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>Voting War Score Tally
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Voting War Score Tally
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Camilla is shit.
You aren't some fool who's supporting that loli drillhair trash, right?
mkv beat infernal with one 4* rest 3*
>saved up 250 orbs for summer banner
>don't want any of the units
fuck IS
Ded game
Camilla is best
i had a dream where I was xander's fucktoy but his penis was 2 inches long so he begged me to not tell anyone and he'd give me 500 FE:H orbs everytime we had 'sex'
>implying you need more than 2 inches
Length is a crutch.
Build me a ghb team and pay for my healthcare
>Maria at 2.711 bil
>Lachesis at 2.557 bil
>Lachesis has a higher hourly point gain
No boosts today.
>2 dancers
what a fucking casual scrublord
Same, no Eirika/Ephraim hurts. If their stats had beem decent I would have rolled.
Does this guy sleep through the whole show?
Reminder that if you seriously think of buying Warriors you're a fucking idiot getting swindled by nu-IS and not a true fan because you're stupid enough to buy any garbage as long as it has the FE label instead of caring for the series' quality.
I never used a raven mage; is Merric a good candidate?
Should I get him triangle adept, or he can go for other A skills?
THOTja is the worst piece of shit imaginable.
butthurt gauntlet losers detected
Yes. He has seen it so many times already he knows it by heart and just decides to sleep through it instead.
Fuck off Boogie
>tfw can't beat lunatic
>all of my units with enough def/res to a turn against the ranged fucksquad has shit for speed and just gets doubled to death
>no way to initiate and kill things without being forced to take retaliation on enemy phase
>that retaliation ALWAYS kills whatever it hits
>literally nothing in my roster can survive a round against any of the ranged mobs
AYYYYY someone actually lost to my defense team of 3 4* Legions and a 4* Anna with only fury learnt.
>what I really mean is I hate her popularity and Raul
I'll take drills over an autist
It baffles me how any sane person can actually like her.
I just want feathers
>Elise winning by 400m
This is about a 3/10 on the scale of Unacceptable Things. Would really rather it didn't happen, but I'm not gonna be too distraught if it continues.
>Anna's just an NPC
The green faggot has ta, most reds could take that. Just get one that has enough def to take a hit from the ninja too.
Meanwhile mkv beats infernal with 3*s and 1 4*
What a shitter.
If mkv has taught me anything is that Donnel and Tsubaki are the true fe heroes. And that dancers2op
>all these shitters can't beat this easy ass GHB
I knew the tears would come but this is a joke compared to Legion
> only 45k
>x6 points
My god how horrifying. And she still won't catch up.
even: grind SP and kill a Cordelia to give Robin TA3, and use that strategy to beat Infernal
odd: spend a lot of time grinding up Donny and Raigh, and use Mkv's strat
Not an argument, sweetie.
I love Severa! She's such a wonderful friend who gets me through the toughest of battles! I hope we fight more battles together!
>if sakurafags didn't spend flags now and instead dumped 200 flags at x7.5 multiplier 1 hour before the end, they could win
>nobody can coordinate this so it won't ever happen
bonus points are a scam
has anyone keep track of mkv's most used units?
Raigh is becoming more regularly used now.
Any way I position to draw the green out also draws either the ninja or Clarisse.
I don't have any red with enough def to survive Clarisse nor enough speed to not get doubled and killed by the dagger. The enemy just slowly advances as a brick of overlapping ranged coverage until I'm cornered and they pick whichever matchups guarantee the OHKO.
Though, seeing the mkv video, I now realize you can just break the AI with that exploit by moving your red up to the corner, and that will definitely trivialize the whole map. I suppose relying on the ai breaking is good enough for a win.
Wake the fuck up and give us a good green flier to replace Shirnerva
When are gauntlet rewards distributed? Is it current round + cumulative after every round, or is cumulative only at the very end?
Want to know how long to save flags
Cumulative at the end.
Is the Clarine Priscilla matchup the only one thats this close ? 200k diff
Cumulative at the end. Current after each round.
My little killer can't be this cute!
okay to tank physical but might still get hurt by blue mages with that res.
You can see them all on the website. Lachesis v Maria is the closest currently (and has been for almost all of the gauntlet)
lach maria has a 100k difference
So how will Sakurafags justify it when they lose?
>Sakura actually caught up, and put Elise at a disadvantage
Maria and Lachesis are pretty close, I think they're actually closer in point accumulation, actually.
Donnel and Dancers on top, closely followed by Raigh and Tsubaki, probably.
Cecilia, Sophia and Stahl see some use
he's used Lissa and Hana once or twice
I don't think he's ever used Felicia and Gunter.
>not m
>Eyvel never ever
The power of 6.1
400 mil behind to 600 mil ahead in 1 hour
>"noone has Sakura"
>"she's not featured in any banner before this"
>"people go with units they have"
oh, right. What was the goal this time around? we've probably reached it
Felicia was used in FRobin, Matthew too I think?
She sadly just have less backers, it's not like everyone could be awake an hour before the end to spend flags, it's probably the only flaw of having the servers worldwide.
>If Sakura and Elise constantly switch off advantage/disadvantage every hour, Sakura will win
>Got matched up against the hardest foe in round 1
>We were set up to job
>Stupid multiplier fucked us over
>I was asleep during the bonus time!
Take your pick.
I love the meme builds you find on the gauntlet.
She just doesnt have enough people. Theres nothing to justify.
Took me a full bar to clear lunatic, but after that Infernal was easy first try. Wish I had a good green or red mage though.
problem is the higher the score goes, the less likely it is that sakura gets another bonus
Even if Sakura wins, she won't win the whole thing.
Gotta stop the nip menace from forcing elise
How come Lachesis vs Maria has more points than Lissa vs Mist? I'd have thought Lissa to have more fans.
Meme magic
is everything
I don't care, as long as Elise dies off here, I'm fine.
Lachesis and Maria started playing tennis with the bonus for a bit.
So the autist is less likeable than drills
>popularity contest
>make it so that the most popular characters have a chance of losing
That's because it isn't, I'm just memetexting why you "hate" Tharja.
>2 billion points ahead of next closest character
> won't win the whole thing with Elise gone
w h o o p s
When exactly do these update, is it on round hours?
That's a good thing you nimrod.
>The "shoo-in" vote has a really bad first round matchup.
>The rest of it is an actual gauntlet
People constantly overrate the effects of popularity in these contests. Most casuals don't give two shits about LIssa and likely just picked what they thought was the hottest girl
she got that much points because she's swimming in multipliers
literally gifted points
and she will still lose
If you really believe this you no idea how gauntlet works. The bonus doesn't even matter because the numbers get so inflated that the bonus ends up being irrelevant at the end and just comes down to who spent more flags.
Because points inflate very quickly once a pair break deadlock and start exchanging bonuses.
>caring about popular characters
>you used to be my master, but now you're my lord husband, right?
>I'm so glad about that!
>I don't understand how the multiplier works
Cav makes Clarisse's map ez.
Felicia was in Lunatic Legion.
Gunther was used on 11-3 Lunatic for the non GHB method.
Okay, can someone tell me why my Hector isn't killing this faggot ninja on the retaliation? He definitely doesn't have the defense to be taking 0 damage even with the defense tiles so what gives?
Shit, you guys told me Hector was easy PvE content clears but he's been useless for the past few GHBs.
>accidentally revealing characters with tiny-ass sprites on the box art.
It's like they've never heard of ZOOM & ENHANCE.
>Priscilla and Clarine have gotten more multipliers than Sakura
>Sakura and Elise have almost 10 billion points, Clarine and Priscilla barely 6 billion
>"swimming in multipliers"
>is completely reliant on the loser bonus like the loser she is
On the very small chance she beats out Elise, she falls in round 2