WORDSWORDSWORDS
stop posting this
>you're the only person that's posted that image on Veeky Forums
Another handsome ken
How much time do you spend in training mode? Do you think a lot of training mode time is necessary or better to work on execution in lobbies/friendlies/matches?
Do you have the one with Tekken 7 characters?
I think his redesign is great. Classic Ken is so boring, he actually looks interesting now. Dhalsim is another one that looks better.
it depends on your level of play and what game and character you choose
I saw one that was for Kolin that applies to ED
>Can never find a main and always jumps on the newest character in a desperate attempt to convince them selves that this is the character that will take them to the next level.
that's actually pretty accurate
>But they almost made up for that with how some of the v skill activations and effects look in SFV. That shit still looks damn impressive to me with the lighting and blue/green ribbons.
I know right? SFV has some great fucking graphical effects. I really like the way V looks. The visuals just pop to me in a way that IV never quite did most of the time, which makes it a real shame that the supers in V aren't as good or as over the top as they were in IV. Stuff like that would look incredible in V's art style.
Yeah. I'm just trying to convince myself to play more training. I'm learning I-No and need to get a few BNBs down. I understand her mixup decently but I need to actually get some damage off the hits.
But I'd rather be playing. But I know I need to do it.
it's not just the game but also prior experience, if you are not experienced it will take more time to pick up combos/setups, if gg is the first game you are taking seriously it will take a long time, for me most of my time in ultra was spent in training mode except when I played rose and I could get by with a basic ass but strong gameplan, gg will probably be similarly demanding
Play Kula's game
Just get some simple stuff down and start playing.
As long as you can combo into knockdown from dash high lows you are set to play.
I mean I have like 370 hours in SFV but my execution is somehow better after 20 in GG.
The vast majority of my FG time is in Smash which doesn't help with this kind of combo execution but is why I'm good with neutral stuff like spacing, mixups and tick throws.
I wich they gave us the option to put on the gi over the black shirt. It would look cool i think.
> ibuki redesign
> great
No. Her face is extremely bad on the victory pose and every single costumes are shit compared to the original ninja garb with hip gaps
>The vast majority of my FG time is in Smash which doesn't help with this kind of combo execution but is why I'm good with neutral stuff like spacing, mixups and tick throws.
Fuck, I need to go back to Smash 4 so badly.
I played a lot of FG a while back and never went to a tournament although I still want to. The sad thing is, I'm probably better at SFV than 4 even though I just picked up V like a month ago.
potemkin seems way less gay to fight against than zangief. Or does it get worse when they're good?
every time I come here and see anime sniffs I begin reverse image searching then go on a fap binge
its literally ruining my life
Sadly I'm stuck in Poland with no Smash 4 community really. Play a bunch of online when I can but hard to even find online opponents on ladder here.
I don't really enjoy SFV, but needed something to play, you know? I'm having way more fun with GG.
them FEET
Vsav is not anime
I find that any switch in game you play will improve your execution, every time I've picked up something different my execution improves but I think that may just be some rut I find myself in if I play a character or game too much, doing something new always helps
but yes my inputs have always been pretty sloppy, hell trying to get green daruos after playing sf4 took a while, and I was never even that great with it
Try men instead.
i would but i dont feel like receiving a severed head in the mail