Cutest champion edition!
League of Legends General /lolg/
why does riot refuse to make a new tank champion?
not flashy enough so it doesnt sell?
L I T E R A L L Y averaging 9/3/6 per game for over 200 games
still in silver
This is why j4 sees pro play
>tfw 15 lp per win
my mmr is fucked but how do i fix it?
im winning a lot lately so i think there isnt much i can do
>Under level 30
>Every single game mode has ridiculous queue times
>AI games are found instantly
I get it logically, but I really just want some fucking mastery points n sheit
It's also why nunu jungle is so good
xth 4 Urgod
>S H O T G U N
>I N
>E A C H
>K N E E
sven,weaith king,arc warden,skywrath,earth shaker,kunkka,alchemist,chaos knight,abaddon,underlord,morphling,vengeful spirit
>why does riot refuse to make a new tank champion?
>last VGU was Galio which was basically a new champion over old Galio
So we're sticking with this shitty thread? Fine
xth for breast metal waifu
Naga siren
Vengeful spirit
Wraith King
Wisp(sort of memey but its been done)
These are just carry/support conversion, plenty more dota supports can be played in a "core" role and do great but these are the ones that can both support and be late game right clickers/carrys
There have also been competitive dota games where a carry champion hasnt been picked at all
>kayn gets fed
>pentakills your team
>says pic related
do you forgive his crimes /lolg/?
What are some notable Yorick counters that I should be wary of as a new Yorick one-trick?
>if you are auto attacking a dummy, you can still be considered afk
t-thanks riot
Sven definitely doesnt have the mana pool to support and skywrath cannot carry
Calling underlord a carry is a stretch and im pretty sure chaos knight support is also a stretch, same mana pool issue.
I did forget arc warden, kunkka and morphling
Earth shaker crit build is meme shit on par with AD/top bard(it technically works but no one seriously picks it)
You could do that on any tank though.
Tanks just got an entire class update plus Urgot is coming which is supposed to be a ranged Juggernaut
I've never seen anyone try to "support" with stealth assassin. Why not add Invoker to the mix. A trilane invoker can be pretty deadly.
Why dont you just play and see for yourself
So Sona is now a part cow vastayan who also has a Darkin instrument?
>It's another CertainlyT episode
every hero on that list has the potential to carry games though,maybe not in the traditional "me right click they die" way but still, and sven support was used not long ago in a competitive game by vp i think?
can someone explain this bullshit i dont get it
rev up those 200% ban rates my friends
goodbye for a few weeks kayn
There are EU VGs?
yes but the distance j4 can cover with eq flash ult is very far
j4 has insane engaging power
Itty bit of sustain when hitting creeps.
you can split your points between the two masteries on a tier by shift-clicking
It's a meme
My dude are you unaware? Pocket riki is a literal thing now, He goes around being an invisible dewarding and ganking asshole with OOV and then hops inside the initiator and backstabs everyone in an AOE
Lich's new talents also make him big carry material, He was also a mid destroyer with his creep sacrificing but now he scales too
I mean, all it takes to shut down a skywrath is a BKB/orchid and if skywrath is carrying those items WILL be bought and he cant do anything about that
Weird to see that, the guy literally cannot stun twice without chugging clarities and mango's though i guess with the regen shrines thats not too bed.
its a meme, i honestly dont see the point of hidden potential or whatever the fuck its name is, 9 ad and 18 ap at level 18 is fucking nothing
The life steal is quite nice just for splitting them like that
People sometimes split meditation and merciless for the mana regen too
>0% life steal and 10 AD
>1% life steal and 6 AD
I usually see 3/5 + 2/5 and not 1 + 4, but that looks more like a burst mage's who can get more value from the tiny bit of spell vamp/won't get much from life steal anyway.
Natural Talent's AD is pretty weak
not anymore
is it bad that i just fucking love rhaast's voice lines?
i practically came in my fucking pants when i heard the "Zed's dead, baby, Zed's dead" and "Nothing personnel, brother" lines
eh the talents helped him and there are items that fix his manaproblems, its just extremely risky to play him as a mid hero because hes so fucking squishy as you said, maybe as an offlaner and putting a support with him
> Bloodrazor Warwick has the highest winrate from all jungle enchantments
This feels so fucking weird.
>Zed's dead, baby
Oh my fucking yes
next thing you're going to tell is that you don't run 1% crit chance in runes
Cinderhulk kept losing health, thats why
>he doesnt play bloodrazor,pd,deaths dance warwick for maximum damage reduction
How BTFO can you get
If you don't really engage very often then you just want lifesteal to get back to full life when you auto waves rather than getting a ton of health back in a brawl. For those purposes, "A dab'll do ya."
>read patch notes
>shaco buffs
time to bring back the ol' shaco top
No, everyone loves Rhaast
I really hope he's not back or I'll have to start wasting my ban on that asshole just so I don't have to deal with his bullshit
>download patch
>new honor system isn't live
>how to ruin a great artwork, slap on mega cowtits
Maybe it looks ok to you faggots because its a drawing. Let me bring you back to reality.
Is Syndra a good pick right now? I'm thinking about her feet buying her.
> E does physical damage now because assassinbabs got too buttblasted seeing AP shaco on Blood Moon
oh god please tell me thats not the whore with the cancer ridden balloon tits
>make a champ whos able to be a tank and assasin
>why is there no new tank champ
Kayn is like an angsty edgy anime character, which is awful.
Rhaast is cheesy and cartoonishly edgy with the right mix of humor that makes him a lot more endearing.
She's been in a better spot in the past but she can still delete people.
new players should start at level 30 with a specialized "new player" flag for matchmaking until smurf detection goes off and the tutorial should be massively expanded
Wow faggot it's almost like everyone here knows 2D>3DPD who would have thought?
Can she carry me out of gold?
Rhaast's VA sounds a lot like Aurelion,even has the same sort of humor to their dialogue
really tempted to buy some RP and buy a chest and key
stop me please
You'll probably just get a champ shard or a awful skin shard for a champ you never use.
just do it goy
EARN it. At least you'll get better in the process.
enjoy getting a fucking champ shard.
>1.1k upvotes of leddit
>Riots "window" into their playerbase and what they hold as the "general consensus"
how long does she have doc?
I guess, probably easier wiith something else while you alt tab to fap to her feet.
first time playing ranked in ages
>reading league forums because i am that bored
>fiora nerf threat
>"Fiora doesnt need to be nerfed, your experience means nothing, youre a gold player i wouldnt be surprised if gold fioras use W for harass"
>Look up their rank
>gold 5
I am literally bamboozled, lads
What's the leblanc combo now?
w in e q passive proc ult q?
what makes lee sin so strong early?
>get outplayed in lane, enemy top 2v1s
>lowkey int so that I know I lose because I deserve it and hopefully we ff sooner
Am I a bad person? I don't like getting carried and winning games I don't deserve to win
Is udyr going to be in the meta again?
please tell thats the case, he one of my favorite champions back in the day.
Yes, just because you lost your lane doesnt mean you need to lose the game for the actual competent people on your team you mongoloid
I want to put a ring on her.
kayn is the kind of guy who touches and scars and then stars up at the midnight sky lamenting to himself about how "Darkness is the path I must take so that others may take the path of Light"
Rhaast is the kind of guy that disembowels someone and then yells "WHOS READY TO PARTY WITH UNCLE RHAAST?" before he throws his Scythe into someones face while metal music starts blaring
why wouldn't you want her reworked?
she had to be completely gutted because her kit was poorly designed and their attempts to make her viable without being broken are failing every time.
>we made an adc, who all naturally scale to be godlike late in the game just by the nature of what they do, and we have to make it really strong in the early game and mid game so they're effective junglers... that's weird why isn't this thing balance-able?
>Appear to be female
good one user
best way to earn chests without a premade?
i've not been able to get an S for like weeks aaaahhhhh!!!
If they deserve the win then they can carry regardless
What's the closest you'll get to pic related for a champion in this game, not memeing
Doubt it, his ganks are still shit and good luck 1v1ing a solo lane who is a level ahead of you.
Play it out and dodge enough to make up the difference.
So, here's my question, are Darkins just the living weapons that posses and takeover a body? Is Aatrox actually the weapon itself and the body is someone he/it possessed?
You can start by not thinking about sucking dick all the time you fucking fagtron
Play Annie and keep winning
>NA bronze guy removed me from discord cause i haven't played league in a few weeks
Any bronzies here want a free one or two wins right now? Pref
>Mfw only have Panda Annie and Frostfire Annie
>gets a chance to get a 1 second knockup 20 minutes into the game
Some korean autists calculated that if you run 1 vampyrism 4 natural talent with the exact setup of marks and quints as on pic related you have like 0,84AD less at lv1 but since lv3 you only have more and more. 0,1% of lifesteal is no difference and spellvamp is useless for an ADC but AP can be useful and so is the additional 0,6AS.
This setup is mathematically better even for champions that have 0 AP scalings and for those who do (especially on something they take at lv1 like ezreal Q) it is just straight up better in every possible way. The only reason not to use it is if you simply can't afford the necessary runes (2050 lifesteal quint 3x410 AS marks).
If you don't know how to assign single points use the scroll wheen while hovering the mastery.
Looks like it