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League of Legends General - /lolg/
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I want Ahri
Xth for NTR.
Hey kid, feelin... Lucky?
Let's hear a controversial opinion about League of Legends
Gerudo Ezreal skin when?
Damn that was intense as fuck good game LZ.
LZ at 45 mins
>we need to build a wall
Is "ward inside the wall" the new "just pink the ult"?
does anyone wanna duo ranked and boost me ill play support im bronze/silver but havent placed this season
>changing the question so I can't talk about apple juice
fuck you
nth for how the FUCK do I play evelynn
This bitch dies to a slight breeze, doesn't do damage until you got like 30 items and you can just run away
I really wanted LZ to win guys
Work it into league of legends
i bet you can find a way
i too like applejuice
Kled is so cute and also my boyfriend!!
Jesus fuck that was a tight game.
I enjoy the game
That match was just about as intense as a playoff hockey game. This will make for good television.
got any jungle tips fellas?
I like Kayn and I like the lastest champion releases
dont gank if theyre behind
>part of reason AD bruisers are broken is black cleaver
>leddit still defend it
there is a very distinct lack of tree consumption based items and i want to eat ivern
>ad bruisers are broken
such as?
im legit curious
Galio was perfectly balanced before the nerfs
Cider counts?
What champion pisses you off the most?
all fruit based beverages are accepted
Gnar and Kennen
Forgot webm
No (you) for you.
>woops, fiora has no mana costs, guess we have to remove mana pots
>woops, fiora can duel literally anyone, better nerf black cleaver
Malzahar because he sucks now
> Bracing to play Ranked
> Server shuts down
Fucking why?
Did you buy RP this week, user?
Hormone replacement therapies and boobjobs are not cheap. Go buy more RP so Rito can turn all pro gamers into qt girls and save esports.
What champion is the least broken in terms of kit
>Given a decade or two PC bangs will become more popular in the West
>Womens fashion will be influenced by the LoL female characters
>Your rank will determine how others view you
How does everyone feel about this? I, for one, welcome our Riot overlord.
What's the counterplay to Talon literally oneshotting you from stealth as adc?
> changed your name so you could main raka
fuck you gas reformed. Fuck you.
>still posting that webbum
Abilities cast before CC still go off, this isnt dota.
>people actually think they'll be playing the new hero with 10 bans and 9 other retards insta picking
Have a support who knows how to peel
Get out dotard
> what is the counterplay to assassins killing you as adc
It's their job.
>insta picking
only if youre playing blind pick, but there are no bans there?
Is Twitch's penis feminine?
So ive been picking some off meta shit in the jg recently and It got me wondering: What is more important to a jungler...Clear or gank potential
Ive been picking irelia jg and having fun every single time.
She brings so much sustain to the jg, shes got decent clear with razorback,
and shes very adaptable for team comps incase you need to be tankier or focus more on damage.
But the thing is, I cant stun someone when I gank them unless I keep myself low on purpose then q-e my way in.
sometimes they are under half hp and I just cant risk jumping in under half health against a burst champ 15 minutes in.
Even still, if I get one of those games where I only need to gank a few times and the lanes feel roughly even, I just jump in and shit on people for team fights.
What are some off meta picks for you, /lolg/?
>Such is the life of a sashimi maker
>implying your support 15 year old first pick is not gonna insta pick the long hairded scythe wielding demon
What the fuck are you building on her? Runes? Masteries? She deals the most damage on early.
Start with AP jungle item, then Hextech Gunblade if you have enough gold to snowball or Liandry's Torment if you're entering mid-game.
What the fuck am I watching?
Sona and her instrument aren't a darkin you morons
Her League judgment and the JoJ stopped being canon a long time ago and they were made before Riot came up with any of this darkin bullshit anyway.
Is there a worse feeling than being the only person not doing well when your team is stomping?
/v/ is around the corner.
Is metal popular in Korea?
>Eventually Akali stopped thinking
stop that
akali got ulted by azir and then knocked up on yasuo's whirlwind which looped her getting knocked up repeatedly. in this case it will only stop if she dies or if azirs soldiers are gone
>support takes red buff from jungler
>the red buff lets us doublekill them in the level 2 scrap
>snowballs from there
>wins game
>Jungler wasnt even behind the enemy jungler
I want to fuck this
x(onian)th for Urgot
do you think she enjoy raping ice trolls with it haha
>some guy keeps sending me hate mail with a 4 on it
How do I know whether to build armour or magic resist? Is it just as simple as mages do magic damage, everyone else does not-magic damage?
Miracles of low elo
I agree.
What ADC is 100% useless when behind and generally a risky, mediocre pick right now?
Are Noxians the rednecks of league?
>my tf doesn't press r
>my tf doens't farm well
>my tf builds stupid
>my tf didn't gold card when he was trying to
seriously just don't play this champ in silver
This is a spicy opinion but Jhin without bringing up blatant garbage like ezreal, tristana and kalista
Literally just play the game till you know what champs do what.
Ig you aren't sure check what they are building, AD items means physical and AP items is magical, tanks are bit more tough to know but you can always check death recap or simply go to league wiki or and check what damage types the enemy champ deals. You should just check it from after game in the scoreboards to see who did how much damage and what types so you get a feel for ti
But ye just hit lvl 30 and you should know it by then.
No, just Kled.
Noxians are more the texans of league. Especially Cassio who's litterally daddy's rich girl.
but that's clearly a strap on
kek fuck off, ezreal might be mediocre but he fares incredibly well when behind
I just saw this image on a lewd board. You are lewd user.
nice game lolbabs
This is a popular meme, you pervert
Now everyone knows you masturbate to porn
I have yet to download or use this image. I do want to watch the work it's from though.
i guess his second skin looks okay
riot can you stop making literally everything into one model, it really pisses me off that i have to manually delete broken models off the main one
Dont gank with 3 camps on the map
Buy pinks you cuck
Click on them and read their stats.
you can also look at items with tab, You should be researching your lane opponents champion every loading screen if youre this new
If I had to choose one I'd say gank potential. Lane pressure and map presence are more important than individual gold. Ganks, counterganks and patroling objectives nets extra gold to make up for it, just keep an eye on smite's CD and clear a camp when it's ready.
> Kalista
she's OP right now
Is Jinx a sub or a dom?
Get a new graphics card
Good news guys
She's pregnant!
Sona is cute
Shame she's an utter shit champion.
He looks kinda like mordekaiser
Too bad the default and shadow assasin form look like complete garbage.
Looks like the edgy defualt skin is the only way to go right now.
>put the ezreal behind
>he fares incredibly well for an adc that's behind
>but he's still behind
>I still either snowball on him or outscale him
confirmed garbage
>utter shit champion
i bet you run thunderlords and lichbane on her, trying to do le massive burst.
Jhin provides so much utility
Ezreal is dogshit whether behind or ahead as prove by being the worst win rate adc not counting meme shit like urgot.
How do I build talon? Sure armor pen items I guess but in what order? Any LS items?
much better
heres his second skin. shits still hard to figure out. he had like 3 overlapping scythes
Mostly but some champions do mixed damage and others may not be attacking your role too much. And then you have to think what kind of item is going to service you better, Visage and Hexdrinker are different things.
*goes inside you and rapes your ass*
*walks through wall to get out*
*tips fedora*
remember that time phreak forced rivington to suk the shit off a carrot after he pulled it out of his butthole