All of the chapters in the ARG are now unlocked.
Tell me what weapons you're using and why you like them together.
All of the chapters in the ARG are now unlocked.
Tell me what weapons you're using and why you like them together.
Other urls found in this thread:
For those just joining the conversation left off with the vets explaining to the new guys why AR healing is amazing.
New player here, does that mean I'm fucked cause I picked shotty?
not at all, some guy was just claiming AR healing sucked, I was stating that is just grossly misinformed. Shotty does decent dps and is great for tanking.
Redpill me on the Templars
I am very interested in hearing whether people are going full in on one weapon or splitting their hotbar between two equally. There was room to do both in tsw, but I've yet to really grasp what the new best way to go about builds is. The absence of general party buffs like breaching shot and deadly tricks makes me think that just dipping into a weapon won't be worth it, or at least that dipping into something other than your primary purpose isn't worth it.
Also, trying to think about builds is feeling very flat without states, attack subtypes, triggers, passive synergies, aux weapons, etc. What is there to think about other than "this does more damage" or "this does more healing?"
Templars should be great, but their leader is a ponce.
I just started and I really don't like the Templar's leader too much. Acts like a snob.
Looking on shittit and discord as well as through my own experiance. You'll want to focus on your primary weapon. Its baseline energy recharge is 1/sec while secondary is .5/sec. This means you benefit more from more primary skills. Most set ups want 1 or 2 from secondary at most. Preferably 1 but 2 isnt that much of a performance drop. Some weapons work much better as secondaries due to their low "slot tax". Slot tax is the amount of slots you need to take advantage of the weapons mechanic. So pistols chaos, and elemental all work pretty well as secondaries. Assault rifles have some abilities that dont rely on grenades but because you cant use them well without the right passives and atleast 2 skills equiped the slot tax is the highest of all the weapons.
>No link to previous thread
I'm using blood/AR and I don't like it, it's boring. But since synergy are gone I'm guessing all weapons are like that. It doesn't feel like I'm making my build since the new passive are restrictive as fuck on which abilities they can work. Also mob being piss easy to kill I often find myself with more than 30-40AP/SP I just forgot to spend.
OP you need to make a better general.
Put a few more links with information about the game for Christ sake.
Templars are obsessed with ridding the world of Evil, with a capital E. You might as well file them in the phonebook under Crusaders, with all that implies. They are more neutral good than lawful good though; they are willing to sacrifice for a greater good.
If you regularly play Paladins, Clerics of a good alignment, Rangers of a good alignment, or something similar in other games, you will like Templar.
Their only downside is that the handler likes his own voice a little bit too much.
Dragon is the only faction where the handler doesn't act like a dick all the time.
Any lore nerds around? I was playing through Blue Mountain yesterday and was doing the investigation mission with the rune stones and those two ravens. The ravens tell about how the Norse gods are involved in all of it and let you in on Beaumont's identity, they also refer to Odin. The way they mention the all-father is now sleeping a "honeyed sleep" makes me think Odin was a bee in one of the earlier ages. Also points to the direction that The Buzzing is the collective consciousness of all the bees who came in previous ages, and got downloaded into Gaia once the ages ended.
Peter Stormare a best. He voiced the ravens.
Nah i bet that he also acts like a dick but it is all lost in the translation :^)
Is there a way to stop needing to join a chat channel every time you login? What the fuck.
Open Notepad ( or simliar ).
delay 5000
/chat join ‘channelname’
Save this as
with no file extension.
Place in the scripts folder of your base game directory.
Didn't work. There isn't a scripts folder in base directory so I made one and no dice.
Odd, I used that format, made a tab in-game & enabled it from within (right click the tab, subscribe etc etc). Try not to put too many chat channels within one script if youre doing so, that might be a problem.
I don't know. Oh well.
>The Buzzing is the collective consciousness
Maybe. What is more probable is that it's a biomechanical entity/hivemind made by the builders, whoever they were, that has been around since the 1st age, part of the Immaculate Machine like Gaia Engines are.
"She [Gaia] gave you strength to rend the lion. Now eat the honeyed entrails, because it is good, because it is sweet, because it is terrible. Initiate the Samson Prerogative. Out of the eater comes what is eaten, and out of the strong comes what is sweet."
They're a safeguard for the Dreamers, made to guide the Gaia's chosen agents so that the Filth would not consume everything.
Can you people share your min/maxing experience?
I'm rolling shotgun/hammer but I feel like all the stuff I pick is weak. Might drop hammer for something else but not sure what yet, or both if I find something that sounds worth trying.
Has anyone found like the perfect secondary? like minimal skill investment on the bar, yet providing enough benefits and getting some love from their gimmick?
How is chaos doing? I just wanted to be a brainless murderball with enough sustain to ignore damage. Any ideas welcome
Combat seems harder all around desu, a lot harder to get an efficient build/rotation going when you're effectively limited to 6 skills and a single weapon. Not enough AP/SP to make much work till you're well into egypt.
>Combat seems harder
What ? Are you sure you're playing Legend ?
The content is easier, but the builds are harder, because picking up stuff is still somewhat experimental. It's hard to be sure which skills are worth shit and which aren't.
You can read like AoE or single target, x cooldown, power attack, or elite etc, but until you try it out you can't really tell if it really works like you imagine. Like I picked one of the hammer aoes, and it's so shit, and I don't feel like spending hundreds of SP just to see if the passives make it worthwhile. But at the same time obviously maxing all the passives will make it more effective as well as upgrading my weapon. But since I'm using it as secondary I don't feel like commiting so many points when I could swap to something else that someone found to be very reliable already.
Did you play the old TSW? You could breeze through transylvania with quality 3 gear, now you HAVE to squat in every zone and grind levels or you'll get your ass stretched open. Not to mention how the game literally wont allow you to have a full set of gear till you get further in. I never had to grind in the old TSW.
>They're a safeguard for the Dreamers, made to guide the Gaia's chosen agents so that the Filth would not consume everything.
In the lore entries The Buzzing says few times that "they were once like you", and The Black Signal pretty much says the same when it talks about how The Buzzing has "forgotten what it felt like to be plural once".
>Patcher literally going 5kbps - 500 BYTES PER SECOND
Fix your shit. Love it when a game launches and can't even download it.
Did you play the old TSW? I used to run NM daily. Also if you have to grind in each zone in Lagend you're doing something wrong, Just playing the quest and doing the dungeon give you enough to have your weapons and talisman overlevel.
Also you don't need a full set because the game is easy as fuck compare to tsw. Just look at polaris, before in normal you needed a tank , a heal and some dps, now just go with what you want it doesn't matter.
>I used to run NM daily
Wow, that's super impressive. You dodged my point about quality 3 gear being sufficient for Transylvania, too. Icing on the cake, you concede my point that you have to run the missions in every area to stay geared when that wasn't necessary before.
But because you believe that normal Polaris is a good indicator of overall combat difficulty I understand that you're a huge fucking retard, don't ever reply to me again.
>Use shotgun
>solo everything now
Yeah legends sure is hard
Talk to me about the shotgun.
I've thrown AP into pistols right now but I'm only level 12. Should I just concentrate on shotgun instead as my first weapon.
It seems way more efficient considering group damage and survivability, essentially solo play, even if pistol probably beats it in overall DPS.
Not my fault you can't deal with the most easy combat ever know and are butthurt about it.
which passives and skills do you recommend for shotgun? Other tan odds and evens everything seems weaksauce.
Shotgun seems pretty based yeah. Good dps and aoe, decent solo heal with dispell, possibility of tanking/taunting... At this point i think I'll only pick a second weapon for like a stun or something and only ever use it for that.
>wanting to delete based mining helmet
I always used it when exploring dark places. Good times.
So, I hear the original game had actual face customization, was there any other customization removed? Cause choosing between a faggot and a boyish hipster bitch is unappealing.
No. They fucked up the character creation for whatever incomprehensible reason, but clothing options seem to have been expanded slightly.
>They fucked up the character creation for whatever incomprehensible reason
It's really hard to figure out why.
I mean, this already existed, they didn't need to change anything.
>was there any other customization removed?
Weapon skin transfers are gone for now, not sure when they'll be back.
They'd rather you grind, farm and pay to relevel the cool looking weapon you just found to the level of your old.
I found this extremely funny in a hilariously sad way.
That would suck but it's not unlikely with their new model.
That's the thing, the change is completely nonsensical.
Legends doesn't have the option of a barber shop and plastic surgeon that the old game had, so they're not even trying to cash in by limiting the initial creation and making you pay for the remaining options. Retaining the old creator would have cost them nothing, but they still redesigned it by removing the option to choose facial features separately instead from a dozen presets.
Can't believe I was hyped when this game was first announced. It's special how much people defend this shit in general though.
It's understandable. A lot of them are players who were invested in and really liked TSW.
It's pure and simple denial, because they still would want the game to be good. It will wear off after a while, stages of grief.
I supppose, but I just don't understand exactly what part they see as an improvement.
If you've never played TSW you could still make the argument that Legends is better because it's free.
I suppose the weapon mechanics exist, barely.
The ARG weapon codes didn't go out yet, right?
I just realized that the last game I played with that mechanic was FUCKING
>I suppose the weapon mechanics exist, barely.
I actually really like AR's weapon mechanic, but that's probably due to me overthinking it.
I haven't tried the AR, but it's the weapon mechanic people cry about the most. No idea why.
Are they going to drop TSW anytime soon?
I might just go back to that, got to Transylvania and randomly stopped playing. At least the builds were a lot more fun than this.
Even if you go through the story they won't be adding anything in there any more.
All further story updates, if such are ever made, will be in Legends.
Additionally you get to play the issues if you do not own them. Stick to Legends if the world and story interest you. Best look elsewhere though if you want a good MMORPG.
Pretty sure I bought the version with all the issues and they haven't even released all issues on Legends have they?
Their devteam is most likely cut down by 70% since launch. There will never be an xpac or proper content additions. When was the last issue for TSW anyways?
I think they shut down the TSW item shop so you can't play anything you don't already own.
They released 14 bit over a year ago, it was a separate mission chain, like 13 was.
Continuation to Tokyo, i.e. Main Story, is what people are waiting for.
No, but they said that tokyo will be coming later, and with that it would mean issues 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.
Are Tyler Freeborn, Last Train to Cairo and Dream to Kill in yet? Dream to Kill especailly is pretty much essential for the main story, I could see that being part of the Tokyo update since it pretty much leads to issue 9.
Issues 1 to 4 are integrated to the game as they already were in original.
Aight I'm about to give this game a shot. What am I in for lads?
I guess it's because you're essentially playing hot potato, you have to waste skill slot just so you won't yourself for 15% max HPs, or you may get that one passive which makes you immune to it, but question is would that really be worth it?
Shit gameplay, horrible monetization, worst item drop system I've seen in a while, incredible atmosphere, great quests, good writing and investigative quests that you'll either despise for being too vague or love.
A shell of once unique and interesting concepts.
Writing is probably the best the entire genre has to offer, heck it's great for video games in general.
Too bad this is Funcom trying to barely stay afloat so the game has been messed up by f2p shit.
You'll either put up with that because the world completely takes you in, or you get turned away pretty quickly.
Got any themes you like?
I like the instrumental version of this too
If you're using an AR spender, it means you're generating grenades. You can do one of three things with grenades, the first being slot a grenade skill and use them. This is slightly Effort, because there's a delay between generation and spending and because grenades are GTAOE, which is a pain to place right now. The second is to ignore them. This solution is shit, though, because it means you lose 15% of your maximum health every ten seconds or so.
The third option is to slot the explosives expert passive, which doubles the amount of time you have to respond to a grenade and also makes it so you can ignore them without penalty. This costs a passive slot, and most people don't have the ability unlocked/know about it.
Are the last few issues (classic TSW) worth playing or should I just jump straight into SWL?
There is something about the radio music in videogames. TSW is one hell of example.
And remember those songs that play at Raven's Knock? They are so soothing.
One of the most atmospheric games I've ever played and it's a fucking MMO with loads of flaws.
>Choose shotgun because shotgun fuck yeah
>All of the really damaging abilities have retarded animations, with one handed firing and other such nonsense
>maintenance in 2 minutes
>downtime 2 hours
>40mb patch 20kb/s
Those two will probably be implemented later, no?
Havent found a single one yet, and I'm 12-13. Is there a level minimum to get them?
Carter is a cutie.
No, but the female teacher with the accent is.
I don't have a toaster and DX11 run fine, outside of a micro freeze every 2 hours
I'm sure you can get both.
Kneecapper is objectively the best elite skill in the game.
So many salty mother fuckers over the new system. They have lock boxes which can be ignored. They have dungeon keys which are in place to prevent someone from grinding a green to an epic in a single 2 hour play session which was done in beta and posted in the beta forums. As for hollowed out weapon builds. Everyone did slight variations on 8-9 builds in the original. Maybe swap out a builder or 2 but that was the diversity. Investigation missions haven't changed. In fact the only system i can understand the bitching over are the inventory expansion and sprint speed. For real let us use anima shards on that shit. New combat is much better than the shit old combat. (BIS for everything, fully upgraded aegis and maxed out museum don't get me started on scen grinding) I've been with tsw since 2010 when they posted the first few screen shots participated in every arg so on and so on. I've enjoyed legends gameplay wise much more than i've ever enjoyed vanilla.
There is another complaint but I'm not in a position to have an opinion on it due to my legacy status. The stat increases from passive nodes affect you no matter what weapon you hold. New players start out with a disadvantage in having to unlock them. Though 40k isnt that much. Considering a single blue can net you 15k. Also 3 pips are easy 5k.
Continuing this rant
The guy talking about the download is also right. The patch server is shit. took me 6 hours to download a 60mb patch after the AH exploit.
>New players start out with a disadvantage in having to unlock them. Though 40k isnt that much. Considering a single blue can net you 15k. Also 3 pips are easy 5k.
I've been playing for a few days now and i have no idea what you are talking about.
Probably selling items in AH.
Hi anons. I remember playing this long ago and giving up before even finishing Kingsmouth. It wasn't the combat/animations themselves that turned me off, but also how those issues were coupled with the large amount of boring af action quests. Should I still give Legends a go?
I was just going to try it myself right now, but maintenance.
What is AH?
What do you wanna bet with the state of the download and login server it'll be 1hour+ after the downtime ends before we can play again? If this was supposed to save Funcom and TSW, oh boy things are looking bad.
The thing that has been disabled for few days now.
Sorry was on a rant, and i failed to adequately explain that. On the market you can sell a blue quality item for 15k Marks of favor. Thats 1 and 2 pips as well. (Pips are the little dots below the weapon and talismans with 3 being the rarest) Green 3 pips go for around 5-7k a piece. For example im sitting on 53k Mof after selling a few blues pretty early on. I'd have more but I've bought sprint and a few Inv expansions. What im trying to say is from my perspective its easy to make money. But I'm also a subscriber and a tsw transfer so I have advantages so its hard for me to just flat out say "Stop complaining over nothing i can get money just fine" as I'm not in the same position as them.
Fucking caches, I've had 15 of them drop in 20 minutes
Normally I'd start praying to every god and saint out there, but fucking hell
Auction House.
Is it still down for maintenance or is it only me who can't get in? :
Bump. When did you start looting some?
They don't drop until you're level is 15.
They just started dropping when I went through the scrapyard and airport
... and then they never stop.
...Never ever...
>main story quest: go raise your level
this is cancer
>New combat is much better than the shit old combat.
New combat is literally the same as the old reticle combat. Nothing has changed except for removing builders and making energy recharge over time instead. Now you just spam consumers rather than making yourself a rotation based on your weapon combination.
Combat is so fucking bad right now because you constantly have to turn the camera to hit what you want to hit.
Literally happens in only 2 places in Kingsmouth. After that you will always be appropriate level unless you decide to skip everything but the main quest.
Should be up in about 20 minutes. Get ready to meet your friend Territory Manager though.