Me car go boom boom v8 fire go bang bang >electric make no boom boom

>me car go boom boom v8 fire go bang bang >electric make no boom boom
>electric bad because no boom boom
>big fire boom boom
>tesla make chunga mad
>tfw when boom boom

Other urls found in this thread:

tesla isn't bad. Non-recyclable lithium ion batteries are bad. Plastic gas pedals are bad. All cars manufactured in china are bad. DLC for your car is bad. Lithium Ion batteries exploding when they're punctured are bad. 6 year battery warranties are bad.

>I like driving a car that is susceptible to hacking

>owning a car for 6 years

I love it when I get in a small fender bender and my car explodes, catches fire, and myself and my passengers are burned alive. So fucking progressive, man!

>owning a car

what a cuck he no like big boom boom ?

Nice strawman, Teslacuck

>using motherfucking 500kg on motherfucking energy storage on your vehicle

>people into conventional sports cars are fucking cavemen for liking the driving experience a loud car brings

Are Teslacucks afraid that conventional ICE cars will always be way cooler to normies than their silent cuck machines?

are these the lyrics to a eurobeat song or something


>Owning anything

Are you a commie or something

Underrated,pls make this happen.

Why did you bump this terrible thread?

I NEED to see this

Why do you guys reply to this bait? OP is probably some guy who owns a 3k civic like the rest of us but knows he will get that much needed social interaction from pretending to be a cuck.

is that joe rogan?


Unintentionally hilarious.

Also Elon Musk is an alright guy



>thinking you're funny

electric vehicles aren't bad because they're not ICE vehicles.
they're bad because they're trying to completely shut down and eliminate ICE vehicles.


I like both, don't see why one needs to completely destroy the other.

Eh, I could live with EVs, but the autonomous car meme really needs to die. If normalfaggots don't like to drive, they can call a fucking cab reeeeeeeeeee

You call a cab

Make me

>Battery explode meme

Gasoline cars are just as likely to explode in an accident. Telsas are alright cars but they're too expensive and too proprietary. Not to mention the batteries only last 6 years.

I'll call you a cocksucker.

this but unironically

>not living in a barrel and shitting in theaters

Lithium batteries are recyclable.