>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Other urls found in this thread:
>the armor on Nameless is too thick!
Yeah, no.
This is an AP shot from an IS-3.
Non-shit tanks in the same tier can easily pen the upper plate if they aimed around the middle.
How do I know that all russians aren't all just druken bears?
>average pen on the IS-3 is 225mm
>can roll as high as 281mm of pen
You got a lucky pen with a tank with fantastic pen for its tier
Previous thread
The upper plate is easier to pen than people think, all you have to do is aim at the center where that I don't know what it's called circle thing is, that's where the 170mm-180mm plates are.
The armor relies on the tank's height so much so that if a tank is similarly tall on flat ground, the effective armor from aiming at the same turret height would easily be less than 210.
And if you load gold, the armor becomes irrelevant altogether, auto-aim and pen.
>210mm is easy to pen
>average Asia player
>the 170mm part of its upper plate is 210mm thick
truly a superior playerbase
best of both worlds?
>Lose lakeville because your teams heavies try and push valley against 3 arties while letting town fall undefended.
I thought we would be past this in rankeds.
Drunk bear would have better things to do than play this garbage, your average russian - not so much
post shit tanks
How exactly will WG change the armor mechanics that would allow OP tanks not be so OP anymore but also not make armor completely useless?
why change any mechanics? just change armor values, or penetration values
because they literally refuse to change a single thing about premium tanks, they'd rather change how armour works than nerf the defender
>While the Type 4&5 heavies will see some nerfs with the Maus, the Defender won’t be brought back for sale for a long time. At least not until some changes are made to armor mechanics.
They would rather change how armor works than change Defender's armor.
I know how to fix it
>nerf/buff everything that needs it, premium tanks included, on test server
>once satisfied with balance, release patch and soft wipe every account, with full refunds in xp, credits, gold
>put all the prem tanks for sale in the tech tree and let people pick whatever they want after the rebalance
>how to destroy your game overnight
they did 2 or 3 wipes in beta, nobody complained, rather the contrary
Maus is """nerfed"""
>In short, it’s role as an armored fortress will remain preserved, with the only real armor changes being to the bottom hull, going from a very incorrect 250mm to its original 50mm.
>From supertest, the key stat changes are:
Hit Points: 3200 ⟶ 3000
Reload Time: 12 sec. ⟶ 13.3 sec.
Rate of Fire: 5.214 ⟶ 4.705
DPM: 2,555 ⟶ 2305.3
>the only real armor changes being to the bottom hull, going from a very incorrect 250mm to its original 50mm
Maus confirmed for shit now.
Remove gold ammo.
Fire autistic employees.
who /league1elite/ here?
what are all the best derp gun tanks
japanese line
t67 nerf when
they're probably going to "rework" arty again at some point, and you'll get to keep the nerfed shit along with getting the "buffs" again
I'd heard removing stun and increasing splash radius so mouthbreathers can just hit rocks for 50 damage on camping lights and feel happy
>eurofags in charge of keeping the thread alive
>thread does
Not shocked really, considering how much they blubber about gold rounds
>blaming eurofags
>past midnight EU, americans just got off work
why is this general so fucking bad at time zones
He's talking about last thread
where can i pay someone to do my ranks?
just play the Maus or Type 5 while camping in the rear.
T67 is not OP.
>better than CJ and steve
How does it feel to be barely better than retarded germans?
The best derp gun in the entire game is on the American Tier IV Tank Destroyer.
The T40.
That 250mm bottom armor was actually pretty good against Type 4 & 5s who shoot under tanks to do significant splash damage. They did like 100 dmg compared to 600+ you can do on other tanks that way.
>page 10 again
Here's an idea: a regular MT with 194mm pen in tier 8.
With me so far? Now, this gun has no accuracy. Says 0.34 in paper but it's well over 99.99 in actual play.
Cool, now get it on a tank that has less camo than a superheavy and no armor. And if you want the top turret you'll get less than no gun depression.
>brilliant, Ivan
And thus was the TVP VTU born.
>german tank rebalance
>no tiger II armor buff
fuck you, wg.
Whatever happened to that tier 7 Tiger II?
still in the files, who knows if they'll put some cosmetic stuff on it and sell it as the 'knispel's tiger'
so don't use the top turret gosh!
Anyone think the 9.20 shit about the batchat is about it's 100mm gun?
If its shot speed wasn't slower than the tanks top speed it wouldn't be that bad
WG should add some tracks to the tiger II's top turret at the very least, just 5mm would stop every soviet heavy that looks at it from overmatching it.
if you want that play WT
The armor is so bad that the turret roof would barely be a buff.
It would still be penned in the turret face by basically any gun it faces. Hull front is also bad.
It needs a complete frontal armor buff.
oh it does, but at the very least the turret roof being overmatched should be fixed.
>stock leo
well this is horrible
I wont have time to play, and only t10s i got are 140 and is7
is there a mod to swap the tiger I for the 131/217? I really dislike long, unrealistics guns
Sadly bonds and bond equipment means that everyone with a Tier X is shitting up Ranked Battles for the rewards.
Source: I am a rank 2-3 shitter shitting up your Ranked Battles in my Maus because it's the only Tier X I own and I want my M41 90 to shoot even faster.
it's not really about historicity, extremely long guns look ugly/stupid, like that new 88/100 on the panther II.
Didn't the E-50 had a ridiculously large gun at some point too?
do you mean the 88/100? it still has it.
Newfag question: If I transfer a crew from one tank to another, do they keep their knowledge of both tanks or will I have to train them again if I want to move them back?
>will I have to train them again if I want to move them back?
This, unless one of those tanks is a premium if I recall.
Well, since WG is greedy as hell your crew loses their knowledge once they are retrained for another tank.
you have to retrain them, they only have 'knowledge' of one tank at a time.
except if you move them to a premium of the same class.
I figured that would be the case, thanks.
Is the IS-3 still tier 8 CW meta or has it been supplanted?
>tier 8 clan wars
>playing non-premium tanks
Which one is more OP, Liberte or Nameless?
Liberte has more effective armor on it's hull but it has a really thin cupola.
Frontally, the thinnest part of the Nameless is on the lower plate but it's easy to hide and can still bounce stuff if angled.
>The devs believe that the introduction of the recent high-performance premiums is the result of not communicating the ideas they wanted about making armor relevant to the game and bringing premium tanks on par with their tech-tree counterparts
>on par
patriot and defender took its place I'm pretty sure
liberté has paper cupola and shitty ass gun handling
nameless doesn't and can snap better than any other prem tank, also is more mobile, also has better DPM
liberte has a full 10 degrees gun depression and 12mm more penetration on regular rounds.
I hold germans in very high regard, so it's good!
>Is the IS-3 still tier 8 CW meta
Correct me if I'm wrong, these are the tech tree tier 8 heavies that aren't completely useless against premium tanks:
VK 100.01 P
Emil I
>Reskinned Canadian M4
>Earn ops for Pz. T-15, FCM Pak 40, British Sexton 1
>Premium Tier V Matilda (Defiance)
>Premium Tier VIII Charioteer (Vindicator)
>Ranked battles July 28-30.
Is it just me or is that Premium Charioteer equipped with the 20pdr? That MIGHT just be viable if they give it a ROF increase and PMM.
Also, are any of the 3 earn op tanks worth getting?
its a fucking exp piniata
>Also, are any of the 3 earn op tanks worth getting?
No. So far this year the only good earn ops have been the Fatherland and American Dream tanks. Bogatyr is okay if only for the crew.
Suppose I acquired enough points just by casual play (only tier III after all) to get one of the 3 though: would you recommend any of them?
>T-34-85M marathon
No. Tier 3 isn't that difficult matter no what tank you're in. If a tank isn't at least 6 it doesn't matter to me. Lower tiers don't earn enough credits or XP.
But free tanks, user.
So only the other three then.
On the WoT wiki, why does the Battle Tier rating go all the way to 11 even though there are no tier XI tanks?
its still from back in the days when there were MM over +2, basically all tier 10 matches had a battle tier rating of 11
What's the best tech tree premium?
How do I use the obj 416? I'm really thrown off by not having a fully rotating turret
Either Lowe or 112
It's literally a redline damage farming tank
sit in the back and abuse your camo/skill shells
a t8-t10 match is battle tier 10
a game with only t9s and t10s is battle tier 11
a full t10 game is battle tier 12
Why doesn't the battle tier rating go to 12 then?
we don't talk about battle tier 12
>yellows in charge of answering CW questions
This game is dying and it's because of weeb tanks.
because they haven't released them yet
They have on console.
vive la france putain
If you're not playing the console version you're not living your life correctly.