/ammg/ - Anime Massive Multiplayer General

Please check the catalog first if the game you want to talk about has its own general. This place is only for anime massive multiplayer games that cannot sustain their own general.

>Current Games: LaTale! DFO! ...other stuff!
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>General Database

>AMMG non-English servers

>Previous Thread

Not sure if an MMG is an AnimeMMG? Rule of thumb is if it's made in the east then it's an AnimeMMG but there are exceptions, i.e Revelation Online.

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Which F.Priest requires the absolute least effort to gear and become raid-ready? Mistress?

put a levelup equipment piece backin your inventory
open item upgrade menu(button in inventory or U key)
put levelup gear there and stones as upgrade material



just woke u p

is the latale guild up

Well, I'm done. Can't start LaTale since it keeps crashing.


I'm remembering how fun Latale's action-y mechanics are.
Also loving the new moves that weren't there when I played years ago, like Explorer's heavy+light dagger attack combo to move forward and then back. And then you realize more subtle stuff, like if you hold the opposite direction that you're facing after the heavy attack, the light attack reverses direction so you end up thrusting forward twice in the combo.

did I ask that idiot

i said where is the guild

>And then you realize more subtle stuff, like if you hold the opposite direction that you're facing after the heavy attack, the light attack reverses direction so you end up thrusting forward twice in the combo.
I had no idea this was a thing

where is a good place to look for latale builds?
specifically hybrid bard if possible

you'll have to test it all out yourself, I don't hink skill reset is that expensive

Damn. That was my favorite shit.
It was a great way to mindfuck a person who's getting used to the dig mechanic. It was really clever.
I wouldn't mind a shortcut portal for after you've first entered, but to eliminate it entirely really sucks.

Well, I would like to know, too.

It's great stuff.
And in that case you're turned around, ideally facing the enemies again. Great way to buy time between the cooldowns of the early dagger skills, I'm finding.
Good amount of ways to experiment with how the skills and their positioning changes interact with each other.

Remember to smite your enemies with Holy Fire.

>implying I'd pick witch burner over my mistress


stop posting cats

why ?

Real life cats are not anime.

Because my cat died and I'm still not over it.

What happens to your skills when you upgrade your class in LaTale?

This is stupid

You're stupid.

I'm lazy, anyone want to level my F.Priest for me?

are you a cute f.mage irl?

This is stupid and the artist is stupid for typing that shit out

i'm not a mage in real life

im so fking rich on maple royals


latales suck desu

u make me feeled down or depress wen you say tthat

be more happy day

resets for free


the sound when you complete a quest is so satisfying in LaTales.

what is the sound?

You mean the Ragnarok level up sound?

It's just like a little chime.

hard to explain.

No wait, it's not the level up sound, but I swear I heard it in Ragnarok first.

It was the enhancement success sound or something.

10 minutes until Latale!

Oh, sorry.
One of my beloved died a couple of months ago.
There's also one now who had a huge cyst in their cheek. The cyst popped apparently, but now he's got a huge gaping hole in the side of his jaw. Goes without saying, I'm a bit worried. He would never accept bandaging though and I have no way to sedate him. I hope he'll be okay.

I'd guess you're thinking of RO's equipment upgrade sound effect.


I have little to no money.

yes this is what they use.

>can afford to eat and buy cat food
>can't afford 40 dollars for vet to dress wound, apply ointment and give you something to take home


Holy shit it just hit me. New host means there is no more OGP Launcher.

new La Tales downloader comes with Pando Media booster or something like it? is there a place to DL it without this part? or can i remove it and have it still work ok

>do all the quests
>go to the guy
>can't complete them
latales pls.

>40 bucks
I live in America.

Vets don't cost 200 dollars to disinfect a cut and prescribe you an ointment. Go to the vet you fucking negligent pet owner.

I bet you don't even play anime games.

My ping is like 3 times better than before I'm already in love

If you're talking about the early quests, you need to go to him in the correct area. Read the quest descriptions carefully.

Oh yeah my bad.

I haven't had past experiences with vets any less costly than that.
Regardless, I'll look into it as soon as I can.
I'm kind of worried that the gash is more severe than an ointment can fix and it's going to require some sort of operation.

They sound a little similar, but now that I rehear it, it's different.

Vets bill you like $50 just for walking in.

My vet bills me 45 for the check-up, ~20 for an injection if they need one, and most meds I walk out with (creams, pills, drops) cost less than 30 bucks total. My current cats don't have gaping wounds or bleeding gashes so I think I do pretty well.

Reminder that in LT you can glitch yourself into max speed by switching weapons while turning around running. Also that you can skip ladders and ropes by holding right, up and jump at the same time

i go right, right, right, down, right(extra room with 3 girls) down and to the boss. Basically rushing clears but clearing extra room for bigger end card.

waifu found

Who here remembers Endless-Online?



Is LaTale fun at level cap?

Is anything fun at level cap?

PlanetSide 1
Both GWs
Borderlands 2

>DotNuti without lag
Fuck I'm going to sink so much time on this.

Isn't DotNuti a forced meme joke mode?

It's a super mario ripoff minigame where you use your character to beat levels. beating each world gives you a reward like extra skill points and shit. The catch is that if you get hit once or fall down a pit you have to restart the level.

Do people even come to dfo? I've only seen then leave.

I "came" to DFO earlier.

Meet up at dotnuri when?

Is Eden Eternal dead as fuck now? Will we go back eventually?

>try latale
>no lag
>might actually be fun

Will guild hierarchy be decided through dotnuri?

Im gonna play Vindictus again to check out the new leveling experience, what should I make my new evie look like

>return to latale
>go digging for a red magi hat again
there's something wrong with me
this is my third time doing it too

it's a cute hat though, only way to make it better would be to get a purple or violet one

I like this


found you

So I keep seeing my friend log onto DFO at random hours. Is there some event going on

you're welcome

Stop having fun without me!

what game
also who are you

unfortunately not me, i've stopped digging for now


>guy who came upon some meth for grinding here
>came upon even more meth somehow
>it's a whole large pill bottle full now
I'm going to die aren't I.

>Also that you can skip ladders and ropes by holding right, up and jump at the same time
Damn, that's some pannenkoek pole glitch shit right there.

Best of luck man!
I'm just workin' on finding close-fit costumes for the names of the characters I got.

Not trying to start anything but.... why is DFO considered an ANIME MMO when it's not even anime or Japanese? It's Korean.

>when it's not even anime

This post is painfully wrong. It is THE MOST anime MMO.

That would be Mabinogi.

Kritika is easily more anime than DFO

It literally has anime avatars

Is Tera an anime mmo?

It has a general that can sustain itself.

I want to go back to /em em og gee/ without the ratfuckers.

go here , this is where you belong