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>not updating the OP with the news about Graf Zeppelin

First for Graf is cute

I've had enough of getting cucked by EU

Server merge when?

Good morning /wowsg/!

Early updated smugs for 0.6.7
Replaces Military Contributor, Alpha, CBT, BW and Fishy flags.

Also, is it just me or the port lightning (for NY at least) is less bright now?

Reposted because didn't notice previous thread was about to sink.

>not updating the op with enterprise being worse than a t6 cv yet it's still getting released
>not updating the op with haifuri confirmed for never coming to NA

You lost the right to complain in the very same moment you decided to not do it yourself.

EU [HOTEL] still in the OP

Nobody gives a shit about a ship that managed to be even more useless than a Hotel.

Graf Zeppelin looks to be OP as fuck with the leaked stats. Strongest air-dropped torps in the game and it can put fucking 15 torp bombers in the air at once.

It needs to be nerfed hard and downtiered to T7.

why does wargaming always feel the need to kill their games with GERMAN napkin drawings. everyfucking time

Graf Zeppelin was like 90% built.

The problem is WG decided to put it in a higher tier than it belongs and ridiculously overbuffed it to fit.

I know this is bait, but come on: WG used game-breaking napkin drawings way before Kriegsmarine was even introduced.


I don't know why they want to press her into T8. She would fit better at T7 with all the other OP prem CVs and she'd get to abuse the T7 MM haven instead of being forced to fight T10s 70% of the time.

it's german therefore retarded naziboo redditors will buy it no matter what. At t8 they can charge like 15% more

Reminder that baDDie mafia having sight distortion aura and a free get out of jail card is perfectly balanced and radar, hydro and cruisers should be removed from the game because they ruin my Play-Doh Invisible BaDDie's First Aimbot Experience

Didn't WG say that they would not make a full German CV tree? So it's a one-off ship, without any captain training potential.

It sounds pretty retarded for t8, especially when you consider the fact that it'll be in a 100€ bundle with tons of useless shit.

This. I can understand why CAsuals would complain, but DDs have nothing to complain about. Plenty of strong DD lines that can carry games and be obnoxious as fuck.

>Didn't WG say that they would not make a full German CV tree?
ah yes all the german carriers running around the atlantic. can't wait because even the russian navy actually had a few battleships

So what do you guys think will come after the British BB line? British DDs?

>what is the SU-18

Design was based on captured drawings that daring Red Army liberators found in the reichstag before they could be burned by evil fascisti invaders who were trying to destroy documents of teh wunderwaffe the fascist invaders used against motherland!

French BBs, most likely. I'm actually a little surprised they didn't come out before British BBs.

a prototype that had several models built?

So I suspect more paper napkin ships then?

Well, a brief google serach tells me that there are at least six designs that the germans actually made blueprints for, so WG probably decided 'fuck it, shekels ahoy' and we'll get a complete napkin tree.

t10 german navalized jetfighters incomnig
I can't wait for the tears of rage from the USN CV autists who had their jets taken away


Well, aside from old dreadnaughts, Strasbourg, and Richelieu, there isn't much to go on. Since Richelieu will probably be Tier 7 (or maybe Tier 8 but it doesn't sound likely), most high-tier ships will be based on blueprints or simply made up, I guess.

My guess is Italian ships.

>using the redditor moderated wiki
ur an idiot lol

>6 100k games in a row lost
>20k first win of the day

Richelieu would be ridiculously OP at T7. Strasbourg at T7 seems more likely. Just give her decent sigma, the as-designed 3 RPM rate of fire and an AA refit and she'd be fine there.

Isn't that basically just a slightly more armoured Dunkurque?

It is.
You're right, I hadn't thought about that.
>tfw Dunkerque and Mutsu will found the underpowered sister-ship club

French BBs require few actual paper ships.

T10, obviously.
The t9 can be Alsace, which is not really 'paper', just blueprints and never built. They were planned to be laid down in 1941 and 1942, they were essentially France'S response to the H-39 (what we know as FdG in the game).
t8 can probably be Richerlieu.
t7 is problematic. I'd love to see Lyon here, but 4 quad 340mm might be a bit too much balans.
t6, Normandie class. That gives a nice contrast between the Dunkerque prem and the techtree ship.
t5 and below is the usual dreadnought era shit.

Richelieu was made in response to the Littorio class, which means that it should be the same tier or at most one tier higher. Littorio is tier VII material, so it's likely for Richelieu to be tier VIII or VII.

Well the Mutsu has the biggest guns at T6. Dunkurque has shit sigma and armour though

Oh, I'm well aware. It's just that Nagato is so much better. Mutsu is a good tier 6, Nagato is the best tier 7.

>Dunkerque and Mutsu are the underpowered sister-ship club
And they both like it.

Mutsu is really just a nerfed Nagato in terms of armour.

French BBs in Kancolle when ?

>Richelieu at T7

Richelieu had

-better guns that Bismarck
-better armor than Bismarck
-better torpedo protection than any treaty battleship including the South Dakotas
-higher speed than any battleship except Iowas (32.5kn on trials)

If Bismarck can be a T8, there's absolutely no reason Richelieu can't other than pure kraut bias.

I wish I could replace all my team with actual bots desu

That would spawn way too many cartoons about german shipgirls molesting the timid and shy French shipgirls.

Which probably means 'soon'.

Man, the Lyon-class was cancelled before World War ONE. This design is even older than the Kongo-class. There's no way they'd put it at tier 8 or even at all in the tech tree.

How good is the Inertia Fuse captain's skill? It seems like a weird skill to my eyes, as it looks like it is just trying to turn HE into AP, when you could just use AP instead.

I meant tier 7, sorry.

>implying Richelieu wouldn't be nerfed into oblivion anyway regardless of the tier she ends up at
Wargaming needs to pander to the KM BB fanboys.

>[citation needed]
Seriously, this is wows: guns and armor mean jack shit because of damage game mechanics. Historical accuracy is irrelevant.

Very good on a select few ships. Usually the ones that have weird ammo calibers like Mogami, Kutuzov or Akizuki benefit from it the most.

So amd vega flopped and is weaker than a 1080 despite billing 300+ watts. And now patch 6.7 flopped, and now enterprise is going to flop.

Is warthunder the game that will save us all?

Asking because between the two top rated captain builds for the Akizuki, the main difference is that one skill.

I'd ask just how good it is on the Akizuki, but that's kind of a vague question. Looks like I'll be getting it since you named the exact ship I was thinking about.

>There's no way they'd put it at tier x
I envy your naiveté.

You make a fair point))))))

>I'd ask just how good it is on the Akizuki, but that's kind of a vague question. Looks like I'll be getting it since you named the exact ship I was thinking about.
All right, thought of a good question to ask:
Is it worth picking first, as in before advanced firing training?

We do NOT need more cock sucking babbies in the game

>Exceedingly few feminine penises
It's shit.

I have over 800 confirmed discord posts and I didn't make the list. What's so monstrous about ranking people anyway? It happens all the time.

Pay attention in school, I'm sure means will be coming up soon.

>Kill a French ship and have a decent game in a cruiser/gunbote DD
Not too bad desu. They're Battle Hardened camos, right? They're very good. Last week's 'do 15k to DDs and 45k to cruisers' was much worse.

Which one there is meant to be funny?

That the 'WTR Bracket' column has no relationship to the actual data.

>Nagato is the best tier 7.
Weeb delusion. You need to take a break from those animes son.

Just found out the T10 HMS conqueror is just fuck overpowered. Great rudder shift, great turret traverse, great guns, great heal and even radar. The fuck is WG even thinking? This just makes the Yamato and Montana look like crap.

Then what is the best T7 BB then?

>Hood is huge, has no armor, and is extremely easy to punish
>Scharnhorst and Gneisenau have a ton of superstructure to get full pens on and can't do shit to an angled Nagato
>Colorado is complete trash
Please, offer me your insights on how the Nagato is not the best tier 7 BB by a pretty wide margin.

it's not. she has no armor at all. she's a bitch ship. KGV is also performing horribly and nelson might be dropped to t6. lion is also horribad as she gets insta citadeled like conq because her citadel is so much higher than kgv. kgv is the only good one and she's being split up into 3 ships now

rate my RN BB line
>t6 nelson
>t7 KGV
>t8 KGV with 15in guns
>t9 KGV with 16in guns
>t10 KGV with 457mm guns

But isn't she a bit too manouverable for a BB? Also her citadel is greater than the Yamato's

It's between Scharnhorst (maybe Gneisenau if there are no DDs) and Colorado.

>Scharnhorst and Gneisenau largely impervious to IFHE and have strong bows
>Gneisenau overmatches Nagato's ends
>Colorado has better turret traverse, reload, turning circle and a monster heal
Like I said, weeb delusion.

No BB should be allowed to be agile. They were not agile in real life, so they shouldn't be agile in a game.

>not creating an all-KGV line parallel to the main BB line
user pls

yamato has a 50 meter better turning circle so no

Well, yes.

But design-wise, they were solid superdreadnoughts. Projected speed was around 23 knots, 300 mm belt.

And if nagato or colorado can be at that tier with 8 406 mm guns, 16 340mm guns should do just fine.

>Scharnhorst and Gneisenau largely impervious to IFHE and have strong bows
What they also have is just the right amount of armor to arm the fuses of Nagato shells from literally any angle.
>Gneisenau overmatches Nagato's ends
Kek, good luck overmatching a Nagato with such crap accuracy while losing 25k per minute from her return-fire
>Colorado has better turret traverse, reload, turning circle and a monster heal
You forgot to add "is incredibly easy to citadel and even outright delete"

At least we seem to agree on the Hood.

That's basically 4 kongos shooting at you at the same time.

>4 kongos shooting at you at the same time
Th-that's my fetish

Here's a quick rundown: youtu.be/szbpDXAzUJI

It's most powerful on ships with 150 mm to 154 mm guns (except KM CLs, because they have improved HE pen already), because it without it their HE can't pen 25 mm, but with it they can pen up to 32 mm plate, which is widely found from T8 up. It's also useful on ships with 155 mm to 192 mm guns that will see a lot of 32 mm plate. They can pen 25 mm already though. It's not worth it on ships with bigger guns because their HE pens all common armour already.

In general, if you find it easy to switch between HE and AP as appropriate you won't gain a huge amount from IFHE though.

Mogami gains the least out of all CLs from IFHE precisely because of her weird calibre.

>152 mm
>weird calibre
Possibly the most common main battery calibre in the game.

>Akizuki's standard HE pen: 17 mm
>Akizuki's IFHE pen: 22.10 mm
Now take a look at ships you'll be fighting for your life against with HE in the armour viewer.

>AFT on Akizuki

Because always feels the need to include postwar vehicles that they have to compete with.

>4 Kongos
>4 x 8 356 mm guns
>compared to 16 340 mm guns
Well yeah, not quite.

I will stop complaining once they give IJN DDs some actual guns.

If you include vehicles that were built in the 50s, you either end up with a tech tree that doesn't reach to that point in time, or you go into napkin territory.

Woah the Kirov is fun

Think Kirov maybe my favorite cruiser

>Also her citadel is greater than the Yamato's
If you mean it's better as in being harder to hit that's not saying much, the Yamato is by far the easiest T10 BB to citpen now that they've changed the Montana.

>Wargaming release RN ships while being dragged kicking and screaming
>Premiums the fuck out of the line before it even hits the drawing board
>People surprised when they make them shit tier

Come on we saw this coming. If the Russian loaned BB was in game at the same time as the British one you can bet it would be better and probably a tier up.

>waaaaah why my invisible romulan spaceship that shits nukes every minute doesn't also have yamato guns

Why the FUCK is +3 matchmaking while in division still a thing? This is clearly not the way it was meant to be played.

>every minute
>100+ seconds is a minute

>t. baBBie sliding along the map edge at 1/4 reverse with 4 fires and flooding

Reminder that all you have to do to castrate a DD is plant some fighters over him.

Reminder that EVERY class has anti-DD tools, but DDs are only good for killing BBs.

>haven't played bismarck in months
>decide to take her for a ride

>tier 6 ranked
>still no non-weeb Graf Spee available again

>you have competent CV every single match

Welcome to SEA server.

When is ranked?

I want german BB guns to stop sounding like shit.

>every minute
oh baby I WISH it was really every minute instead of 1:30-40 as it is right now. you baBBies don't know how good you have it now that old Minekaze is dead and gone.
>yamato guns
not really, just some extra peashooters, or faster reloading peashooters so gringo, commie and nazi DDs don't bitch slap us every time we try to cap contest

It's in two days hun

You can't always expect them to have fighters to spare

Stop loitering over clevelands and you wont have that problem unless you're in a bogue.

Because they know the strength of the Wehraboo dollar. Edgelords that need their "what if" vehicles to romanticize about a world where Germany won and they wouldn't be forced to work at A&W because jews.

>I can't wait for the tears of rage from the USN CV autists who had their jets taken away
>implying a banshee that was barely allowed to exceed its stall speed made sense to have in the game anyway

doolittle raid uss hornet with b25s when?

probably an op.
with a computer as hornet

>we don't want to release more premium CVs until the rework happens so we know they're balanced
>but here, have 3 premium CVs
So was removing manual drop from tier 4 and 5 the rework, or did Wargaming just realize their customers have more money than sense?